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Temple+ Support


Nov 2, 2006
The Swamp
The spell 'Vampiric Touch' doesn't seem to work correctly. It does the damage it's supposed to, but my wizard isn't gaining any temporary hitpoints. Is this a known bug?

Also, charmed enemies will still wake up enemies affected by Sleep/Deep Slumber.

Sitra Achara

Sep 1, 2003
Codex 2012 Codex 2013 Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
- fight defensively, combat expertise and reckless offense can be switched on and off even after attacking
For fight defensively and combat expertise at least, the effect should still apply even after you switch it off (there's code that explicitly handles this). Are you saying it doesn't?
Reckless Offense I'm not sure about.
Yes, at least that's what I see in the roll history. I can make a full attack or a standard attack, then either switch on or off the feats and I can change the effects during the opponent's round. I checked power attack while I was at it and it's affected as well.
In order to keep acting after an attack I changed these preferences in-game:
End Turn with Time Remaining -> never
End turn after Default Action -> disabled
Alright should be fixed for Combat Expertise, Fight Defensively and Reckless Offense.
Power Attack doesn't give you an advantage in this regard (I guess maybe for AoOs, or changing in the middle of Full Attacks, but is that forbidden by the rules?)


Apr 20, 2016
Hi good day everyone, I'm having an error concern.

Here's my details:
1. Installed GOG ToEE
2. Activated the Co8 8.1.0 NC through the TFE-X
3. Installed Temple+ v1.0.84

When I start Temple+, I'm having this error:

Then when I play the game and start to create a character it crashes on selecting "Portraits", this shows up.

I've attached the dump files on email and sent it to templeplushelp@gmail.com

Dr. Bak

Apr 21, 2016
Alright should be fixed for Combat Expertise, Fight Defensively and Reckless Offense.
Power Attack doesn't give you an advantage in this regard (I guess maybe for AoOs, or changing in the middle of Full Attacks, but is that forbidden by the rules?)
Precisely. Power Attack affects AdOs. A tripper with Combat Reflexes might want to cancel the PA penalty at the end of its turn to have a higher chance to stunlock enemies that pass by.
Rules-wise, it's not possible to make adjustments in-between attacks since the feat can only be used before you start attacking in that round. (some other reference)
Not that I consider it a big deal btw.

(Slightly relevant curiosity: Power Attack can be used during a Charge, as it is appropriately worded to do so. This can't be said about Combat Expertise, Fight Defensively and Reckless Offense, since they all require a standard Attack or a Full Attack action to be performed.)

- the extra attack from improved trip doesn't trigger while prone
What do you mean by that exactly? Is that the scenario when you're counter-tripped?
You got it right. Characters can make trip attacks while being prone (e.g. after you get counter-tripped or you slipped over a grease puddle) but if that character has Improved Trip he doesn't follow with the extra attack granted by the feat.

Dr. Bak

Apr 21, 2016
GoG, Co8 8.1.0 Standard, T+ 1.0.84

- combat expertise can be used while in a Barbarian Rage
- unarmed attacks provoke AdOs from other adjacent foes besides the target (Ref.)
- disabled characters cannot withdraw, although they should be able to do it before fainting (Ref.)
- tripping using the key shortcut doesn't always work

When an item gets dragged and dropped over another (that doesn't stack), it "hides behind" the item in place. It can't be retrieved unless the item on top is removed from that slot.
This happens only with containers (chests and barrels), it doesn't happen while looting corpses or while browsing the inventory.
I don't recall this behaviour happening in vanilla. I suspect it's been introduced with Co8.

Speaking of Co8, I don't know if it's right to report it here but it's enough of an inconvenience to be worth mentioning.
Magic Iems are affected in all sorts of ways if left in an extraplanar chest after being dismissed and resummoned:
Crafted magic weapons and armors become non-magic, or revert back to their original enchantment.
Rings and wondrous items regain their charges and uses per day.
Wands, rods and staves just plainly disappear.

Thank you for your previous fixes :D

Sitra Achara

Sep 1, 2003
Codex 2012 Codex 2013 Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
GoG, Co8 8.1.0 Standard, T+ 1.0.84

- combat expertise can be used while in a Barbarian Rage
- unarmed attacks provoke AdOs from other adjacent foes besides the target (Ref.)
- disabled characters cannot withdraw, although they should be able to do it before fainting (Ref.)
- tripping using the key shortcut doesn't always work

When an item gets dragged and dropped over another (that doesn't stack), it "hides behind" the item in place. It can't be retrieved unless the item on top is removed from that slot.
This happens only with containers (chests and barrels), it doesn't happen while looting corpses or while browsing the inventory.
I don't recall this behaviour happening in vanilla. I suspect it's been introduced with Co8.

Speaking of Co8, I don't know if it's right to report it here but it's enough of an inconvenience to be worth mentioning.
Magic Iems are affected in all sorts of ways if left in an extraplanar chest after being dismissed and resummoned:
Crafted magic weapons and armors become non-magic, or revert back to their original enchantment.
Rings and wondrous items regain their charges and uses per day.
Wands, rods and staves just plainly disappear.
The EP chest thing is clearly stated in the note you find when it's initially summoned. The underlying technical reason is that it maintains a list of items that are created anew every time you summon the chest, so it can't save the crafted enchantments. Wands and such are destroyed so you don't abuse it to replenish their charges.

Tripping: can you provide exact reproduction steps?

Dr. Bak

Apr 21, 2016
The EP chest thing is clearly stated in the note you find when it's initially summoned. The underlying technical reason is that it maintains a list of items that are created anew every time you summon the chest, so it can't save the crafted enchantments. Wands and such are destroyed so you don't abuse it to replenish their charges.
Oof, I should have tried to read that note at least.
Tripping: can you provide exact reproduction steps?
Ok, I think I'm able to reproduce it often enough now. Here they are.


Oct 9, 2016
Noticed the doughnut shape when using a long spear. Nice.

Hovering over an enemy bugbear with a greatsword showed the same doughnut. Weird.


Oct 9, 2016
I got in a fight with a groaning spirit, with the 1.85 version. Remove Fear still doesn't work, but this time I didn't get the buff icon above the character portrait when my bard used it on another feared character. Oddly enough, the groaning spirit cast fear twice, and characters affected by the second fear didn't run. It was odd.

Also, thank you for making Temple Plus, but that probably belongs in a different thread.

Edit: Tested again on the Balor Guardian. Still no effect.
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Oct 9, 2016
I took practiced spellcaster (+4 caster level) with pishella at level 1 sorc / level 5 wizard. I was expecting the sorcerer spells to be cast at level 5, so 3 missiles for arcane missiles, but I've noticed no change.

Edit: Her wizard caster level went up by one, so I guess it's just the highest level class?
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Sitra Achara

Sep 1, 2003
Codex 2012 Codex 2013 Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
Noticed the doughnut shape when using a long spear. Nice.

Hovering over an enemy bugbear with a greatsword showed the same doughnut. Weird.
Yeah, for some reason that bugbear has a special greatsword with reach. Go figure.


Oct 9, 2016
Yeah but he should just have a big circle, able to hit his enemies near him, unlike the a longspear wielder.

Edit: Or no reach. That would probably make more sense.
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Jul 20, 2016
Hi Sitra,

My findings below are related to trip attacks, and to the touch attack part of the maneuver to be precise.

I did some testing (using latest version 1.0.85 with Co8 new content) with some of the weapons that can be used to effect that maneuver without incuring an attack of opportunity (that seems to work fine!) as well as with other weapons.

I've noticed two things.
Edit: just found out that the issue is opened in GitHub tracker under #625 https://github.com/GrognardsFromHell/TemplePlus/issues/625
First, weapon focus bonus is not applied on the touch attack when attacking with weapons that allow the trip maneuver. Masterwork or enhancement bonus is also not applied.

Per PnP rules, « Some weapons, including the spiked chain, dire flail, heavy flail, light flail, guisarme, halberd, and whip, [they forgot the sickle and the scythe here, NdR] can be used to make trip attacks. In this case, you make a melee touch attack with the weapon instead of an unarmed melee touch attack, and you don’t provoke an attack of opportunity. »

So, with these specific weapons, the touch attack is done with the weapon, it is not an unarmed touch attack, so I think that a particularly skilled character with such a weapon should have his weapon focus bonus applied when attempting to trip an opponent. The more skilled, the more efficient in anything with his favorite weapon.
There are no words on PnP rules that indicate if the masterwork or enhancement bonus should be applied, and I'm not sure that it is coherent as the weapon is not used to deal damage, which is its primary goal.

The second thing I've noticed is that it is possible to make a trip attack with any polearm, not only with the guisarme, without incuring an attack of opportunity. Per the rules, only the hook-shaped guisarme can be used to this effect, but you can do it with a glaive or a long spear as well, and as you are 10 feet away from your opponent, you do not provoke an AoO (unless he also has reach?: not tested).

Here it is. I guess that you implemented some sort of "no AoO when tripping" with sickle, flails, etc, and that it would maybe be tricky and time consuming to have the trip combat maneuver rewrited to work differently with trip weapons. Especially as your free time has been reduced lately. Anyway, I decided that I'd let you know of my findings.

Have a nice easter day!
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Jul 20, 2016
Bug Report: Ver. GoG, Co8 8.1.0 Standard, T+ 1.0.84
- monks, paladins and rogues at creation gain bonus feats and class features as if they already reached 2nd level - Fixed 1.0.85
Not fixed in v1.0.85 for monks. Fixed for paladins and rogues.
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Dec 19, 2012
I'm starting my first real playthrough of TOEE. Every other attempt has never made it past the character creation screen.

I'm trying the most 'vanilla' experience possible, with CO8 8.1.0 Standard and Temple+ 1.0.91 running. Any idea why the 'Reach Weapons Hit Adjacents' house rule would disable itself whenever I launched Temple+? I can't get the setting to stick. Is there a console command or config file to enforce this setting? Any other house rule I've turned on to test will remain enabled when I launch the game, but the Reach Weapon setting disables itself every time.

I suppose it's not the biggest deal and would give me a reason to have some weapon variety in my party rather than exploiting reach weapons, so if I'm stuck without using the house rule I'll live.

Sitra Achara

Sep 1, 2003
Codex 2012 Codex 2013 Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
I'm starting my first real playthrough of TOEE. Every other attempt has never made it past the character creation screen.

I'm trying the most 'vanilla' experience possible, with CO8 8.1.0 Standard and Temple+ 1.0.91 running. Any idea why the 'Reach Weapons Hit Adjacents' house rule would disable itself whenever I launched Temple+? I can't get the setting to stick. Is there a console command or config file to enforce this setting? Any other house rule I've turned on to test will remain enabled when I launch the game, but the Reach Weapon setting disables itself every time.

I suppose it's not the biggest deal and would give me a reason to have some weapon variety in my party rather than exploiting reach weapons, so if I'm stuck without using the house rule I'll live.
Oops! Will issue a hotfix soon...


Glory to Ukraine
Nov 16, 2012
I'm starting my first real playthrough of TOEE. Every other attempt has never made it past the character creation screen.

I'm trying the most 'vanilla' experience possible, with CO8 8.1.0 Standard and Temple+ 1.0.91 running. Any idea why the 'Reach Weapons Hit Adjacents' house rule would disable itself whenever I launched Temple+? I can't get the setting to stick. Is there a console command or config file to enforce this setting? Any other house rule I've turned on to test will remain enabled when I launch the game, but the Reach Weapon setting disables itself every time.

I suppose it's not the biggest deal and would give me a reason to have some weapon variety in my party rather than exploiting reach weapons, so if I'm stuck without using the house rule I'll live.
Skip Hommlet. Don't even try.

Sorry for offtop, but had to be said.
Dec 19, 2012
I'm starting my first real playthrough of TOEE. Every other attempt has never made it past the character creation screen.

I'm trying the most 'vanilla' experience possible, with CO8 8.1.0 Standard and Temple+ 1.0.91 running. Any idea why the 'Reach Weapons Hit Adjacents' house rule would disable itself whenever I launched Temple+? I can't get the setting to stick. Is there a console command or config file to enforce this setting? Any other house rule I've turned on to test will remain enabled when I launch the game, but the Reach Weapon setting disables itself every time.

I suppose it's not the biggest deal and would give me a reason to have some weapon variety in my party rather than exploiting reach weapons, so if I'm stuck without using the house rule I'll live.
Oops! Will issue a hotfix soon...

Tried some older builds of Temple+, I don't believe it's been working for awhile.

Not a big deal, though. I ended up just pushing forward and a lot of the common advice I've read online of 'just give everyone reach weapons and whirlwind' seemed pretty boring.

Specced my two fighters into spiked chain / greatsword and so far I'm having a great time- actually glad the feature was disabled so I can play the game properly. Just cleared the moathouse and king frog I've always heard so much about.

Thank you for your work on this


Mar 11, 2023
Just wondering how, if possible, would I be able to edit the ECL settings for the additional races that have been added? Or, how I might be able to modify those races / create my own?


Mar 11, 2023
So, it would seem that the Waterside Hostel in Nulb is not entirely stable. Most of the time when I enter and Dala the pickpocket comes up to me, the game ends up crashing. However, when ever I try to talk to her, the game crashes every time. I am unfamiliar with how to upload all of the files needed, so if someone could help me out with that, I would be very grateful. As long as I have no contact with Dala, I am able to continue playing the game. But every time I have contact with her, I end up crashing.

I am also sending this to TemplePlusHelp@gmail.com.

Sitra Achara

Sep 1, 2003
Codex 2012 Codex 2013 Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
So, it would seem that the Waterside Hostel in Nulb is not entirely stable. Most of the time when I enter and Dala the pickpocket comes up to me, the game ends up crashing. However, when ever I try to talk to her, the game crashes every time. I am unfamiliar with how to upload all of the files needed, so if someone could help me out with that, I would be very grateful. As long as I have no contact with Dala, I am able to continue playing the game. But every time I have contact with her, I end up crashing.

I am also sending this to TemplePlusHelp@gmail.com.
Hi, sorry for the late reply, I've fallen into the chess rabbit hole...

Unfortunately I couldn't reproduce the issue with the saves you sent - I enter the hostel and can talk to Dala normally. The crash dumps are sadly without any relevant information.

Do you have any other crash logs? The file names should match the dmp file.

Something else to try is turning on Dump Full Memory on Crash option in the House Rules -> Dev tab. This will produce a very large file however, so you will need to upload it to some third party site such as filemail.com (you can also zip it, should reduce it to about 50MB IIRC).


Mar 11, 2023
Going to try and send the larger file through the email. I am entirely unfamiliar with sharing sites, so I'll zip it and see what happens. This time, I saved the game outside of the Waterside, entered, Dala did her pickpocket thing, I went to talk to her, and boom. So, email is on its' way.

Email wouldn't let me send it, so the large file is coming via Filemail.com as you suggested. The rest through my email.
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Barely Literate
Apr 8, 2023
After some years I went trough ToEE again. Like last few times with CoE 8.1 (new content), and temple+ (1.0.91 this time). Game played beautifully, with practically zero bugs. Until almost the end. In conversation with Pishella I cannot destroy the golden orb. I have 2 instances of each: gust of wind scroll(one found and one crafted), fireball scroll(both crafted), holy water(bought and crafted) and masterwork maul(bought and found). And the only options in conversation are the same as before you have all those items.
Obviously, I have all 4 elemental gems inserted into the golden orb.
I am well aware that it is not all that hard to beat the game without destroying the orb, but I would still like to do it "the right way". Is there any solution to this problem?


Sep 6, 2022
After some years I went trough ToEE again. Like last few times with CoE 8.1 (new content), and temple+ (1.0.91 this time). Game played beautifully, with practically zero bugs. Until almost the end. In conversation with Pishella I cannot destroy the golden orb. I have 2 instances of each: gust of wind scroll(one found and one crafted), fireball scroll(both crafted), holy water(bought and crafted) and masterwork maul(bought and found). And the only options in conversation are the same as before you have all those items.
Obviously, I have all 4 elemental gems inserted into the golden orb.
I am well aware that it is not all that hard to beat the game without destroying the orb, but I would still like to do it "the right way". Is there any solution to this problem?
You know, I encountered this problem as well last time I played Toee.
Just couldn't get the option to destroy the Orb. Strange.

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