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Temple+ Support

Sitra Achara

Sep 1, 2003
Codex 2012 Codex 2013 Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015

  1. Download & Run the setup
    From the link above, get TemplePlusSetup.exe and run it.
    This installs Temple+ and the Configuration utility, including Start Menu shortcuts.

    Once the installation finishes, it will automatically run the Configuration utility. Select your ToEE folder and make sure there's a green check sign next to the DLL version, and that the DLL version is indeed correct (Patch 2, GoG or Co8 depending on what you chose).

  2. For Co8 users:

    Temple+ is compatible with Co8 8.1.0 (NC & Standard).

    However you should NOT use the Co8 Front-End except to activate the Co8 modpack once (if you haven't already). i.e. you should only use the Front End to deploy the Co8 files and not run the game, since it will run toee.exe and not templeplus.exe.

  3. Running the game:
    When installing for the first time, just click "Launch" in the Temple+ Configuration utility.

    Afterwards, you should just run it from your start menu.

Reporting Issues
Supplement the description of your issue with the following information to facilitate a swift resolution of your problem!

Please send files to templeplushelp@gmail.com or upload them to a file-hosting service such as wikisend.com.

Sending savegames:
The files are located in your ToEE folder, under modules\ToEE\Save\.
Make sure to include all the relevant files! Example:
slot0002[save name].gsi (where [save name] is replaced with the name of your save game)

Click here for detailed instructions:
  1. Describe your configuration
    what Temple+ build are you using? Are you using the Co8 modpack, GoG version, or something else?

  2. Post the log file
    Temple+ generates a log file whenever you run the game.

    The file is located at:
    C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Saved Games\TemplePlus

    Where <USERNAME> is your Windows username.

    Make a copy of the log file immediately after an issue occurs!

    Otherwise, if you start the game again after the problem has occurred, it will overwrite the log file and then it will be of no use to us.

  3. Reproduction steps
    How did the bug happen? What actions did you take before? Were you doing anything out of the ordinary?

  4. Crash Dump File
    If the game crashes, it will create a dump file and a popup message containing the file name. Please upload this file. It is also critical to upload the log or at least inform us which version you are using in this case!

  5. Attach a save game demonstrating the problem
    This is usually really helpful and saves us precious time in trying to reproduce the bug, especially when it's a bug that occurs under very specific circumstances. See Instructions For Uploading a Save.

  6. Attaching files
    If you are a new user here, you will need to upload to an outside service (such as Wikisend.com). Veteran users can just attach it to their post.
Supported Configurations
Temple+ aims to support the following ToEE versions:
  • Original CD-ROM version with Patch 2 applied
  • GoG version (which uses the Moebius DLL so it is probably equivalent to Co8 3.0.4)
  • Co8 8.1 (Standard & NC)
However, it should be noted that most of the testing has been conducted with the Co8 mod. Personally I recommend it because it also fixes a lot of bugs, and the Standard edition is reasonably free of new fanmade content if that bothers you.

You can safely load and continue playing savegames made without Temple+. The opposite is not true.

Supported operating systems
  • Win 7 or newer.
    Win XP is not supported and will not work.
  • Linux with Wine might work ;)
    For Wine users: If the installer does not work for you, try downloading the release directly from here. See this thread for more instructions.
Hardware requirements
We're not sure of the exact minimum, but your GPU should at least support Pixel Shader 3.0. This is not a guarantee however, as some users reported being unable to run with NVidia GT9600m and GTS 250.
If yours does not, you can try using an older version of Temple.

Supporterd Resolutions
Up to 1920x1200 has been confirmed ok.
4K resolution will cause the game to crash.
Resolutions in between have not been tested yet.

The game checks for updates while in the main menu. It will automatically download & install them in the background.

You then have to restart your game for it to take effect.


Common Issues & Solutions

Crash on Startup

  • Make sure your DirectX installation is up to date. (Temple+ uses DX 11.1)
    DirectX download: https://support.microsoft.com/kb/179113

  • Do you have an integrated GPU?
    If so, try turning off Anti Aliasing in the Configuration utility.

    Also, please make sure your GPU at least supports pixel shader 3.0. Some older or budget GPUs do not.
    You can download an older version of Temple+ if that is the case. Make sure to disable automatic updates.

  • If the game crashes on startup during the loading phase, after the "loading bar" is full, try launching the game as an administrator.

  • If you've created a shortcut to the Temple+ app manually, make sure it is up to date (e.g. that it is not obsolete due to an update).
Update your Anti-virus definitions
Game doesn't get updated
  • Are you using the file you downloaded - TemplePlusSetup.exe - to run the game each time? If so, don't do that! You only need to run that once. Afterwards, use the shortcut from the main menu instead.
  • If you've created a shortcut to the Temple+ app manually, make sure it is up to date (e.g. that it is not obsolete due to an update).
Can't find the Start Menu shortcut
  • The installation creates a "Temple+" folder in your Start Menu. Look carefully :)
    If you still can't find it, open up a folder, and type into the bar:

    %appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Temple+

    The shortcut should be there, and you can copy it to your desktop.
Game hangs on startup
  • Try disabling automatic updates in the configurations.

Known Issues

See issue tracker. And this thread of course :)

Additional Stuff

Some helpful testing utilities:
from t import *
Loads up the test module I've written. Contains various useful functions such as:
kuf() - kills unfriendlies nearby (this includes innocent bystanders however, so be careful!)
fnn() - creates a list of nearby critters along with their name IDs and other info
fnn('NPCNAME') - gets a handle on an npc whose name contains 'NPCNAME'. E.g. fnn('tolub') will get a handle on Tolub if you're in the Nulb tavern.
quickstart(N) - shortcut for getting up to certain stage in the game, where N is between 0-6. Sets up some useful things like green tent in the Welcome Wench, gives you some equipment, etc.
uberize() - uberizes your party. Variants include uberizeminor() and uberizemajor().
t() - sends your party to Hommlet, uberizes them and gives them kickass gear.
It also speeds up your running speed according to speedup.ini.

Testing Archive


Thanks for testing!
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Barely Literate
Nov 16, 2016
My Lamia summoned from figurine has somehow permanently charmed a human temple guard. The guy is invisible and does nothing. How can I remove him?


Feb 28, 2016
Dumb Assassins and PrC Casters Miss Out On Spells
I'm allowed to enter Assassin as a character with less than 11 INT. (Maybe it's lax rules.) Doing so means things work as normal until the Spells area. He can learn no spells that level.

However, if the character gains INT so he would be able to cast spells of the appropriate level, his spell picks are not retroactive. Thus, if a character goes Assassin2 with 10 INT then Assassin3 with 14 INT, he gets 2 spell picks of level 2, but never learns the level 1 spells he would have gained from Assassin1 & 2.


Oct 18, 2016
Also my magic domain cleric 6 / fighter 1 casts lvl 5 shield scroll with a duration of 50, so it's actually not being cast at half level.

And finally (while not being directly temple+ related), ghoul touch doesn't allow a save for it's paralysis effect. This seems like a rules misinterpretation to me. Being able to paralyze a hill giant with fort +15 no save seems kinda op for a lvl 2 spell that doesn't even care what your caster level is.
Fixed v1.0.43
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Mar 12, 2017
How do I attach files? I just got a crash trying to cast mordenkainen's sword and I can't figure out how to attach the saves and dump and stuff
Here's the log though


Deleted the log transcript from the discussion because it was breaking the page. I still have it though if someone will tell me hoe to attach it properly
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Mar 12, 2017
Mordenkainen's Sword also has an issue in general where it will frequently fail to actually appear when the spell is cast


Feb 28, 2016
Trolls and Hill Giants, when made as new characters, don't display their level adjustment in their racial stat area. (For example, a Hill Giant says it gets +14 STR, -2 DEX, etc. but no mention of LA.)
Fixed v1.0.65

I'm unsure if you included racial HD for these races, but the initial character creation interface didn't allow picking of feats and skills as if the creature had more than 1 total HD.
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Feb 28, 2016
-I can't use DM mode in full screen mode since I can't scroll far enough to the left to click on the DM tabs (Fudge Rolls, etc.)

-It's called 'Pick Pocket' on the Skill Focus screen but 'Sleight of Hand' everywhere else. These names refer to the same skill, and 'Sleight of Hand' is its 3.5 name.

-(Co8) Burne still has a modified scroll of suggestion in his starting inventory, but it was merely renamed dominate monster (and can't be added to a Wizard's repertoire) and the real dominate monster is a separate spell, seemingly with a separate entry, and each can be learned, though, again, only one spell is 'real.'

-(Co8) Expressing hostility toward the initial shop's 'Game Portal' causes the game to softlock due to combat. (I tested this with grease by accident.)

-Unlike previously reported, a Favored Soul's Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, etc. DO work as prereqs for other things. Good job implementing that!

-Creatures of the Giant type (like Trolls and Hill Giants) should be proficient with all Simple and Martial Weapons and with some armor. This is currently untrue.
Fixed v1.0.69

-Creatures of the Outsider type should be proficient with all martial weapons (which Aasimar are, at least), but also should be proficient with whatever armor and shields mentioned in their entry. This armor/shield proficiency is more debatable since the sample Aasimar Warrior wears Medium armor and a heavy shield.
Aasimar proficient with martial weapons as of v1.0.68

-LE Intro: Before talking to any of the Hextorites, starting a fight with them (with winning optional) doesn't automatically move the group to Hommlet like with the TN and LN intros.
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Sitra Achara

Sep 1, 2003
Codex 2012 Codex 2013 Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
I've cleared out the Moathouse and Brother Smyth has given me the quest to open his chest and while the chest appears, I can't interact with it at all. I've tried reloading, switching areas, and turning it off and on again but it remains unclickable. I'm running 1.0.66 and I've uploaded the save and logs to here:

Strange. I'll have to investigate how that happened, but in the meantime you can fix this by using the console (bring it up by pressing shift + ~).

Select a character, make it stand next to the chest and type:
a = game.obj_list_vicinity(game.leader.location, OLC_CONTAINER)
a[0].radius = 31
a[0].height = 15


Feb 28, 2016
Duergar (1.0.73):
-Automatically proficient with Dwarven War Axe. Should only treat it as martial.


Aug 22, 2016
Trapped in a bioform
Not sure where to report this bug, but I generated a duregar PC and when viewing him in the list of characters to add to my party, as well as viewing his character information screen, his race was denoted as "Dwarf". Shouldn't there be different texts to display for the character race for the new playable races instead?


Aug 13, 2017
normal size Rapier lacks the tag to use it with little people weapon finesse, all little people rogues are sad. glad it was done away with in later versions of the rules. Ive found one tiny weapon halfway through the game.

Btw, if dwarves gain proficiency with d. war axe, all halflings should gain proficiency with halfling siangham. Its a small knife...geez lol. Otherwise, youre pretty much stuck with daggers unless you want to spend feats.
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Jun 18, 2016
I just did the battle against the Balor Guardian in the Fire Node. Strange thing was that the 12th level Paladin was affected by Fear for most of the encounter. Will send a save file. Two PCs died in the battle as a result.

Dr. Bak

Apr 21, 2016
I 'm forwarding some issues that have been sent to me:

-Crash report
ToEE GoG + Co8 + TPlus 1.0.77

Reproduction steps
Game often crashes after changing area, either travelling, exiting buildings or teleporting

Attaching files (dmp, log and the latest savegame used before the crash)
-Enlarge person seems to stack with righteous might
-All rods list Craft Magic Arms and Armor in their prerequisites [EDIT: I checked it myself and it's actually not a bug]
-Potions can target other concious characters. Legal targets are supposed to be the user (standard action) or unconcious creatures (full round actions) [EDIT: I just realized it's intentional. Here is some good rationale behind the idea]

Thanks for the recent updates! :hug:
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Sitra Achara

Sep 1, 2003
Codex 2012 Codex 2013 Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
I 'm forwarding some issues that have been sent to me:

-Crash report
ToEE GoG + Co8 + TPlus 1.0.77

Reproduction steps
Game often crashes after changing area, either travelling, exiting buildings or teleporting

Attaching files (dmp, log and the latest savegame used before the crash)
-Enlarge person seems to stack with righteous might
-All rods list Craft Magic Arms and Armor in their prerequisites
-Potions can target other concious characters. Legal targets are supposed to be the user (standard action) or unconcious creatures (full round actions)

Thanks for the recent updates! :hug:

I'm afraid the files got lost in the shuffle... do you still have them perchance?


Feb 28, 2016
Rogue special abilities (Improved Evasion, Crippling Strike, etc.) should list Rogue10 as a prereq instead of none.


Apr 12, 2021
I am using temple+ 1.0.84. I have read under the Co8 page that looting after the drinking contest is a problem. When I first went through using 1.0.84, I could only loot Kobort of the 4 contest participants. Since then, I can loot all of them. I have no idea what changed. Maybe this could help. The first time, when you tried to loot the other 3, you got dialog instead of their items.


Apr 12, 2021
I have defeated Zuggtmoy...The problem I found was that I entered the interdicted level...Killed the fungi in the room...Walked around where Zuggtmoy shows up and the entire map was shown...I then left and came back and the map was hidden in a couple of places where I had already walked. I am using the default screen size for my computer (1900 by 1080), Temple+ 1.0.84, and Co8 8.1.0. I think it did the same thing just before the Zuggtmoy fight but I haven't gone back to see if that is true...I am in Verbobonc now.


Feb 28, 2016
Sitra Achara
Greetings, Sitra!

Practiced Spellcaster (Divine) on a multiclass Cleric also gives domain bonus spell slots but no higher level spells. (Thus, a Cleric1/Wizard8 with Practiced Spellcaster (Divine) has level 1-3 domain slots due to the feat but only level 1 domain spells known.) Since domain spells are divine spells, I was disappointed when I couldn't use this trick for early entry into Mystic Theurge (Cleric1/arcane caster 3 or 4/MT afterward). There was
Fixed 1.0.85 (i.e. will no longer get the domain slots)

Domain spells also seemingly don't work with metamagic. I tried applying Extend Spell to a domain spell and got a blank space with a "+Apply Metamagic" effect.

I used Co8 NC, T+, ShiningTed's domain spells mod, IcyDemon's textures mod, and other mods that shouldn't mechanically matter.


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Dr. Bak

Apr 21, 2016
Now that's a strange one. It's related to Burne's inventory - for some reason it's all null.
Do you happen to know if there was any history with Burne, such as taking him on an adventure?
I guess I can fix the crash itself by treating the symptom, but I'd like to know how that came to be in the first place...

I can't tell for sure, not being a paythrough of mine. The player never recruited any NPC as far as I know. Hopefully is an isolated case.

Dr. Bak

Apr 21, 2016
So, I got back to the game again and here are some of the issues I managed to verify.

Bug Report: Ver. GoG, Co8 8.1.0 Standard, T+ 1.0.84

- monks, paladins and rogues at creation gain bonus feats and class features as if they already reached 2nd level - Fixed 1.0.85
- fight defensively, combat expertise and reckless offense can be switched on and off even after attacking - Fixed 1.0.85
- spending a standard action to use a magic item doesn't break concentration (any standard action should)
- opening the inventory sometimes breaks concentration
- Lareth is immune to hold person during the moathouse encounter - NAB
- brigand leader barbarian rage breaks fascinate (moathouse encounter at the back of the hall)
- bard's fascinate and suggestion work on undeads
- bard can't perform a suggestion if her daily uses of bardic performance reaches zero - Fixed 1.0.85
- calm emotions doesn't remove the confused condition from the targets
- creatures with blinded, panicked, calmed, flatfooted condition or in total defense still threaten the area around them
- characters that "hold the charge" don't threaten the area around them (Ref.)
- the extra attack from improved trip doesn't trigger while prone
- CTD if you choose to temporarily leave all your party at the inn (yeah I know :D)
- here's a savegame where the giant crayfish encounter got stuck - Fixed 1.0.85
- here's a savegame where the moathouse bandit encounter got stuck - Fixed 1.0.85 (added failsafe, also Lareth script issue that might have caused it)

Other minor problems:
- stinking cloud tooltip says sickened instead of nauseated
- animal trance tooltip says stunned instead of fascinated
- chill touch tooltip says frightened instead of panicked (when used against undeads)
- missed trip touch attacks are not reported in the roll history

EDIT: added blinded
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