Dawn_ 14 minutes ago
I wonder how it is even possible for a single person to be harassing a whole forum..
Anyway you got it backward. They made a negative article about a game i was backing, i just said on the comments section of the game to the creator that it should take it easy.
My comments got copy/paste on their foum and got bashed there, i tried to defend myself by contacting the admi who copy paste my answer and i got again bashed there..then on several campaign i was their members came at me isulting me and making me leave several campaigns.
So, indeed i am the same and only. They aren't poor guys but morons and if one person have been harassed in that story it is me. Now, if you're part of that cohort you tell me..i'll leave the campaign i don't want to be harassed again by that flock. I'll use paypal.