Thanks again.
And yeah, I found that merchant, but didn't know those items are so useful. Guess that means another grinding session to buy those things. :D Looking forward to that smith, found lots and lots of those shards already. I have found dozens upon dozens of armors, helmets etc of all the samy type on those undead I killed in the burg, are they useful for my rather light-medium armor wanderer? By the look of it I guess not.. The equipment menu is a bit consoly/confusing to make out what item does what exactly..
Some other noob questions: What exactly (other than raising my chance to find loot on enemies) does the humanity meter do? I have also read stuff on "turn undead/human form" or such, but I haven't figured out how to do that (whish I would have ordered the english version, the german translation I have is a bit wonky).
well, i would strongly advise keeping your equip load <25% (the medium roll is crap and it's better if you get used to the fast roll only), and the upgraded wanderer armour is one of the very best light armours in the game (so feel free to stick with it up to the very end of the game (if you like the looks. if you don't there are other good light-med armour sets
) and upgrade it when you have shards/chunks left from upgrading weapons). the hollow soldier/warrior sets are largely worthless and the only good thing they have (compared to your wanderer armour) is poise, but that thing isn't really that important for PvE, especially if you're good at dodging. when you look at the stats of equipment it may be useful, it's better to go into the "equipment" rather than the "inventory" menu 'cause you can easily compare that stats (press the equivalent of the "square" button on your controller, the one that is for using consumable items, for a more detailed look at equipment stats and easier comparison)
yeah, they did a pretty shitty job at explaining humanity in-game. anyway: as you have noticed, whenever you level up your defence stats go up by a small margin (plus maybe something else depending on the stat you raised), so humanity basically acts as a "free level up" in that regard (it's not much, but it's something, especially early on), then as you have noticed it increases the item discovery rate (but it caps at 10), and it serves as a scaling stat for an upgrade path (chaos) and 2 weapons that can be crafted from one boss soul (both dex weapons
.. oh, and the scaling also caps at 10 humanity). other than that, it serves as ranking up material for 2 covenants, and to turn yourself human (so that you can summon and/or invade) and to kindle bonfires (i.e. upping the count of estus flasks that you can get from resting at a bonfire. right now you can get 10 of them with 1 kindling but later on you'll unlock the ability to kindle up to 20 flasks). and consuming "item humanity" heals you completely
btw, there's a nice early farming place where you are now (roughly 550 souls every 30secs), but it requires that you beat the undead burg boss
(it's relatively easy to find/figure out, and i personally wouldn't consider it a spoiler since the souls that you get aren't that great but they're good to buy those few useful items from the merchant and that first blacksmith). for some more "serious" (not to mention infinitely more fun) soul farming imho it would be better to put down your soul sign (you'll understand once you beat the taurus demon
) at the Undead Parish near the elevator (your next destination) since that area should still be relatively busy (or at least it was on ps3 a couple of weeks back