DaS2 has waaaay too many tiled textures (seriously, it looks worse than most games from a decade ago that way), a clearly inferior art direction, a weird lighting system where only some lights are dynamic (i mean seriously... Blade of Darkness 15 years ago on half the horsepower had fully dynamic lights and half the game was written in motherfucking python), some shit is oversaturated, some under, some looks like plastic, most looks washed out (because of the change in lighting) etc... the animations are mostly an improvement, as are small details that make it look more "natural", but overall, bar some vistas here and there, it's the worst Souls game aesthetically
But seriously, fuck consoles. I mean, controls are what they are and its fine for certain type of games, so that isn't in itself an issue, though it became one when this multiplatform bullshit started. Shit hardware is of course rage inducing, and just comparing how much better Dark Souls looks on PC (after DSfix) really drives that point home. But the thing that pisses me off the most is that you pretty much have to buy multiple consoles since chances are the game you want is on one system and not the other, not to mention games that cannot be played on newer systems so you have to keep your old consoles around too. Its insane.
There's plenty things you could slam PC for: fuck PCs for using control hardware that isn't even primarily designed for gaming, but typing. Fuck PCs for their demands of high maintenance, fuck PCs because taking my tower and monitor to a friend's house isn't exactly viable, and so on
We are comparing hardware and he's talking about bringing his console to his friend, like that has anything to do with anything.
We are comparing hardware and he's talking about bringing his console to his friend, like that has anything to do with anything.
The portability of consoles is a result of the hardware. It's every bit relevant.
My point was consoles do have their place.
Post your DSfix.ini and your resolution.I don't think this will ever stop bothering me... DOF override and/or AF override seems to cause minor pixelation in some shaders (water/snow). I've only seen a few posts on neoGAF or some other shit where people had the same thing. Has anyone here ever run into this?
We are comparing hardware and he's talking about bringing his console to his friend, like that has anything to do with anything.
The portability of consoles is a result of the hardware. It's every bit relevant.
right back at you. The portability of consoles is relevant to dick shit. Playing my game without horrible ambient occlusion because the hardware can't render the scenery is what's relevant. Being stuck with one set of hardware limiting what game developers can do for years is what's relevant. Being stuck with one control scheme with all its inherent limitations is what's relevant. Having to buy multiple systems to play different games is what's relevant.
I've never even heard of anyone taking their console anywhere. But just looking at what multiplatforming is doing to PC gaming really shows where the difference lies. The PC is the objectively superior platform, it is not an apple and oranges thing.