are you sure you talking about dark souls 2 and not about 3?Yeah, I disagree - wich definetly justifies all the 'Retarded' ratings you DS II fanatics give out to everyone calling it bad...
Then tell us which Souls game has better balanced stats, larger variety of viable builds and just better overall mechanics than DS II.
Poise mechanics and staggering most enemies is fundamentally broken, so those builds aren't viable (in the sense of offering anything new).
Spells are complete dogshit, so out with hexes/miracles/sorceries/pyromancy.
What's left other than DEX builds?
Let's also take a detour to talk about some basic game mechanics that were screwed up for no reason. Armor is good in DS1. You can read how it works here ( But the TL;DR is, armor in DS1 has both flat damage reduction and percentile damage reduction properties. In other words it worked like armor in Fallout 1/2 work, and armor in FO1/2 is awesome. Dark Souls 1 is slightly less awesome in terms of letting you be immune to everything but crits to the eyes, but just as awesome in always feeling effective whether you're taking lots of small hits or a few big hits. Dark Souls 2 decided to screw this up for reasons I can't understand. Physical armor is now purely a flat damage reduction (like Damage Threshold from FONV), and it sucks ass. It's .1 DT per armor rating, and with the max armor at around 1500 your flat 150 damage reduction does jack shit to shrug off common enemies dealing 800 damage by the mid game. Why? I dunno, I guess they wanted to make the game harder by nerfing all of the tank builds? On the other hand, DS2 decides to make Elemental resistance fully percentile. You start at 10% and every 100 elemental armor adds 10% more. 900 fire resistance? Take 0 damage from all fire attacks. Period. Thanks to this Vitality (increases max equipment load, yes I can't remember which is which between this and Vigor/Endurance either) is a useless investment. ~45 levels of Vitality to *maybe* take 3 hits instead of 2 or 4 hits instead of 3 is a joke, and the game is laughing at you as you still have a shitty roll. 30 points of vigor will give you 600 HP and give you 15 to spare somewhere else. Robes that protect against elemental attacks weigh virtually nothing and half the endgame enemies have some combination of normal damage and elemental damage on their standard attacks anyway, so sometimes you're being protected more by robes than armor when impaled by a frozen spear or what have you. TL;DR #2 almost all the armor in DS2 is useless, the only sensible options are to wear robes (elemental resist), nothing (slightly faster rolls/stamina regen) or +souls gained armor (kill the armor merchant in the starting area for it, you're not buying anything from him are you?). Dodge or block everything, don't rely on armor to do anything unless it's a dragon breathing fire.
Poise (the other part of armor) and poise damage (the thing strength weapons are for) also kind of sucks. It's not actually broken for the player or really changed in any way I can tell from DS1, it's just not suited for DS2's PvE. Poise is entirely about being a tie-breaker in 1v1 combat. You and your opponent swing together, you both hit, they stagger because they suck and you combo their ass to death. It keeps you swinging through 1, maybe 2 hits at most. But because DS2 is all about groups of enemies everywhere trying to just bully your way through with a strength weapon is suicidal. You take one hit, you stagger your attacked target and in return his buddies all get their hit in to stun you and then lol now you're stunned while in the middle of 3-4 enemies ready to rape you. GG no re. Additionally almost every boss is nigh immune to poise damage as far as I can tell, so those big strength weapons dealing 700-800 damage are literally useless jokes compared to dex weapons hitting 3x as quickly for 500-600. This is a real bummer, in DS1 almost every boss could be stunned by a good two-handed strength weapon (even lowly maces and clubs), leading to a lot of free time to get hits in. I did manage to stun a few bosses with the high-level pyromancy Fire Whip (in particular Mytha can be stunlocked to death with it) but I'm pretty sure that's so far above the level of poise damage that strength weapons deal out that there's no point bothering. There's also a ring that gives +poise damage, faster weapons end up as good or better than strength weapons with it on when fighting the things that can be reasonably stunned. Everything still kind of works and feels balanced for PvP, it's just the PvE environment that poise is messed up in.
Magic is also rather trash as mentioned in my previous post. Because you're constantly fighting groups and overall magic damage is rather weak outside of uber spells, you're always ending up in melee range before you can kill them all. Once you're there, do you want to spend 2s casting a spell (3s for any of the better spells) unable to dodge or .75s stabbing for the same damage? Bosses also have the same problem, since all of them have very clear gap-closing moves designed to punish a player who tries to back off and cast a slow spell from a medium distance. If you're going to end up in melee with them and dodging just the same as a melee character would, why cast a spell rather than attack with a much higher DPS melee weapon? There's simply no reasonably difficult boss fight in which magic is anywhere near as good as melee, and relatively few areas in which it excels. Again, nerfed because DS2 devs decided that there was a right way to play (quick, active melee) and a wrong way to play (virtually everything else)? I hear magic used to be more like DS1 and was nerfed because it made the game too easy, I guess that answers that. Game needed to be made harder, so make something good suck.
If you want to start with the worst, start with DS III.
I actually have no idea why I'm getting showered with so much hostility.
But if you feel better - go ahead.
>says the game is shit, gives no reasons why
>is confronted with valid counter arguments to his opinion, can't back up his opinion
>"why so mad bro?"
Aren't Demon's and Bloodborne console only?Dark Souls is their breakthrough album, which will always be good
Demon's is the album they did before they got big -- fans will appreciate the greatness, the rest will pass
DSII is the album with exploratory tracks they recorded with various people, 3 CDs, bonus DVD which is actually the best, but incoherent artistic vision and no real quality control
DSIII is the best of album with a couple of new tracks and remakes of some original hits; good, but kinda soulless
Bloodborne is the solo guitarist side project which for many people outshone the main deal
>says the game is shit, gives no reasons why
>is confronted with valid counter arguments to his opinion, can't back up his opinion
>"why so mad bro?"
For the last time, 'DS II defense force':
I said three things about DS II, because some guy wanted to know which souls games he should play and in which order:
Nowhere did I call the game 'shit'. Beeing the worst game in a series =/= 'shit'. Stop putting words in my mouth.
- It's the worst Souls game.
- If you have the chance, play Demon's Souls and Bloodborne instead of DS II and DS III (because they offer something different compared to the lukewarm DS sequels - I didn't praise DS III either)
- There are a lot of guys here that like the game, they can tell you why.
If you think that justifies a shower of 'retarded' and 'shit' ratings, call 'my arguments' (that I didn't even make, ffs, someone wanted a recommendation - I gave one. I didn't intend to write a fleshed out critique.) idiotic and allege I have no opinion of my own and just parrot some youtuber is fine - cool.
nowith DS3 mechanics
Wait..what?!The reason i "pass on DeS is because it is only on dead console and my cpu isnt good enough for pcsx3
Demon Souls runs fantastic on RPCS3. Anyone with a modern i5 processor and above can run it at 4k.
There's an i5 in my machine and I averaged around 10-20 fps last time I tried it a few months ago. Unless there have been some drastic improvements since then I think you're overestimating the emulator.
You'll have to sail the high seas for that one. Not something I'd condone, of course.Demon Souls runs fantastic on RPCS3. Anyone with a modern i5 processor and above can run it at 4k.
There's an i5 in my machine and I averaged around 10-20 fps last time I tried it a few months ago. Unless there have been some drastic improvements since then I think you're overestimating the emulator.
Well now I have to experiment.
Where can I get the Demon ISO or what is it that the game is stored on?
just like on original consoleThere's an i5 in my machine and I averaged around 10-20 fps
Arrrr matey. Sailin' the high seas yer say?You'll have to sail the high seas for that one. Not something I'd condone, of course.Demon Souls runs fantastic on RPCS3. Anyone with a modern i5 processor and above can run it at 4k.
There's an i5 in my machine and I averaged around 10-20 fps last time I tried it a few months ago. Unless there have been some drastic improvements since then I think you're overestimating the emulator.
Well now I have to experiment.
Where can I get the Demon ISO or what is it that the game is stored on?![]()
Okay So I DL'd RPCS3, installed firmware, pointed RPCS3 at the game disc, and fired her up.Demon Souls runs fantastic on RPCS3. Anyone with a modern i5 processor and above can run it at 4k.
There's an i5 in my machine and I averaged around 10-20 fps last time I tried it a few months ago. Unless there have been some drastic improvements since then I think you're overestimating the emulator.
Well now I have to experiment.
Where can I get the Demon ISO or what is it that the game is stored on?
Thanks )ZodoZ
remember to change an rpcs3 option in the first page, make sure 'spu decoder: llvm recompiler' is selected.
- spu decoder: llvm
- threads: either 'Auto' or '1' or '2', whichver works best for u (usually Auto is good though)
- in 2nd page, change Renderer to 'vulkan' (much faster than openGL)
I did pick Vulkan but not sure a 1060 3G card can handle this load.
Interesting..didn't know that.I did pick Vulkan but not sure a 1060 3G card can handle this load.
It can.
RPCS3 stresses cpu, not gpu.