Level design has taken a huge leap forward in terms of quality. Ambushes and environmental hazards abound and are well thought out.
lot's of those "environmental hazards" are just annoyingly stupid, retarded, cheap, boring and shit (yes, poison statues. one of the few if not only enemy i'd be glad if it stopped respawning... and it's one of the few if not the only that doesn't)
Treasure is cleverly hidden and worth seeking out, contra the first game in which ~40% of treasure spots were trolling.
i'm not sure what you mean by "were trolling"? there's much more "trolling" in DaS2 where to get some treasures you pretty much
have to die, or homeward out. that's hardly an improvement, imo. as for "cleverly" done stuff, there's barely any shortcuts, so they got considerably lazier and just put bonfires everywhere. the encounter design may be better (i neither agree nor disagree), but the level layouts (bar a few exceptions) aren't.
Any sort of level gimmicks are much better done than in DkS1 and the ones with more potential for annoyance don't overstay their welcome. While the darkness in the Tomb of the Giants (DkS1) became annoying fast, things like the Shaded Woods in DkS2 are brief enough to not invite ire.
The Gutter is the same, if not worse (i'd say worse) than TotG. at least in DaS1 you had the light hat
Enemies are a lot better designed. AI doesn't fold to fast roll/move plus backstab cheesing a la DkS1 and scripts/designs are in place to trigger more ambushes and Xv1 scenarios; fighting many foes 1on1 isn't always going to happen. They also use feints to catch the player unaware and guard breaks to punish turtles. And the series tradition of a multitude of enemies continues. The bestiary is quite vast.
i didn't really find the enemies in DaS2 any less susceptible to BS cheesing than in DeS or DaS1, it's just that the BS mechanics are a bit different. they use feints? who does? i must have missed that. but their use of guard breaks is definitely a welcome addition (too bad only a handful use them). and while the bestiary is vast, it's also full of cheap shit (especially in NG+ where almost everyone has thousands upon thousands of health)
Bosses are generally good...there's scarcely few mandatory fights of shit quality/design a la Capra Demon, Ceaseless Discharge, or Bed of Chaos. There's only one truly bad mandatory boss fight, and the other two poorly made fights are optional (one of which carries no reward whatsoever). However, there's nothing as good as the final boss of Dark Souls 1, nothing that hits as hard (emotionally) as the bosses of Darkroot Garden or 5-3's boss in Demons Souls, and nothing that matches the intensity of a certain Abysswalker. DkS2 trades the lofty highs for an elevated average quality of boss fight, mechanically speaking. There won't be as many extremely memorable fights in the good way, but few will stick out as awful timewasters.
don't know what's so wrong with Capra, but Old Iron King, Rat Authority, Ancient Dragon, Vendrick, Giant Lord are plenty shit and in the same category as CD and BoC, with plenty others being excruciatingly boring (NG Flexile, Dragonrider(s), Dragonslayer, Demon of Song, Magus, Covetous, Skellie lords [with the most hilarious music... half of it sounds like a christmas jingle], Guardian dragon). there's more bosses, but the average quality is lower
Combat is generally more interesting. While I bemoan the reduction of i-frames in the dodge and the inability to link certain attacks together, the core mechanics seem a lot more interesting. Things like the guard-break, power-stance, and a bevy of unique weapons make combat a lot more colorful in PvE. PvP is greatly improved by the crippling of the backstab maneuver, being able to cancel windup animations into backsteps/dodges, and the greater emphasis put upon stamina management due to a heavy reduction in stamina regeneration. Player versus player combat has been generally enjoyable, matchmaking quibbles aside.
yes, BS fishing is not a valid tactic anymore, but there's plenty of other bullshit that took its place. plus, as you pointed out in a previous post of yours, it's way too lethal. it's just a different flavour of broken shit (i'd say even shittier because now every other thing is so broken it will 1-2 shot you, melee-only is utterly unviable compared to casters, so matches will last well under a minute leaving little time for strategy/tactics, unlike DaS1)
The fact that New Game Plus has meaningful enemy/boss/item changes makes a second playthrough with a character actually worthwhile. Far improved over DeS/DkS1 terribad NG+.
that's the only thing i fully agree with and it's a welcome addition (though not that well implemented)
The only place where DkS2 flounders is in the storyline and backstory. It's generally scattered and borders on incomplete. You really don't have any sense of direction, purpose, or place. Gameworld lore is not nearly as swell interwoven into the experience as DkS1, coming off as disjointed and mostly extraneous. It's hard to really go into more detail without major spoilers but suffice to say, this was probably the most disappointing aspect of DkS2.
i disagree. i wish it was the only problem with the game. there's lots of idiotic shit in it that would've been OK by itself, but they "interact" with other mechanics/problems to make them even more shit. f.e. the game takes ages to load, and you have to
constantly fucking warp everywhere, of particular note being the
massively idiotic decision to level up at NPC. then twinklie/boner stuff requires insane amounts of it to upgrade to +5, you cannot buy infinite (or even decent) amounts, you can farm but a) enemies stop respawning, b) you have to use bonfire ascetics (that you will also farm!) so the farming becomes more and more time consuming and boring. and then the drop rates are as retarded, if not more so, than in DaS1/DeS, but now the enemies stop respawning... not to mention they gave random drops to one-off black phantoms! (just a few examples of the idiocy that permeates the design of this game)
it's a great game, better than most, it's just riddled with such idiocy that i, personally, cannot say it reaches the quality of it's predecessor, although a lot of the broken and retarded stuff in it could be easily patched, so we'll see...