Pwned the Fume Knight yesterday. Had only defeated the 4 Old Ones, not even got to Drangleic castle or further. Just said "eh, let's go to Brume tower, let some ashen warriors have some fun on poor Peter's* hollowed body".
So I had a Drangleic Mail +5, Drangleic Boots +3, Jester's gloves +6 and a virgin Vengarl's helm (I usually wear a merchant's hat when fooling around). 2handing a +10 blacksteel katana or rapier. Soul level around 90 or something.
Naturally I got canned for about ten times before OMG VICTORY ACHIEVED. Damn, I really love fighting Raime. The dodges you have to pull, it's like dancing.
Best boss fight of the game, period.
*Look, this guy dies a lot. He gets stabbed, chewed, crushed, burned, slashed and pierced. He falls from cliffs, chasms and suspiciously high ledges. He gets cursed, poisoned, fried, drained of blood, gangbanged by bloodthirsty pigs. Pigs! How the fuck am I supposed to be calling him? Grognak the Destroyer?