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The Elder Scrolls Online


Jul 13, 2007
Wtf? Those comments are negative?


Jun 15, 2009
3 faction is not a step forward, we already had that with dark age of camelot . At the very best expect another wow clone with oblivion skins and some (some! ) daoc pvp mechanisms.Play it the free month and never come back or wait for the free trial as usual , no genius , no innovation , no interaction.


Mar 28, 2012
I love how nobody's excited. Even all mainstream site comments are negative.


May 8, 2007
I just hope zenimax won't cancel this (probably too late for that) because of the negative feedback, I want to see them bleed.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
Oct 21, 2002
Codex USB, 2014
I love how nobody's excited. Even all mainstream site comments are negative.
Yeah they either revealed this way too early, or they simple have no exciting features at all. Probably a combination of both.

To be honest it would probably be cheaper to just cancel the game unless it gets a momentum going. This is definitely a Titanic 2.


Mar 28, 2012
I'm expecting them to damage control their wow style gameplay announcements until release but it's probably too late. Funniest train wreck in a while, this ship has sunk before leaving the docks :lol:

Deleted member 7219

I love how nobody's excited. Even all mainstream site comments are negative.

Nobody excited? At the two websites I use for news, Eurogamer and Kotaku, I'm seeing a lot of positive responses. Negative too, but the majority seem to love it.


Goodbye life.

Time to start building up brownie points with my wife I think!

Wish this would come to consoles. We really need a good MMORPG.

Whoa, just me or did this come from nowhere? Could be epic.


If I remember correctly, this game has been in development for years now. This game will be good and you all will buy it eventually when it comes out. So quit your whining and moaning.

Now that, that looks like a WoW killer.


Mar 28, 2012

pretty much what MM said. why make another shitty generic mmo with generic mmo gameplay.

i bet this game uses tab targeting too. lol the people making mmos these days are fucking retards
Heaven forbid you actually make something fucking new for once. The pay for MMORPG genre is dying. The Old Republic proved this. It's doing adequately but it proves people want something fresher than a different coat of paint, a bunch of BS hype and few delivered promises.

Tom De Roeck says:
rocketman71 says:
Same here. Although I could say the same about every new MMO.
MikoSquiz says:
I don’t have a meh big enough here. I’m going to have to order one bespoke.
Ultra-Humanite says:
I have to go vomit.
aliksy says:
Best response.
gekitsu says:
lets share the cab to the vomitorium?
CaspianRoach says:
goodbye, an awesome rpg franchise; hello, generic shitty pointless clone mmo
Vinraith says:
It’s a real shame to see Bethesda wasting time and talent on an MMO
aliksy says:
Ugh. Another MMO?
Paul says:
It is done by completely different studio than TES games.
I could not care less about this game, honestly.
daq says:
Gonna be rubbish.
Sic says:
This is horrible.
TormDK says:
Good bye elder scrolls – it was fun while it lasted!
derbefrier says:
well i have always wanted a TES game with some co-op but an MMO? Dont know if want……
Lets just hope its not another themepark MMO.
CorruptBadger says:
So, they’ve took the elder scrolls name, but not the gameplay. The fun of TES was building your character, exploring the world and just adventuring. If this is some PvP orientated MMO it will suck.
The Sombrero Kid says:
This is going to suck.
rustybroomhandle says:
Blergh… count me out.
xenothaulus says:
I am fine with an online Elder Scrolls game. I am very very Not fine with pvp garbage being shoved into it. Keep mouthbreathing warmongers in their own games, not in my epic adventuring, thanks.
Kinth says:
You mean like every other MMO ever? :P
Palindrome says:
There is even a chance that it won’t be a souless WoW clone, even if it is depressingly small.
Kinth says:
WHYYYYYYY!?!! , why does everything have to be an f’ing MMO these days. Suviaquarium was bad enough.
Wizardry says:
This is like Ultima Online all over again.
Vegard Pompey says:
My body is ready……to hate the shit out of this.
deadly.by.design says:
Officially, “ugh.”
Navagon says:
With any luck it will crash and burn horribly.

even on ign moaning and bitching.



all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007


Jul 13, 2007
Hey, GW2 is comfortable to people that played other MMOs.

...But it's being made by people with actual talent :smug:


all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
Hey, GW2 is comfortable to people that played other MMOs.

...But it's being made by people with actual talent :smug:

I'm fucking sick of these WoW clones. They're lazy, uninspiring designed games made for people with IQ values in the negatives. The game design is shit, the developers are shit, the publishers are shit, the connections are shit, the player base is shit, the mindless grinding is shit, and everyone's mother who is involved in the creation and sustained life-support of the shitty WoW clones are whore cunts that only deserve the cock of forty rabid infected donkeys!


Jul 13, 2007
Hey, GW2 is comfortable to people that played other MMOs.

...But it's being made by people with actual talent :smug:

I'm fucking sick of these WoW clones. They're lazy, uninspiring designed games made for people with IQ values in the negatives. The game design is shit, the developers are shit, the publishers are shit, the connections are shit, the player base is shit, the mindless grinding is shit, and everyone's mother who is involved in the creation and sustained life-support of the shitty WoW clones are whore cunts that only deserve the cock of forty rabid infected donkeys!
Amen, bro.

Thane Solus

Apr 29, 2012
X-COM Base
The whole industry is shit at the moment, because everybody in game design is a whore (you want pink Mr Editorial? We shall obey! ). Still it brings lulz on codex, and one or maybe two decent games per year. Capitalism at its best.

As for Elder Fail, is gona make us laugh and cry for a few years, just like SWTORZ lol.

King Crispy

Too bad I have no queen.
Staff Member
Feb 16, 2008
Future Wasteland
Strap Yourselves In
How edgy. What the hell do you expect ZeniMax/Bethesda to make, Firefart? Something with on-the-fringe gameplay?

After Morrowind, BSW's main goal has been to make as wide-appealing a game with just enough TES-ness in it to reel in as many customers as they possibly can. That's exactly why their games are so hotly debated and that's exactly why they're making this one.

FWIW, if this is going to be strictly 3rd-person, I'm actually not interested. It's not TES that way IMO.


all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
How edgy. What the hell do you expect ZeniMax/Bethesda to make, Firefart? Something with on-the-fringe gameplay?

-No, but it doesn't make me any less annoyed. After seeing some incline with ES5, I was hoping that Bethesda/Zenimax would have finally pulled their heads out of their asses. Ah well, what can you do?

After Morrowind, BSW's main goal has been to make as wide-appealing a game with just enough TES-ness in it to reel in as many customers as they possibly can. That's exactly why their games are so hotly debated and that's exactly why they're making this one.

FWIW, if this is going to be strictly 3rd-person, I'm actually not interested. It's not TES that way IMO.

The article explicitly implies it's going to be a WoW clone. I may as well play WoW instead of ES Online.

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