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The Elder Scrolls Online


Oct 23, 2017
They are making another MMO as well? What the fuck.
Yeah, Zenimax Online Studios is hiring out the ass for a next gen MMORPG with a new IP on a new engine. It'll be interesting to see how Microsoft handles their suite of service games. My guess is that an active GamePass membership will grant Fallout 1st, ESO+ and whatever this next game's premium membership is called.

Can't see them going subscription-only, unfortunately. I really preferred ESO before it went buy2play.


Oct 19, 2018
The game engine is still single threaded and can't even use 50% of my GPU on 1440p. Also who in their right mind use Depth of field lol
Yeah I'm pretty shocked at how bad the performance is. Ultra settings at 1440p with a GTX 1080 and Ryzen 1700 (OC'd) and I'm getting drops down to 15-20 fps in some places. It's infrequent, but borders on unplayable in spots.


Oct 19, 2018
I feel like the saddest part about this game is that it's a boilerplate WoW clone with a few twists like weird level scaling, and granted, much more interesting solo questing. For a series of games that place a pretty high focus on goofy simulationist features (AI scheduling, being able to drop and place literally every item etc.) you'd think that a TES MMO would have leaned into that aspect of the series much more. Tamriel is a rich world that would be perfect for more sandbox, player-driven content but instead I'm basically playing Skyrim with a friend.


Most of you probably don't give a shit but here's my mini-guide on how to have fun PVPing in this clusterfuck:

The way I've found it fun to PVP in ESO is to diminish the time you will actually be in combat with somebody period. I'm talking make a Stamina Nightblade and stack as much damage shit you possibly can from penetration/weapon damage and throwing in all the buffs from weapon skills, potions and food, mundus stones, etc. If somebody gets out of the stun and recovers before they die then you run like a bitch. If they have high HP, you don't hit them. If they have low HP you kill them before they can react. Low champion points are also fair game.

Basically, play like a complete cunt. The PVP isn't about strategy and tactics, the real fun comes from making an encounter last less than two seconds through Snipe/Lethal Arrow Bow attacks and Incap Strike ganking sprees. Doesn't work as well in BGs due to No CP and the nature of smaller arenas. It's at its most fun in Imperial City though, you can actually kill groups engaged with NPCs and cloak/run/do whatever to disengage.

And the big one, use proc sets. Unleashed Terror, Eternal Hunt, Sheer Venom, Balorgh, Viper's Sting, Swamp Raider's, all of these are stupid strong. Pair it up with a good stats set like Spriggans or New Moon Acolyte. Try to get the Dragonstar Arena bow, use 2Hander for maximum burst potential (but I like to RP fag and dual-wield). Maelstrom 2H is easy as shit to get these days, also opt to get the Nirnhoned trait to really blow kids up. Mundus stones I use are either the Warrior for weapon damage or the Serpent for more critical damage. Don't bother with Serpent/critical period if you use Malacath's Ring of Brutality which is the most fucking stupid item brought in the game and can make your gank potential become absurd.

The true min-maxer recommends going Khajit or Orc since their racials compliment things very well. Wood Elf is good too. But if you're like me and don't like furfag degeneracy, fantasy blacks or hippie manlets you'll play whatever else.

Remember, the best PVP experience in this game is doing as little of it as possible.


An even gayer way to play I've discovered:

Latest patch has a new solo trial which has a specialized bow as one of the final boss drops called Point Blank Shot, it increases the damage of your Snipe the closer you are to someone by up to 33%. The trial isn't too tough to complete if you know the gimmicks of the fights, last boss is more of a balancing act of trying to stay mobile and put out damage at the same time so it shouldn't be too tough to get if you can already clear Maelstrom especially on veteran.

I also went Vampire because there are two things that are able to push your damage to retarded degrees. One is a toggled self-buff called Simmering Frenzy which increases your weapon damage by an outrageous amount but you lose health rapidly each second it's active, the other is a passive called Strike from the Shadows which boosts your weapon damage by 300 for 6 or so seconds whenever you leave stealth or invisibility. There's also the Dark Stalker passive along the way which eliminates the movement speed penalty from stealth. You can spend one point in it since the only thing going 2/2 does is make you go into stealth quicker which isn't a big deal as a Nightblade with the vanish you have.

I also now use a different set called Titanborn's Strength and a new mythic item called Tonal Consistency. Titanborn's makes it so the lower your health is the more penetration/weapon damage you deal, at 100% it's 110 while under 25% this is quadrupled. Paired with Simmering Frenzy and Strike from the Shadows this makes your weapon damage really retarded. If you use the Point Blank bow you can destroy someone before they know what just happened on their screen.

Sometimes I swap out Tonal Consistency for Ring of the Wild Hunt. Tonal is good because it gives you tons of resource recovery while Wild Hunt can make you travel around like a lynx, pair it up with abilities like Nightblade's doppelganger that you can teleport to and you can mindfuck people as well as get off some extra kills.

The monster set item I go with is either something that gives additional weapon damage like Velidreth or Kraugh's for some extra penetration, I use the head/shoulder slot to fill out the last set piece I'm missing since I'm using the mythic item as a jewelry slot. Current set up is New Moon Acolyte/Titanborn's Strength.

Main bow gank bar is: Camouflaged Hunter, Lethal Arrow/Snipe, Silver Shards, Relentless Focus, Killer's Blade, and ultimate is Toxic Barrage. Back bar is 2H with Rally, Simmering Frenzy, Shadowy Disguise, Vigor, Summon Shade, and ultimate can be whatever you want. You can also consider using Concealed Weapon which further boosts your movement speed in stealth.

Kill combo is to first buff up: be in stealth, Relentless Focus, Rally, Simmering Frenzy, time the health loss from Simmering Frenzy with your Titanborn's Set, Shadowy Disguise. From there you Lethal Arrow, Silver Shards while weaving in Light Attacks, and either Toxic Barrage or Killer's Blade to finish them. Most of the time you don't need to use your execute and can just finish them with Light Attacks and save your ultimate to kill off someone else that will inevitably come to try and murder you. With Point Blank bow just go closer to someone before you fire this off. You can also lay down your shade if you have decent LOS/escape points.

The main point of this is to kill stragglers/backline zergfags. Point Blanking works better in Imperial City since there are less deathball groups but you can probably get away with kills in Cyrodiil provided there's a good zerg fight going on.

Anything below 30k HP gets obliterated in a flash.

Commissar Draco

Codexia Comrade Colonel Commissar
Mar 6, 2011
Привислинский край
Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Divinity: Original Sin 2
The game is now on Steam for eight Zion bux is this worth picking up? I am bit :butthurt: about :obviously: Imperial Race being payed DLC but heard that game runs under Linux and is quite fun for single player I guess I would pick the snow nigger Noble Nord than.


Oct 23, 2017
It's the best Elder Scrolls game since Morrrowind. Faint praise but at least ESO is willing to delve deeper into the weird lore shit I love about TES than Todd's team seems to be. Gameplay-wise I'd say it plays a hell of a lot better than Oblivion or Skyrim too.


It is perhaps the most expensive video game in history. It is a b2p, it has a subscription, paid expansions, paid dlcs and an MTX shop. Elder Scrolls has turned into a corporate cash cow and Bethesda is milking it.


May 27, 2011
Makes it sound like a based MMO from before the F2P cancer, except for the MTX. And at least the MTX is, as far as I've ever seen, worthless.


Oct 23, 2017
Here's the best advice you'll get on escaping the monetization bullshit permanently. Primarily the crafting bag.
Step 1.) Buy 21,000 crowns, if you're loaded, buy 42,000 for $170 during the Christmas sale (they're -40% right now)
Step 2.) Buy all the DLCs outright with your crowns so you own them. Subscriptions are bullshit. Especially in a game with gambling boxes
Step 3.) Spend 11,000 crowns on all the storage chests (360 slots total). You can grind them out but your time is worth more than the $$ it'd cost.
Step 4.) Wait for an ESO+ trial and place all your storage chests in a home that you probably got for free as part of an event.
Step 5.) Use your storage chests to store everything but crafting materials. Keep one node of each crafting material in your inventory at all times. Bank, craft or sell additional stacks.
Step 6.) (Optional) You can be in five guilds so why not create your own for your own personal guild bank and get another 500 slots?
Viola you now have all the content and your inventory is now essentially a crafting bag with all the inventory upgrades you can get on your character. With gold and bank upgrades, you have more than enough storage space to comfortably play the game never worrying about a crafting bag for less than the cost of a year's subscription.

  • Character Inventory – 210 Slots
    • 60 Slots by default
    • 80 Slots by Bag Upgrades (180,600 Gold)
    • 60 Slots by Mount Carry Capacity Upgrades (15,000 Gold & 1,200 hours of waiting)
  • Bank Inventory – 240 Slots (or 480 with ESO Plus)
    • 60 Slots by default
    • 180 Slots by Bank Upgrades (769,200 Gold)
    • Double Bank Slots with ESO Plus
  • Personal Guild Bank – 500 Slots
  • House Inventory – 360 Slots
    • 120 Slots from 4 Storage Coffers (1 for Free, then 300 Master Writ Vouchers or 300,000 Tel Var Stones or 3,000 Crowns for the rest)
    • 240 Slots from 4 Storage Chests (800 Master Writ Vouchers, 800,000 Tel Var Stones or 8,000 Crowns)
The only thing you'll have to buy now are the chapters... Or you can wait a year and buy them with your crowns with a little left over to buy a personal banker NPC that you can spawn wherever you want. You can teleport straight to your house free of charge to access your storage.
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Oct 31, 2016
Here's the best advice you'll get on escaping the monetization bullshit permanently


Oct 23, 2017
$170 for Morrowind, Elsweyr, Summerset, Imperial City, Orsinium, Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood, Clockwork City, Murkmire, Dragonhold, Markarth and all the dungeon DLCs with enough left over to buy the next year or two's worth of DLCs and all the storage space you'd ever need isn't bad. Still under the dollar amount you'd spend on a year of a subscription and unlike the subscription, you'd own it all. That's like 2,000+ hours of content right there.


Jan 20, 2013
Lat O'J' Long O'J'
$170 for Morrowind, Elsweyr, Summerset, Imperial City, Orsinium, Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood, Clockwork City, Murkmire, Dragonhold, Markarth and all the dungeon DLCs with enough left over to buy the next year or two's worth of DLCs and all the storage space you'd ever need isn't bad. Still under the dollar amount you'd spend on a year of a subscription and unlike the subscription, you'd own it all. That's like 2,000+ hours of content right there.

That is good value for that many hours of content, but how long will the servers be up and running? ...eventually they will shut down the servers and then it is worthless right...and it is not like they ever make it possible to play offline :(
I can still play Morrowind from the original CD (with some tweaking to get it to run properly) and theoretically for ever, but you cannot do that with TESO or any MMO.


Aug 1, 2013
$170 for Morrowind, Elsweyr, Summerset, Imperial City, Orsinium, Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood, Clockwork City, Murkmire, Dragonhold, Markarth and all the dungeon DLCs with enough left over to buy the next year or two's worth of DLCs and all the storage space you'd ever need isn't bad. Still under the dollar amount you'd spend on a year of a subscription and unlike the subscription, you'd own it all. That's like 2,000+ hours of content right there.
I paid $10 for a boxed copy of Morrowind GOTY back in the day. You say that $170 will give you 2000 hours of content. Not fun, content. $170/2000=$0,085 per hour of content, or eight and a half cents. So for TESO $170=$0,085*2000. But I paid $10 for Morrowind so if we put that amount into the formula we get $10=0,085*X if we want to calculate how many hours of content (not fun, content) I must have had to break even. $10/$0,085=117,647, or just under 117 hours and 40 minutes. I do not know for certain if I played Morrowind for 2000+ hours, but if I had the cost per hour of content (not fun, content) would have been $10/2000=$0,005. Half a cent, or 1/17th what the TESO experience costs. Not only have I gotten a lot more value for my money out of Morrowind, I also had fun with it. So no, I do not think I will be paying out the nose for TESO. Plus, my boxed copy still works and will work long after TESO goes the way of the Kirkbride.


Nov 3, 2007
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
lol $170 raw wtf we don't even know if we won't get bored after 10 hours.

I guess I'll buy the basic edition today or tomorrow and check it out. Not gonna spend more on it unless I clock a few dozen or a hundred hours and want more.

If anybody else is interested in buying it and trying it out, I guess we could hook up together and sex each other online.


Nov 3, 2007
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Started playing it today. Not bad, so far I'm having fun. Kinda has the Morrowind atmosphere, and feels more like a single player game so far, didn't bother even talking to anyone, just doing some quests. Story seems retarded, but that's a given in any TES game.

Duralux for Durabux

Started playing it today. Not bad, so far I'm having fun. Kinda has the Morrowind atmosphere, and feels more like a single player game so far, didn't bother even talking to anyone, just doing some quests. Story seems retarded, but that's a given in any TES game.
Typical MMO quests? or do they try something particular? and How about the gameplay?


Nov 3, 2007
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Started playing it today. Not bad, so far I'm having fun. Kinda has the Morrowind atmosphere, and feels more like a single player game so far, didn't bother even talking to anyone, just doing some quests. Story seems retarded, but that's a given in any TES game.
Typical MMO quests? or do they try something particular? and How about the gameplay?
Gameplay is better than TES games, quests are pretty much akin to them, and writing is somewhat better than Oblibion or Skyrim, but still boring.


Mar 2, 2010
Divinity: Original Sin
The main quest seems completely retarded and a retread of Oblivion's MQ but with Molag Bal.

I've heard good things about the Daedric War story arc that spans the following chapters and DLCs but I don't know much about the details.

Every once in a while I get the urge to try this, especially when I hear something like what Konjad said about the Morrowind atmosphere. Then I see something else like having to spend $170 on sale and decide I have better things to do with both my money and time.


Nov 3, 2007
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
The main quest seems completely retarded and a retread of Oblivion's MQ but with Molag Bal.

I've heard good things about the Daedric War story arc that spans the following chapters and DLCs but I don't know much about the details.

Every once in a while I get the urge to try this, especially when I hear something like what Konjad said about the Morrowind atmosphere. Then I see something else like having to spend $170 on sale and decide I have better things to do with both my money and time.
wut? I just paid 32 PLN (10 bucks) and so far I feel that's all I need.

Commissar Draco

Codexia Comrade Colonel Commissar
Mar 6, 2011
Привислинский край
Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Base game costs 10 dolla and the game is much more fun than any new Beth or Obshitian game so far, people here are paying sixty* dollars or more for shit like cyber tranny 2077. I Still have fun playing in Vandefell, probably will also do Skyrim part and play in Cirodil for a bit, by this time those a few Zion bux will provide me hundred hours of fun.

*I did not even checked how much it cost was right since 2018 that it will be SJW filled piece of rotten potato.
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