I enjoyed the game for what it was. Sure, the 'sneak and backstab everything and save ammo for later' isn't a playstyle for everyone, and tbh, I agree that it was kind of cheezy. But I actually liked it because of this. I don't care for stealth in games in general, so if it were just a little bit more realistic, I would have probably not enjoyed the game all that much, eheh. Bonus points for the neat upgrading system, which brought some RPG elements into this survival horror, and for the hillarious pun from the main protagonist after he (I) finished the shooting gallery.
I found the story not reaching any special highs, but it had bright moments, and it was at least original. I didn't care much for the main protagonist or Myra; they seemed a little too much one-dimensional, but I found some other characters likable. The badass chick Kidman was really alright, the IT-dude-with-some-spine Sykes was a cool, friendly face to return to from all that chaos and weirdos outside, and the sleazy, 'realistic' philosophy of the weasel O'Neal was fun to listen to, right until the end, when he sort of got what he deserved. The penultimate 'romantic' cutscene seemed unnecessarily overdone and strangely shallow to me, but otherwise the writing throughout the game was not overdone, was good or funny enough, and it made sense.
I will take the liberty to criticize most of the posts about writing in this thread. They seem to be the standard, stereotypical complaints from someone who expects HUGO writing in any gig, and anything even half-step below that is immediately total, utter trash for them.
For the sale's price of 4 EUR and some 40 odd hours of gameplay, it was a steal.