Anyone played Eye of the Beholder for the Gameboy Advance yet? It's actually a really, really nice remake of the original classic goldbox game for those looking to try out the old school CRPGs in a new way.
The remake features an implimentation of the new 3E rules, including:
Pronto Games developed it, and they've taken out the domain so maybe they're working on additional titles as well.
The remake features an implimentation of the new 3E rules, including:
- 3/4 view, isometric, turn based combat
- Attacks of Opportunity
- Speech skills, including Intimidation, Bluff, and Diplomacy. (though no dialogue trees)
- Barter skill
- Climb skill! Wall scaling, FINALLY!
- Four classes, six races
- Feats, including those that involve speech
- Changes to the original
- Lots more.
Pronto Games developed it, and they've taken out the domain so maybe they're working on additional titles as well.