Erebus in the Balance does indeed attempt to implement some balance changes, but their version of "Balance" HEAVILY favors warlike nations like the Clan of Embers and thus indirectly weakens relatively peaceful builder-civs like the Elohim, Kuriotates, and Ljsofar by doing far less to strengthen them... Great for aggressive, fast-paced gameplay, but if you have any kind of attachment to playing as the "good guys" (Kael, like the designers of Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri had a bit of a soft spot for builders and pacifists, and created a game balance that gives them a fighting chance- indeed the Armageddon Counter itself was originally a kind of negative feedback for warmongering by harshly penalizing Evil civs) then you're better off with just More Naval AI...
Plus, the current modmod maintainer for EitB is kind of a jerk, unlike Kael, who was a complete gentleman and a good person- which I think reflects in his favorite civ being the Clan of Embers (violent brutes) and his favoring Evil warmongers in the game balance...
For a little context, Kael was such a good person and complete gentleman he rarely said an unkind word about anyone unless severely provoked, as I hear, and his "Donate" button for Fall From Heaven 2 actually leads to a donation page for UNICEF and a blurb about how making our world better would best honor his work.
The modmod maintainer for EitB, by contrast, gladly cusses out people he doesn't like, hints at how people ought to give him donation money, walked the fine edge between cheating and unconventional strategy in a couple of his PBEM's, hacked player passwords whenever he felt one was falling behind in PBEM turnaround time, and ignores any design suggestions for EitB he doesn't like.
My brief exposure to the modmod maintainer for EitB left a foul taste in my mouth (as foul as orcs must smell!) that I shall not soon forget, whereas Kael is the sort of person who left everyone he met with a sort of warm tingly feeling afterwards. Even now his "Donate" button for FFH2 leading to UNICEF continues to do good in the world long after he ceased developing his amazing game mod...
In short, EitB is kind of an acquired taste. It doesn't remain as true to FFH2's original spirit or lore as you might think, changes the game balance to unduly favor extremely aggressive tactics even more than in vanilla FFH2, and the modmod maintainer was still a jerk worth boycotting the work of, last I checked...
Oh Northstar, never change
For the record, Northstar joined our community, played in a few games (including one against me where I was playing as the Clan), took every chance to call everyone else on the forum cheaters, before leaving after even the most patient of us were thoroughly sick of him.
Here is a good example of this that I happened to reread recently, where he quickly decides that his opponent must have hacked his save in order to alter the RNG such that he would randomly change into traits he didn't like. Despite many people explaining why there was no reason to believe this was the case, he eventually only came to terms with it by deciding that
divine intervention (?!) was somehow involved. (Apologies if I'm somewhat short with Northstar in that link - you have to understand, this was after six+ months of being exposed to his craziness.)
I also have no particular affiliation for the Clan (indeed, I proposed nerfs after the game I won with them), have never asked for or received donations, have never hacked a players password (I believe Northstar is referring to someone else who hacked his save after all the other players
agreed to kick him out because he was too slow to play his turns), and I have no idea what he means by cheating (possibly that I blockaded him when he was protected by the Sanctuary worldspell, which is apparently an exploit). I will confess to happily ignoring many of his design suggestions, however, as well as to swearing
Anyway, sorry for the many years old hijack! I've also been playing EMM lately, after a multi-year break and found this thread after googling around.
I'm curious by some of your AI ratings, Eyestabber. I've found Khazad and Luchuirp not very notable, whilst Illians and Ljolsofar tend to be formidable. Elohim seem to die quite quickly in my games also, though I don't select opponents.
Also, we're organising another PBEM, if you want to try out multiplayer. PBEM is where you play one turn (or so) a day, and generally report on your games as you're going. We operate on a trust policy that people won't cheat or read others threads. See
here if you're interested. Or, if you don't want to commit to a game that will last several months, Tasunke is trying to get faster (live) MP games going