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TBS The Fall From Heaven Thread [Civ 4 mod] - 2016 Edition™ - 2022 Update!


Jan 15, 2015
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
Ok Eyestabber installing this for the first time ever despite owning civ4 forever. Thanks for the download package.

Just so you (and anyone else trying FFH2 ITT) know, I will answer any questions regarding the game. So feel free to ask about installation, technical issues, gameplay tips, well, anything, really.



6F/4C per farm. Demons sold separately.

This is what peak aristograrianism looks like.


Apr 21, 2013
I wouldn't get my hopes up. With the conclusion of the season pass they're most likely done with the DLC's, and there's no info whatsoever regarding the dll release. Too bad, I'd love to see a proper fantasy mod (or even FFH reimagining) on 6's engine. For all the hate it gets on the Codex, I think it had some potential.
Why people don't mod OpenCiv or something instead?


Sep 3, 2006
Because civ 4 is 3d so they can easily copy/steal any 3d models from other games or just get the free ones. Also, civ 4 is far more popular than openciv or free civ.


Mar 1, 2007
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Grab the Codex by the pussy RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
Yup, I was just about to say that. Popularity mostly, and ease of modding as a close second. Civilization series constantly sits on top of the Steam charts as far as the player count is concerned.


Apr 10, 2013
So, I replayed a bit with Warlock II + Renaissance, and I forgot that this game also has multiple planes.
And artifacts for heroes, which I think you can even create.
I really must have underestimated its worth.

FFH doesn't have additional planes, someone clarified before. So, score a major point for Warlock in the comparison.
What about artifacts?
Are they fun/satisfactory? Can you create them?


Is FFH2 stable? Saw people mentioning crashes in other forums.


Jan 15, 2015
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
Interesting game as the Calabim:


Turn 227: Khazad and Doviello wiped out all other AIs. We're last place on the scoreboard, no real vampires yet, just Moroi. This could've easily be the end had either AI decided to DOW me, but instead the Khazad decided to go after the Doviello.


Turn 238: I kill steal the Doviello capital like a fucking boss. Needless to say the Dwarves didn't take kindly to my funny prank and DOW me. 0.3 was our strength ratio, meaning there was simply no way in hell we could ever hope to defeat the Khazad's army. I decided to take my doomstack and run back north, for there was still hope on the horizon: Losha. The Calabim hero had just been recruited, so I finally had my source of vampirism. Only problem was my army was in the other side of the map. We ran like hell, giving cities back to the Doviello along the way, just so the cultural borders would delay Khazad advance.


Turn 253: with my army healed and linked back with Losha, I finally got my secret weapon operational: vampiric Paladins. Yes, you read that correctly. It's fucking amazing how well the Calabim synergizes with the ORDER religion.


Turn 269: the tide begins to turn. In a desperate last ditch effort to survive, the Doviello became our vassals. With the Dwarven armies tied up south, besieging the Doviello's final stronghold, my army managed to score some gains on the center of the map. We mostly took the former Elhoim territory, now firmly under Khazad rule.


Turn 276: Khazak FALLS to the vampire horde and gets feasted down to size 3. The Doviello are dead, but their sacrifice meant the elite of the Dwarven army was tied up southwest, allowing us to strike at the core cities of the midget menace. You might think it was over, but the reality is that 60% of the map was still under the Khazad banner and their doomstack could crush mine any time of the day. We had to think outside the box...


Turn 301: knowing we couldn't possibly beat Bambur's army due to the AI having absurd numbers (56 stonewardens, just to name one unit), we decided to lay waste to the dwarven cities instead. My 3 move army outmaneuvered the dwarves, took all their remaining core cities, FEASTED on their carcasses and then abandoned a Size 3 husk for the Khazad to retake.


Turn 315: after spending almost 100 turns avoiding the Khazad's main force, the time had finally come. On a hill overlooking the occupied dwarven city of Kadar, Valin Phanuel (now a vampire) led the Brujah, the vampire-Paladins, regular vampires, mages, Moroi and even confessors to a final showdown with Bambur's massive doomstack. The elite of the Khazad army would perish on those hills, alongside most of my Moroi, some vampires and our beloved Losha. But it's okay, she's immortal and came back for more later. This is the point where I really won. After that it was mostly mopping up with the help of the mercurians (summoned on turn 313).


And that's the end, boys. Vampire Lords only showed up when the game was already won. I got my victory screen on turn 334. One of the hardest campaigns I ever had due to the Khazad almost conquering the entire fucking planet with their OP Mines of Galdur/early Iron. Knowing how to buy time for my powerspike (vampires) paid off. Had I decided to make a dumbass "stand" on turn 239 it would've been a fucking L. Sometimes the best strategy is "let them come". Once Losha arrived in Timberling my army had more than doubled in size due to constant reinforcements from my core cities. Drafting also helped a bit and the mercurians were kinda useful near the end. Desperate measures were used, success was achieved.

Hope you people commenting are also playing this gem and having some fun.

EDIT: important tip: DON'T sleep on the Tower of Eyes, it's the single most important late game wonder. Rampant war weariness can and will demolish your economy. In my game I actually improved my finances by switching to fucking despotism, of all things. 100 turns of constant warfare, with just a few 10 turns peaces in between resulted in 20+ WW angry faces in my capital.
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Jan 15, 2015
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
I played MagisterMod (https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/magistermodmod.455111/) yesterday and, well...the good news is that the modder is still around to this day, his project is going on since 2012 and MagisterCuultum has been active since Kael's days, with nobody else taking over his project and it features a LOT of new content. The bad news is...most of the new content is either uninteresting bloat OR "unflavoring" of previous content. For starters the desktop shortcut created by the mod installer doesn't work for me. But w/e, I'm not that big of a moron, I can load the mod via the game itself. So I load up and notice we now have...24 religions. We had seven before, so that's more than a threefold increase. So we got a MASSIVE amount of new religions, there's now a psycopath religion, a fire cult, ANOTHER nature religion, some mage's cult, a deathgod cult with an Emo Girl hero, the Grigori Religion (?), the Illian religion, the list goes on and on.

If all of this stuff had been ADDED to the game I would also think it's bad, but it gets worse because a LOT of faction/religious units got moved into the new religions. Eg: Arthendain (RoK 2nd hero) is now a member of the new nature cult, Baron Duin is now the head figure of the Sons of Discord AND (worst offender I found), most of the Sheiam's unique units like the Mobius Witch and the Eater of Dreams now belong to the new "The Between" religion. So essentially ANYONE can be the Sheiam and the Sheiam are just yet another generic faction. This is what I mean with "unflavoring", unique mechanics getting pushed into religions that everyone can potentially have access. There's a religion that enables Grigori Adventurers, a craftsmen religion that can produce the Mithril Golem and many "default" faction options are now locked behind certain religions. A miscast mechanic has been introduced and it's as annoying as it sounds, SEVERAL changes were made to the mana system, but the documentation is quite scarce. I also think Wonders got severely overtuned. For example, the Mines of Galdur now give 3 Gems, 3 Gold AND a free specialist per mine. I'm also not a fan of "vs [Race]" promotions, specially at fucking 75% and I don't think removing blocked units from pretty much everyone was the way to go. Also, Rifling? Really?

That is not to say I only found things I dislike on MMM. The Infernals have been revamped and became MUCH more interesting. The Infernal Pact is now a Ritual/Wonder (that costs 666 hammers, nice touch) instead of a Research and you get to choose WHICH Infernal Lord you intend to bring into the world:


Every Lord has his own pact that provides your Ritualists (only AV can start this project) with buffs and certainty of an afterlife of servitude. It's even possible to bring MORE demon lords into the world, up to 3 per team. Civics were also revamped in a positive way, like Sacrifice the Weak now allows pop-rushing and different civics have different reactions to certain wonders, buildings and special terrain features (like the Snake Pillar). Certain wonders will also have their effect amplified by the presence of features like Brandeline's Well, Dragon Bones etc. Speaking of Wonders, most new religions are founded via their specific wonder that also acts as their shrine.

Some new religions have interesting gimmicks, like the Foxmen shrine moving around, the Dragon Cult being started by Achaeron and being relegated to secondary religion status (that CAN screw you over) and the Stewards of Inequity operating out of your Gambling Houses instead of Temples. Another minor change I liked was tying the Over/Undercouncil to the founding of the Empyrean/Esus religions respectively, like it always said in FFH's lore. The "wonder/building morality" system is another thing I very much enjoy and some new heroes seem to have interesting gimmicks, tho there's a lot of "so situational it will probably never happen" powers, like bribing mercenaries. I also think the new Death God religion that hates the undead and turns Undeath mana into Death mana, meant for fueling spells that destroy undead and bring them eternal rest is thematically interesting, but too gimmicky to be used reliably.

In conclusion, I think this mod has a lot of qualities and good ideas that tragically end up being buried under bad and redundant features. There's no point in having two nature religions, two craftsmen religions, two Sheaiam-like religions and universally accessible religions that REALLY only fit the theme of a single faction like the Children of The One and The White Hand, clearly inspired by the Grigori and Illians respectively. The removal of faction world spell in favor of religion-spells is another feature I dislike, since it is yet another step into making factions more generic. The poor documentation and overabundance of typos in flavor texts seal this mod's fate for me and, sadly, I cannot recommend it. :cry:
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Mar 3, 2010
i'm partial to xtended.
because it adds a lot of stuff. all of it broken, overpowered or useless. but it's stuff! a lot of stuff!

but it started to do something very irritating: when camera focuses on a far away unit, graphics won't load, only terrain, i have to move the camera around and only then it forces itself to load all the missing items.


Jan 5, 2009
Bubbles In Memoria
I used to play this a long time ago and wanted to reexperience it but when i installed the game and started a match i noticed that the magic menu was missing and i couldnt seem to toggle it on. Have i messed up my install somehow or is there some setting that im just missing?


Mar 6, 2009
I gave Caveman2Cosmos one more try. The technical aspect was improved considerably, responsive massive pedia and BUG trickery to let the AI calculate some actions during the players turn lead to a far more enjoyable experience.
The underlying problems still persist, though. Massive bloat for the sake of "realism", yet no abstraction into clear game patterns, except for soft caps on how much output cities can generate.
And the worst of all, the AI is unable to use the system with any kind of efficiency. The problems with the design are:
1st) Too many buildings producing everything (food,prod,commerce,science,culture etc)
2nd) Food output has hard diminishing returns, considering point 1 that means in the early game food tiles do not matter at all
3rd) Production enables everything, so the clear best strategy is to maximize production at all cost, while being safe from barbs.
4rd) This also includes rushing Hunter techs (if there is a large landmass available), to further generate resource output
5th) This means that you can either rush the AIs with your production adv. or simply outsettle them while keeping a deterrent force

The AI can'T or won't do it, that means only with the massive deity boni they can be somewhat competetive.

Compare that to Realism Invictus, where the AI can use the systems and provides a good challenge even on Prince/Monarch.


Feb 12, 2015
AI in realism invictus is scary. They can and will dow you if you show any weakness on military. Sometimes even too much, which leads to horrible war for them


Mar 6, 2009
AI in realism invictus is scary. They can and will dow you if you show any weakness on military. Sometimes even too much, which leads to horrible war for them
True, but I rather have a hyperagressive AI (which is also somewhat realistic) instead of the pushovers in C2C. Monarch level large worldmap in RI is imho the absolute best civ game ever. One has to play a good civ game, because any larger mistake will be punished; autist national unit realism and good pedia entries provide education and background. It is only held back by the ancient engine.


Feb 12, 2015
I agree with you. Its a good ai and a great mod. But it might devolve in some non stop war situation
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Mar 3, 2010
There's also a downside to RI's AI: you're never going to be sneak-attacked by a bunch of smaller nations, the moment you didn't build enough military units you get attacked, and you know it's going to be with overwhelming numbers. The only time you can hope to put a sort of almost decent defense up is if you start as Rome and colonize all the three choke points in the Alps.


Jul 1, 2019
Wow, I have no idea how I haven't seen this thread before. I've put more hours into FFH2 (I guess more specifically RiFE, Ashes of Erebus, and Magister's Mod) than any other game I've ever played. I love AoE's take on the Elohim now. I can easily RP justifications for taking over Unique Features.

For starters the desktop shortcut created by the mod installer doesn't work for me.
Yeah, that's been incorrect for years. You need to change it to "C:\<YOUR DIRECTORY INFO>\Sid Meier's Civilization IV Beyond the Sword\Beyond the Sword\Civ4BeyondSword.exe" "mod=\Magister Modmod for FfH2"


Possibly Retarded
Nov 1, 2017
It is funny how Civ4 was supposedly designed to stop people building doomstacks, but you invariably end up with doomstacks anyway.


Jan 15, 2015
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
I made a RAR file with all you need.

1) FallfromHeaven2041n.exe
2) FfH2041o.exe
3) FfH2media.exe
4) emm-0.6.0-beta7-setup.exe (extramodmod, optional)

Run everything in that order, extract into the "C:\[Steam]\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization IV Beyond the Sword\Beyond the Sword\Mods" and then run the "EMM" shortcut on your desktop. Everything will work just fine. Steam users might have to change the game to "original release" under betas.

Reuploaded the RAR by request. New link:


DakaSha ur welcome, FAGGOT


Dec 4, 2010
I made a RAR file with all you need.

1) FallfromHeaven2041n.exe
2) FfH2041o.exe
3) FfH2media.exe
4) emm-0.6.0-beta7-setup.exe (extramodmod, optional)

Run everything in that order, extract into the "C:\[Steam]\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization IV Beyond the Sword\Beyond the Sword\Mods" and then run the "EMM" shortcut on your desktop. Everything will work just fine. Steam users might have to change the game to "original release" under betas.

Reuploaded the RAR by request. New link:


DakaSha ur welcome, FAGGOT

Thanks, FUCKER


Dec 4, 2010
I made a RAR file with all you need.

1) FallfromHeaven2041n.exe
2) FfH2041o.exe
3) FfH2media.exe
4) emm-0.6.0-beta7-setup.exe (extramodmod, optional)

Run everything in that order, extract into the "C:\[Steam]\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization IV Beyond the Sword\Beyond the Sword\Mods" and then run the "EMM" shortcut on your desktop. Everything will work just fine. Steam users might have to change the game to "original release" under betas.

Reuploaded the RAR by request. New link:


DakaSha ur welcome, FAGGOT
Doesnt work because the EMM installer assumes that i have the steam version. I have the gog version. Its looking for FFH in the incorrect folder



Jan 15, 2015
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
Can you play vanilla FFH2? Does it start up normally? EMM is a modmod, you don't actually need it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Try starting a new game in "vanilla" FFH 2, just to check if your base installation is working. With that out of the way, use the manual method for installing EMM:


Installation instructions:
  • Download and install Fall from Heaven 0.41 and patch "o" from here.
  • Copy or move the the "Mods/Fall from Heaven 2" folder to "Mods/ExtraModMod".
  • Extract emm-0.6.0-beta6.zip into "Mods" (or extract the contents of the "ExtraModMod" folder inside the archive into "Mods/ExtraModMod"). If you do everything right, you probably have to confirm that you want to overwrite files, and in the end there should be a folder "Mods/ExtraModMod/doc".
Just remember that there's another folder called "beyond the sword" or something inside your civ 4 installation. If you drop mods into the root Civ 4 folder, they won't work with BTS. If you get no prompts about files being overwritten, you're dropping the zip contents into the wrong folder. EMM is used as a patch on top of vanilla FFH2.

Oh, and you might wanna create a new shortcut for EMM since you're doing it manually, if you don't want to go "Advanced -> Load a Mod" every time, you CUCKOLD.

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