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The Ghost mode - overhaul mod for The Witcher 3 - alternative to W3EE


Proud owner of BG 3: Day of Swen's Tentacle
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I haven't finished Witcher 2 but I really liked the open world in Witcher 3. It felt just right in terms of how populated it is and how big the distances are.
Dec 5, 2010
Just me or Ghost Mode nerfed mounted combat? My sword swings at full gallop against armored knights seem to do little more damage than when I'm on foot.

Testing the mod out now, while I do appreciate upscaled wolves being made weak enough to die from one or two sword slashes and upscaled rats being nerfed(the toughest enemy in tw3) I don't see much of an improvement to enemies' attack patterns, they're just different, not necessarily better.

With alchemy&crafting items having weight again my character was slightly overburdened, and in the process of selling that junk in order to be able to move freely again I got to see the taxman quest for the first time after several playthroughs(it only triggers when you're carrying tons of gold, i had 2000 when i first installed the mod), so I also wonder about the economy's rebalancing.

I also find that if you're gonna bring back crafting item weight for the simulation/realism aspect then for the sake of coherency the different stash locations shouldn't have remained magically linked. Could get rid of them or unlink them and add more of them, or have the horse carry its own separate inventory so you can have a junk-carrying pack horse together with a leanly-equipped Geralt, but no half-assed changes.

Also not sure what the point is of going around changing skills that gave you bonuses in the order of 25% extra sword damage/sign intensity and changing it to 23% or something.
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Proud owner of BG 3: Day of Swen's Tentacle
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PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
The economy rebalancing seems to work well for me, at level 20 I'm walking around with about 3000 crowns at the peak moments. What I value the most is therebalancing of skills and signs. The enemies don't feel any smarter but I guess nothing can be done with the vanilla behavior that would improve it noticeably.
Nov 29, 2016
The changes remind me a lot of Better Combat Evolved, which is my overhaul of choice. Do regular attacks cost stamina in Ghost Mode? Also, I know that this was made with Preparations in mind, but could one merge it with the Primer or will it result in ton of script errors from hell?


Hi, I'm Roqua
Feb 26, 2017
Is there any mod that makes combat not suck and removes potion usage from combat? And is there a mod that removes geralt's voice and allows me to design my own protagonist?


Proud owner of BG 3: Day of Swen's Tentacle
Nov 23, 2014
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PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
Trying to merge Ghost mode with Primer created somewhere around seventy conflicts which had to be merged manually, so I gave up on it.
Nov 29, 2016
Trying to merge Ghost mode with Primer created somewhere around seventy conflicts which had to be merged manually, so I gave up on it.

Depending on what exactly the conflicts are, it could be a pretty easy copy-paste affair. For instance, in merging Primer with BCEvolved3 I also had many conflicts, but they were all concerning potion statistics, essentially giving you a choice between using Primer's or BCE's potion balance. Nothing unsolvable, although it does take some time.


Proud owner of BG 3: Day of Swen's Tentacle
Nov 23, 2014
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PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
If you manage to merge them, please let me know. I tried but gave up on it. I think there were too many places where both mods were assigning values to the same variables.
Dec 5, 2010
Not sure about the way ghost mode makes counters consume all of my adrenaline.

I usually spend points in a skill that allows me to not lose adrenaline when hit, another in a skill that has me start a fight with 1 full adrenaline bar and another in a skill that can save me from a deathblow every once in a while by consuming all my adrenaline points. You're supposed to counter most human opponents the way you dodge monster oponents, so with ghost mode you'll effectively have no adrenaline during fights against humans so you not only don't benefit much from all the adrenaline-based skills you purchased but you also won't be able to regularly use whirl and rend. It works for me since I never use rend and whirlwind against humans anyway(seems out of place), and at 3 full bars having every counter translate into a kick that knocked down the opponent for an instant execution was excessive, but I'm not sure most will enjoy the change.

Do regular attacks cost stamina in Ghost Mode?
From what I've tested (medium armor) they just briefly pause stamina regeneration. Dodging and rolling in combat can cost stamina depending on your armor class(with medium armor only rolls cost stamina).

Is there any mod that makes combat not suck
The best you can hope for is some rebalancing of how much damage specific types of enemies can take and dish out(imo to make trash fights go faster and contract fights take longer).

Is there any mod[...] removes potion usage from combat?
Self control. :M
Haven't seen any, yet I wouldn't use one since some of the potions like blizzard and white raffard's seem intended to be used in the middle of a fight, although the fact that you can instantly spam them sucks. Extra animations triggers a potion drinking animation whenever you drink something off a hotkey, including in the middle of a fight which leaves you very vulnerable to be hit and interrupted(nearly impossible to use against a pack of enemies that constantly attack you). Preparations can also disable inventory access during combat(as well as consumption of food&drink during combat) so all you can use in a fight is the stuff you hotkeyed in advance(potions, decoctions,bombs,special quest items).

You have to do some tinkering to get them to play well together(as with most interesting tw3 mods).

And is there a mod that [...] allows me to design my own protagonist?
Here you go:


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Feb 16, 2016
I played my first game with ghost+preps+autoloot aio and bunch of other mods. Couldnt imagine that vanilla experience where i had to gather every freaking herb manually. But i can imagine the xp of waiting for the roach to emerge on the other side of the world when called, then trot slowly to me for a year. And then get stuck on the fence. Etc. I discovered insta roach mod and its god given for next play. Yeah you are right, mods can break game and they are pita to install in w3, but if you follow instructions(which i am), know whatcha doing(which i mostly am), dont suffocate with a million of mods(which i do lol) then you got a million times better game. You just need some trial and error smtms to check mods and its fine.

Great example of t&e is i got autoloot aio to work together with w3ee install by editing few things in merge.
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Dec 5, 2010
^There shouldn't be much of a reason for you to go around picking flowers unless you're broke or feel like it(or OCD), that's supposed to be the herbalist's job. The game doesn't exactly seem to teach you where to find specific types of plants when you need them either so it's not much of a gameplay mechanic. Too bad that herbalists often carry fewer plant varieties than what you'd collect in 2 minutes' worth of flower picking but I'm sure there's mods for that too.

Avoid autoloot's trueautoloot mode, it can grab stuff through walls, ceilings and floors and break quests that way.
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Feb 16, 2016
Lol i know, thats why i only set it to pick herbs and stea...coughcough loot everything else manualy. It was funny, in first playthrough i looted all of w orch houses then installed autoloot and wondered why theres no stuff to loot in velen and novigrad. Only in Toussaint in messed with autoloot and figured it out.
Dec 5, 2010
So with this mod it takes me 3 heavy attacks to kill a miserly drowner versus 4 attacks for a stone golem, both upscaled to my level.
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Feb 14, 2017
I haven't finished Witcher 2 but I really liked the open world in Witcher 3. It felt just right in terms of how populated it is and how big the distances are.

If the populace of TW3 offered anything of interest it'd be fine. Trouble is almost everyone in it falls into the same category or Merchant, Cardplayer or Questgiver etc. there's very few curveballs, and you knew exactly what you were getting most of the time.

So it didn't feel like a real populace, and whenever I wondered around the likes of Novigrad my natural curiosity was usually wasted. It didn't take long to figure out "well it's pointless me talking to randoms because they won't have anything of any real use, and the odd quest I do get will be fairly "meh" compared to the better side-quests".

So you're right, it was aesthetically placed & spaced well. But substance-wise it was thin on the ground with surprises or worthwhile content, and thus the embodiment of filler.


Nov 8, 2008
Governed by clowns
Is anyone going to offer a substantiated opinion on this mod ? I am thinking of starting a new playthrough with this and friendly hud. Not finding dimeritium in peasant huts sounds like a good idea, but I am not sure about the rest ...
Dec 5, 2010
^Can't endorse it without fully testing it, as an overhaul mod it's gonna take a while and unlike most mods I use(immersive cam, preparations) you can't configure or disable each specific thing it does to make it only change precisely what you want, in fact you can hardly change anything about it so it's not as easy to recommend.

Right now I'm using it on an endgame Geralt with upscaled enemies to test the differences in power between different enemy types and that at least seems to be an improvement on vanilla, though still a long ways from perfect. While drowners and humans are significantly weaker than say, a foglet, a foglet is only slightly weaker than a fiend(in upscaled vanilla the difference between them all doesn't seem to be more than 2-4 sword strikes). It also seems to be balanced around having 4 greater mutagens equipped(red for sword builds, blue for sign builds).

Will have to play a few hours of NG with a lv1 char to get a sense of its difficulty curve and how the loot works (personally I'd rather they just get rid of all the trash loot containers, making only chests and perhaps bookshelves lootable). Though as mentioned in an earlier post the economy is as whacked out as in vanilla so I'm looking into testing Lore-friendly economy and Complete Animations or Primal Needs for the potion drinking animations in combat, both of which are supposed to be fully configurable ingame just like the preparations mod.
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Proud owner of BG 3: Day of Swen's Tentacle
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I've got over 100 hrs playing with it and I think its rebalancing of talents and recipes is pretty fine.


Feb 16, 2016
Beware that primal needs conflicts w Immersive cam. At least i wasnt able to. So i chose ic, as it was more important to me. Also you have profoods, which gives back separate food and drink restore effect. Dont remember if it was compatible with pn though...

Sent from my G3121 using Tapatalk
Dec 5, 2010
^Interesting, what about complete animations? It used to be part of primal needs, only reason I was considering PN was because all the hunger/thirst etc stuff can be configured or disabled so it wouldn't have to be uninstalled in case I didn't like them (the game's setting doesn't feel like fear of death by hunger or thirst should be a concern, unlike postapoc/desert game settings) and I'd still have access to the configurable eating/drinking etc animations.
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Feb 16, 2016
All states can be set to off, but if thats the case, i suggest better try that only animations mod, primal is not overly friendly with other mods.

Sent from my G3121 using Tapatalk


Nov 8, 2008
Governed by clowns
Ok I started this with random (+/- 5 levels) scaling and disabled the quest levels. Basically the "I go where I want" settings as the author suggests.

Sneaky Seal

Aurum Dust
Sep 14, 2016
I beat Witcher 3 on launch and never cared to go back to it. The game is good but is there re-playability?

Absolutely agree, while one can probably say it's a great game, I didn't feel a desire to go back to it. With very limited role-playing, limited C&C, and close to no challenge in combat - it is a sort of interactive movie in my opinion with very low re-playability. Though I guess many will disagree.


Proud owner of BG 3: Day of Swen's Tentacle
Nov 23, 2014
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PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
The interactive movie was fun and grew on me. Also, there is a great walking sim in Toussaint when you are so overleveled that you just take walks and watch the views.

I wouldn't call it an RPG either. There may have been some strategic element intended in the talents/character screen, but it's too easy to get overleveled enough that it doesn't matter what build you made for most encounters.

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