Not to mention the skills themselves just plain sucked dick. I was so excited when I finally got Tome of Wrath, that maybe I'd get something nice now... And it was just shit shit shit whyamievenusingthisgarbage tier junk skill.
It didn't help that almost every other skill was complete wastespace as well, all skills just felt weak and pointless on their own and even when alpha striking with everything. Nothing felt like it actually mattered to time it or place it, all that mattered was just having a constant rotation of everything. In general a constant element in the game was that you just felt excessively WEAK all the time (and not just in comparison to something like Champions, where you are excessively powerful compared to usual MMOs).
Amen to the skills sucking, and fealing weak. Despite Guild Wars 2 being piss easy, I have never felt this weak in an mmo ever. The skills were really uncreative and banal too.
Skill 1: Do Damage
Skill 2: Do Damage
Skill 3: Do Damage Some minor extra effect, maybe AoE.
Skill 4: Do Damage
Skill 5: Big Damage, Big Cooldown
Skill 6: Heal yourself
Skill 7: Do something to help you do even more damage
Skill 8: Do something to help you do even more damage
Skill 9: Do something to help you do even more damage
Elite: Pretty powerful, but because of the overly long cooldown, and situational nature of it, it will rarely see any usage.
Because the entire combat involves around outdpsing your foe, and skill 1 (auto attack) usually happens to be the best at that, the game is basically an auto attack fest with the occational utility skill to increase your damage.
I was hopeful that the Mesmer was going to be different, but then this happened
And my hopes of the game having any good skill design died. When the most creative and fun class in the original had devolved into purple laz0rs, you know the skill design and combat had gotten really bland and uncreative.
The biggest problem causing the player to feel so weak was the lack of impact, both in well visualization and in battle effects, my 6 second long cooldown skill increases the damage you take by 1%, whoopdiefucking doo. Worse yet are the stuns, I use my stunning skill on you, and what do I get? Nothing! no stun at all because I must hit the enemy 5 times with crowd control before I can actually stun him, such brilliant design. Feedback through animations sucked too, when enemies got hit, they didnt even react, nor did they care.