Menckenstein and
Whisper? DakaSha shows you how it's done. He's posting something that's an actual issue with the game instead of latching on to some peripheral shit that noone who's playing cares about and making himself look like an idiot. GW2 is not perfect and most of the people who are enjoying it right now never claimed it was anything but the same as guildwars 1 but slightly prettier with a few new doodads. And no more instancing all over the place.
At least in the Diablo 3 thread we could post things like people getting disconnected from their single player games, items being stolen by session spoof exploits, the fact that stores your passwords case-insentitice and truncated to the first 8 characters. (In the light of the recent reveal that someone ran off with the user emails and password hashes, that's sure turned out well for blizzard). Not to mention people talking about selling and buying items for hundreds of dollars after RMAH came out, complete with screenshots and blizzard taking a cut out of every trade. We didn't go "OMG there's an option to pay money to have your sword colored blue! JEWS!" like some sad fuckfaces in this thread.