I can't take a single class mage or Druid. Need more physical damage. Single class Druid helps at the start but toward the end is underwhelming. I will probably just make a human fighter mage. Fighter3->mage sounds good.
Good luck, that was my hardest fight in the game, don't forget to equip the +2 arrows.Nearly at Yxunomei.
Three Dwarves And A Gnome are now at level 8-9. I couldn't remember what the Insane / 4-party XP bonus is for IWD original, so I've been console-removing chunks of XP whenever it looked like it was too fast (e.g. getting level 4 spell slots when no scrolls are to be found). This does mean that the party often just can't stay toe to toe with Insane damage output, so hell, I have to get good old Web out even for a few Yuan-ti Elites. Yxunomei may well end up being brutal.
The Fighter's currently got some weapon choices (trying Item Upgrades mod), stun chance morning star and confusion chance longsword. Cleric following up with a stun chance flail, though none of this ends up firing very often due to the party dying like flies in sustained melee. The Fighter/Thief's been pinging about with the Shortbow +1, but obviously Messenger of Sseth awaits. The mage has been key with Chromatic Orb (stun at levels 6/7), Web and Haste - I imagine this would have been quite a slog if I went with the four dwarves. In any case, it's a rather silly party, but that's the fun.
Welp. Turns out with Messenger of Sseth and +2 arrows, Yxunomei gets eaten alive in about fifteen seconds.
- I'm still not sold on the War Chant of the Sith. Yeah, it offers some decent buffs, but it doesn't feel overly powerful.
I did fighter 9 > mage. So I got the extra hits per round and additional proficiency slots (I think you get grandmaster or something for things like 2h sword)Fighter3 -> Mage is a really good choice imo. He gets some beef and thac0 from the 3 fighter levels and then goes into full spellcasting and max the character.
original IWD
As a first time player and Infinity engine noob, should I play the original IWD or Beamdog's "EE"?
IWD EE is the best EE (I didn't play PST EE yet). It doesn't fuck with the original content apart form a few really small things and you do get insta qs/sl as well as auto loot. So as shocking as it might sound I'd say go with EE. Just don't pay the absolutely ridiculous asking price.As a first time player and Infinity engine noob, should I play the original IWD or Beamdog's "EE"?
I will give you that one. Always liked sorcerers.And adding sorcerers is actually good, they're op as always, but the spell selection through huge periods of vanilla was and still is horrible so fuck that.
SCS also has fighters switch attacks based on ac an resistances, which would do wonders for all the melee grunts in IWD.^ not necessarily. SCS makes BG difficult mainly by focusing on casters and calls to help. While the latter would certainly make IWD much harder, the former isn't as relevant.
IWD still has a lot of really good encounters because it makes up for the lack of competent enemies by just having A LOT of them sometimes, and it knows how to place them pretty annoyingly too at least for the first half.