Scrolls is apparently normally $5. I've heard that (Supposedly) it's fairly generous with giving you in-game cash to pick up boosters (And it has trading between players and I believe an in-game auction house/store thing so you can more easily go for certain cards if you're building something) but I haven't played it yet myself so I can't really judge if any of that's true or even if the game is any fun. I've heard some fairly good things though. Don't know enough to say how valuable the $12 tier is (Two premade decks and two cosmetic player models).
Edit: Checked out the Scrolls funny money. The premade decks are for sale in their shop and buying both would run you roughly $15 in real cash money dollars. You could also buy them using the in-game currency.
I've played some Sol Forge and it's definitely not a BAD game but I never really got in to it. I assume the "Starters" they mention are prebuilt decks, because last time I played Sol Forge the only way you could buy cards was through boosters or a handful of premade decks. It was (No idea if it still is) fairly generous with the daily rewards, and you could bang out all 3 dailies in like 15 minutes which often would get you something like 2-5 boosters a day, but I've heard the power creep has gotten worse with the new set(s) added so there's a massive difference between well stocked players and not. And since you can put cards 4 deep in a Sol Forge deck that makes building an effective deck even more expensive since you need more good cards. What you're getting from the bundle here isn't terrible but it's not a huge deal.
Don't know anything about Star Realms.
Talisman Digital Edition's good. It's the board game done up on computuh. The character packs are nothing very important, and Talisman Prologue is basically just baby solitaire version which isn't entirely awful but probably won't keep you interested much unless you like zoning out.
Magic 2015 sounds like a mixed bag. I've been a big fan of the modern Duels of the Planeswalkers games since they've been 10+ premade decks you can rub up against one another for a cheap price. Mechanically Magic's a lot of fun to play, but there are two problems with playing it in reality: #1 It's expensive as fuck unless you've got casual bros to casually play it with, which is difficult because #2 90% of all physical Magic players are terrible people. Both of those reasons are why I enjoyed the computer games, since it has surprisingly good AI considering the complexity of the game and let me enjoy Magic again now that my casual bro team has drifted apart. What makes 2015 slightly iffier is it does away with the prebuilt decks (Well, you start with one of three (?) prebuilts in the beginning) and then win boosters and cards while playing, which you then use to improve your deck/build other decks. Makes it much worse as a newbie Magic introduction and tends to piss off other people since you have to either grind or buy full card set unlocks to get all your options open. I still haven't picked Magic 2015 up yet myself though I will eventually.
Dominion is apparently an excellent board game, but I know absolutely jack shit about this free to play browser version. Is it a loyal port of the board game? Is there any free to play cheese in the base set beyond just buying normal expansions? Damned if I know. I just know the board game is supposedly good.
Card Hunter is another free to play browser game (Which is supposedly coming to Steam) but after taking a peek at it I'm sorely tempted to splash on the $12 tier of the bundle myself. Looks like some fun turn based party based card-playing dice-rolling semi-RPG combat. The "Basic edition" which is what's in the bundle is sold for $25 normally in their store, and includes cosmetic alternate figurines for heroes, something like $2.50 of the in-game funny money, and 11 "Treasure hunter" adventures which are/were the only premium adventures in the game. The majority being free for everyone, though they apparently recently added a $15 expansion with a pile of new adventures and figurines. Haven't played enough to say how tactically interesting the later adventures get (My party is level 2-2-1 at the moment, cap is I wanna say 20) but it seems like there's room for some cool battles in their system.
Quick rundown of how an encounter works, each party member draws a hand of cards (Always with 1 movement card) out of each hero's "Deck". The deck being built of shit based on the character's race and class/items. So while a mace might have 6 damage swing, 2 4 damage swings, and a 2 damage swing an axe might have a 5 damage 2 target (In melee range) swing, 2 damage 2 target in melee swing, and a 2 damage swing. Each card is an action that character can use that round, and a round ticks over when both players pass contiguous turns. Then you draw a new set of cards and keep chugging. Most damage is a flat number tied to a card, and the dice rolling mainly comes in from armor (Blocking with shields/parrying with weapons/absorbing damage with armor) checks, which are also cards. So you might end up with a more defensive turn if you drew a bunch of blocks/armors, etc. There's a bit more to it with line of sight, uneven terrain, various buffs/debuffs and movement related cards (Teleport other's cool. I want that on my wizard) and monsters draw and play cards by group. So for example a group of 3 goblins draw a hand of cards based on their type and then only they can use those cards.
So yeah. Bundle's weird. The pricing doesn't seem very good but I'm a sucker for card games and (Importantly) seem to like Card Hunter so I'm thinking about going in for $12 but I'm waffling myself because that's a lot of free to play, buuuuuut muh card games. It's worth at the very least a dollar if you haven't got Talisman, but beyond that just depends on you.