And how about The Last Remnant, what's that like?
The Last Remnant is the game every codexer wants but they just don't know about it. Have you played any of the SaGa games? It is basically a SaGa game in all but name, imo.
I haven't played any SaGa game, and I have to ask, what exactly do SaGa games do best? And what does The Last Remnant do that is so much like it?
I haven't played it since I beat it around its release on Xbxo 360, but here is what I remember.
It's a turn-based jrpg that lets you have up to five unions in battle and each union can have up to five units (18 units is the max number per battle). You can make each unit focus on different things. Maybe you want a lot of mages or healers in one union, or maybe an attacking union that also uses items when needed. In some fights, you might not want to set up the maximum amount of units or unions. In the most difficult battle in the game, I did use less units than the maximum amount, just because I was getting destroyed. I entered that battle with five unions that had three or four units (total 18 units), but it just didn't work out. Instead, I made three unions with with five units and managed to win the battle..
Each union can also have different formations. Formations can have a very big difference in how things will go. There are also upgraded versions of formations that you can get. Some are good for speed, some are good for physical defense and so on.
There's also morale. If your morale gets low during a battle, the possibility of you getting screwed increases. There are various things that has to do with morale.
There are deadlocks that happen when unions engage in melee combat, then there are big units that can deadlock more than one unit. You can flank units or go for rear assault if positioned right on the battlefield.
There are a lot of these things that are in the game, but I don't remember them all off the top of my head.
All of these don't have much in common with the SaGa games. What the game has in common with the SaGa games is the turn-based part and the way stats and skills are gained. Use melee a lot and your stats that help with melee will go up. Use physical arts to learn more physical arts. Use healing spells to learn more healing spells and so on.
I found the combat to be really exciting and there are some great and challenging encounters in the game. I 100%d everything so that I could fight the extra difficult final boss and I have to say that it was an amazing fight. I have no clue how I managed to win it, but win it I did.