The Future Of Law Enforcement
Just in time for Halloween, some super-powered costumes can now be unlocked!
- Additional dialogue to explain how you survived death - including dead police officers coming back as cyborgs! Upon unlocking this privilege, new costumes include robotic metals which are bulletproof.
- New "Robogun" weapon.
- Mysteries can be triggered when you answer the phone, where "Guess Who?" style clues help you figure out who to confront (by grappling and then taunting like an arrest).
- New major incidents include bomb threats!
- In rare situations, crime can become legal for one day under a Purge style "Immune System"!
- Body Pattern #41 now includes a police badge, which is also available on the shoulder at Elbow Pad #24.
- New taunts include "Goosebumps" and the "Milk America Great Again" dance.
- New "Transparent 4" hairstyle works as a toupee.
- Improved consistency in the colouring of transparent hair length and fringes.
- Parents are called "Mum" or "Dad" by their children.
- Prevented an issue that caused prisoners to return to their cell at the wrong level in the new North Block.
- Fewer cops descend on you at the same time to avenge a colleague's death.
- Changing the venue in Fight Scenes only resets "Standard" furniture/prop selections, so unique settings remain intact.
- Prison cells aren't favoured so heavily for weapon locations in larger blocks like the North or South.
- Cops are less likely to cite their ever-present colleagues as a reason to be afraid in fights.
- Offspring cost you a maximum of $100, which is only ever paid to mothers you are in a good relationship with.
- Slight changes to the default characters.