This is a valid complaint. But keep in mind, this is something that people "on the other side" have also noticed and begun to complain about. For example, I feel like the "cozy games" trend represents a pushback against irony and insincerity.
(Notice some of the reactions from Codexers when I used that term in this thread:
Glad you raise this, because it highlights the full extent of the era. We have this sense that our pop-art/culture is somehow
wrong. And a vague sense we're sick of shit humour that feels like it's dodging its own feelings. And yes, "the other side" is too, and they have an answer. An answer which was hilariously commodified in a yoghurt commercial for some reason.
I think the fact this was seen as something that could sell yoghurt on tv brings us closer to an answer. If this was
the answer why weren't they doing it all along? If it's so safe that you can just run it on tv why aren't they all doing this? I believe that it's because this is
safe, but
does not address the problem. You do not cure quipfaggot vapidity by lo-fi just living in the freaking moment with your fellow trans-girls and lo-fi-ing your penis off to your favourite "yet the world refused to die" hopepunk playlist.
These hipstery little details, what we see above, in the swooshy sounds and humming ambience of the game you linked in that other thread, the answer is not to pay attention to a few arbitrarily selected fine details (no corposloppa obsessed with MICROTRANSACTIONS would let you PET LE HECKIN CHONKERINO) and have a big NO SARCASM rule hanging over your writing. Does the yoghurt ad feel sincere to you? Nobody would dare break the serenity by quipping. But the problem, is that just about anything could break the "serenity". Contemplation of how any of that works, the social structure or practical running of their society, it's a veneer. I'm not saying we have a hard
REALISM problem, but something far deeper. I believe that under any particular manifestation you can tell when a work is a product of a mind which is
allergic to reality.
The reason millennial and gen-x faggots decided they liked their "snark" was because it allowed them to reclaim a veneer of
edge that they lost as the people who started to concede that we shouldn't call people faggots, we should loudly and regularly disavow everything that happened before 1968, we should feel vaguely guilty for existing, but we have
spirit because of these random meaningless spikes of verbal energy.
Even if you don't actively feel these things, you don't have to hold your arm down to prevent a spontaneous heil whenever you see a picture of Hitler, if you believe these things (or rather,
make yourself believe them), then
sincerity is beyond you. Anybody who is
afraid of or dishonest about human nature can be said to have insincerity nested in the heart of their being.
We have had good works still made for decades in the west (the beginning of this spiritual decay
could be noted in 1965, as noted in this thread, and even earlier), bleeding off over time, but these were often what we might call products of people being allowed to forget or sublimate their problems with the world, partially lie to themselves, or just being allowed to live and work as unprincipled exceptions because libtard takeover of reality was an uneven and never complete process.
To write compellingly, or even design a non-verbal/literary aesthetic work compellingly one has to tap into some kind of
authentic pathos. Libtardism as it works on an individual I believe could be described as a process of inserting increasingly artificial pathos in the place of anything organic (and so capable of survival, reproduction, and production).
I'm presently reading a manga which has a reputation for being a bit unhinged. For shamelessly leaning into the passions, convictions, and interests of its creators. A work of deep
pathos some say. Well, it's a work which has endured for something like 30 years and succeeded commercially. It resonated somehow. It's a mess of gore, sexuality,
cartoonish humour, apocalyptic faith in one's own final ends.
Where I'm going, Japan is the first world country with the least raped nature/spirit, so they have the best popular culture and arts. This is no particular of approach we can clamp down on or copy in our own doings. Apocalypse Zero tries to be
funny quite often. Retarded cartoonish sex pervert humour. And then next page the protagonist is in his Unit 731 uniform announcing his willingness to suffer anything and die for his people. And it's all compelling. The brilliant craft, the bizarre premise, everything they try works because it's all drawing on a source that's alive in the heart of the creative team.
This is what creative
fire looks like. By comparison hopepunk agricultural idylls, fishing spots, natural ambience and swooshy menus feel like men among ruins desperately rubbing sticks together as they succumb to radiation poisoning. If even. More like they've been told fire is evil so they're rubbing plastic rods together, the jews told them that creates morally good heat if you believe hard enough. The analogy is strained and unnecessary, I hope you already follow me.
No attempt fixing this through identification of symptoms will get anywhere. And the attempts at spiritual alignment by the trans-girls is approaching correct (because they are autistic men, they can think), but because any true spiritual correction would shatter their existence, they can only substitute a void with a lie. The
"snark" from a faggot who obviously believes in nothing is obnoxious. As is the attempt at a rich and fulfilling aesthetic experience made by a spiritual coward obviously trying to hunt down the few remaining scraps of culture and niceness that
The Woke have not forbidden them yet.
This thread opened with the Baldur's Gate OP. If you think I'm getting carried away in my own fancies, why don't you open that up again and tell me whose name appears immediately. Even if the allusion is unearned, they knew what feels cool, serious, mysterious and heavy. It's a relatively
straight little opening movie, but by this point it already feels like a faint aesthetic echo of the living, honest and true works which started the primary trends of genre fiction in the 20th century. Robert E. Howard was a chronically insecure bodybuilder obsessed with masculinity in decline who shot himself. If that's not living in awareness of the bronze age mindset I don't know what is. H.P. Lovecraft was a miserable incel who wanted to kill himself when he contemplated the idea of America being inherited by the racial debris of the world.
These men thought, felt, and believed things which have been running on a trajectory towards being treated as practically illegal soulcrimes from their own times onwards. If we want to heal our art, the path forward is the same path as healing our entire world. These men need to be unleashed again. Working from below and without, they established legacies that last a century after their deaths. Imagine what this class of man could do in a society built around him. Japan is not that, but it's about as close as anywhere can get after World War 2 went the way it did.
Now this doesn't mean you turn on the based switch and everything comes good. Catastrophic damage has been done to western cultural infrastructure. And due to over and under the table persecution people who are perhaps more spiritually ordered are often drastically undercultivated as potential artists you can slot into a more ordered industry. Trans-girls and leftists might seem more artsy, they're not, but when they're waited on hand and foot and met with opportunity and service at every turn, while their ideological counterparts are brutalised out of society, that creates a disparity in outcomes which does not necessarily reflect innate potential. I think a more ordered industry would get
dramatically more eventually due to better utilisation of manpower, but there would be a painful gearing up process. People capable of making things which don't feel like someone trying to giggle down the tension of being held up at gunpoint exist even in the racially compromised America of 2025, but how long does it take to turn that into good things? Probably several years.
How do you rebuild a sincere society? That sounds like a revolutionary task to me. Well, best news for that, My President Donald Trump has something approaching a revolutionary program. The forces which serve spiritual wrongness are being at least partially dismantled.
And if you think I'm full of bullshit, another final case I'll make for this. I think the most revolutionary
gameplay evolution in western gaming in the past 15 years was the shift back towards tactility and embrace of game conventions as conventions in shooters. A process that was started by the lone Brazilian SergeantMarkIV. In particular his work on Brutal Doom that he was doing during his most schoolshootermaxxed aesthetic
and ideological phase.
STILL brands like this. This is his twitter pfp.
And back ten years ago on random Doom forums he was telling depressed people that logically they should kill themselves because nature won't miss them. This man was
metal to his soul. And that shone through into his work, which cut through years of painful stagnation that everyone felt but nobody could fix, and after it'd happened it felt inevitable. It could only have gone this way. Even if people rejected him, they were grateful for his work, they indirectly embraced his edgiest self through its products.
And to bring up advertising again, look at how these ungrateful fucking worms treat the products of his influence. Yeah man... we love blood and guns that explode people... it's like... coming home from school... getting a snack... going to my toystory bedroom and lo-fi-ing my penis off pretending to be a stranger things character. This is about going back to tha- NO. THIS GAME EXISTS BECAUSE OF BRUTAL DOOM. TO MAKE BRUTAL DOOM YOU HAVE TO BE A FUCKING
NAZI. And Boltgun is a game that aesthetically
DOES NOT WORK because it was made by
LYING FAGGOTS. We could technically break down why the game is wrong, the cheap way that papery blood effects obscure a lack of dynamic gore, the lack of unique weapon impacts, but the point is that
anybody authentically channeling the same forces as SergeantMarkIV would not have made these mistakes. There is an organic connection between the motivating aesthetic impulses and the results. This is the difference in final results between sincerity and insincerity.
I hope this has been enlightening and we can now proceed with clarity.