For people that have watched extended gameplay... is there even infected left?
Within the first two hours of the game Ellie and her gf are talking about how many zombies wer the most each encountered at once, Ellie remarks that a year or so ago they found 12 at the same time while on patrol with Joel. They find like 20 five minutes later. You can find a moose torn to pieces and later on a zombie chomping on one of its legs in there.
Nevermind that you kill way more in the first game, there doesn't seem to be that many infected around. The problem is that there straight up shouldn't be any, or if they were they should be severely malnourished. How did 20 crazy, screaming people take down a whole moose by themselves? Those things can shrug off fucking car crashes. There are a couple that are straight up just waiting in the snow for people and serve as jumpscares when they should be either dead or have several problems running, but no, they're just fine.
Tldr the numbers are fine for how long it has been after the outbreak and how many people there are out there, but they portray them as having both super strenght and being really durable when they should be just sick people after a couple of days of being infected and running around the snow.