Jimquisition just gave a 7.0 to BOTW, making the average going to a shameful 97:
The funniest part is that he gave 9.5 to Horizon.
These popamoles are the reasons why we cant have good things.
I have read the review, and the verdict is utterly biased towards his own complaints with the game rather than pointing out which are the clear design's flaws. Let's see:
- He complains about the stamina bar being a hindrance since almost every action consumes stamina while traveling (running,swimming etc.). Seems like He never uses shrines to teleport and navigate across the map or take advantages of heights with the paragliding, or create pillars of ice instead of swimming, etc.
- He complains that certain enemies can one-shot you and are capable to take quite a beating in order to be eventually defeated with crappy gear (Gothic style). And dismiss this as a cheap way to increase difficulty, unlike "Dark Souls" just as he was waiting that moment to mention it, dark fucking souls, a game where bosses usually unleash a furry of relentless hard hitting attacks and have very small windows of opening. It's just like there are not simple ways to deal with them, like, I don't know, blocking with a shield (which doesn't consume stamina by the way), perform timed dodges, use the environmental hazards and explosives to your advantage or just wait until you find some decent gear. Also, He forgot to mention enemies can be resourceful, dunkey's video clearly shows this is true for example.
- He complains about weapon's degradation, the favorite zelda botw detractors subject. I personally find this complain like whining about the legend of grimrock II hunger meter. Weapons are plentiful and you can make octoroks eat them to renew the weapons.
- He complains that the difficulty of the alternatives paths towards your main objective (which is ganon) is heavily influenced by how far you progress across the "predefined" path (which are the four guardians) and how many shrines you solve to get stronger. I don't really know what to say about this one, sounds like he expected that going straight to the tougher parts of the game with 3 hearts and meager stamina bar was going to be as easy as clearing the main quest of a Bethesda game with a low level character.
- He complains about the shrines as the only way to perma increase your health and stamina gauge. What exactly did he wanted in that case then? To find powerups like candy everywhere?.........
Wait a second,
he gave Fallout 4 a 9,5/10?. Well, that does it. Zero credibility.