Except that doesn't mention getting cockblocked for the freebie talent passives if you dump enough points into a tree. Last night I had 4 alerts and every one of them was "You've used up/hit the limit on X Y and Z, but you can fix this with money!".
Do you mean the trait passives on the left of the trait trees, it is mentioned in the link:
VIP: All trait slots and class bonus skills available (mentioned twice)
Free player: 1 race slot and 2 virtue slots unlocked. Can purchase more slots and class bonus skills
More info on traits:
Don't know if I'm just in a MMO mood (Which is unusual since I typically hate MMOs) or what but DDO and LotRO have been nice. Sadly I would like to get a mount in LotRO but it looks like that'll be some cash shop shenanigans too. I heard that Rohan came with a mount but as far as I can tell that's only if you bought it for $20 cash, buying it from the LotRO store for 99 points (Or whatever full price is) I guess doesn't include that, and unlike DDO I guess there's no keep on the borderlands to go get a horse from.
Riding skill is also mentioned :
VIP: Can acquire the horse riding skill for free from a
quest at level 20
More info on mounts:
You can get a lot normal mounts with in game money. The quest that gives you riding skills also sells mounts.
Incase you missed it, craft guild levels, swift travel, currency cap is also locked behind a paywall which VIP also unlocks.
1. The game is designed for a player to subscribe to VIP at least once to get unlocks to their characters, who then get to keep some of the benefits when VIP expires. Characters who are not logged in or did not access the benefits like riding/crafting guilds levels do not keep access after VIP expires, traits and swift travel only require char to log in (maybe reach lvl 5 after beginning area).
So you need to plan.
You keep 5 chars after VIP expires so that is 5 riding skills & crafting guilds levels(crafting guild levels cannot be increased after VIP ends without paying). You can easily level chars to lvl 20 by crafting. They will be your crafting/storage alts with the ability to convert to adventuring in the future,
2. Then pay for the expansions.
3. The Premium wallet is the next purchase when your inventory is getting full.
You can earn LP in game to get the wallet.
Other QOL are the reduce cooldown for teleports for milestones and returns & extra inventory slots.
You can skip the shared vault by using mail and housing storage.
Bonus! VIPs can use this, there is a non-VIP version too:
Just ask nicely in world chat for their locations or find one open-for-public-use yourself.