Use the automap then -you need a cartographer. Direction Sense skill will tell you through the compass which direction are you facing.
I'm not sure if that's better or worse than what you have in the movie business, where companies produce crap like Amazing Spiderman just to keep the rights. Overall, though, IPs are way less important in games because the important thing is gameplay, not the lore, characters or story (we're talking about an industry where Albion, the story-precursor to Avatar, has one of the more intriguing narratives).Not following the business side of things that closely but it does seem the only cases where rights change hands these days are bankruptcy proceedings. Then rights are obtained by some obscure hedge fund from Cyprus and never see the light of day ever. Pretty frustrating.
Has anyone tried this ( with MM7? Maybe I am blind but the game seems to look better. Should work with MM8 too. Have no luck with MM6 though...
Screenshots (13 files, ~50mb):
EDIT: MM6 works too. Btw there are 'HD' sprites for this game if someone would want to try.
Shit, even Quest for Glory 5 looks better - sharpens text for example. But there are some mouse pointer problems... At least with GoG version.
Have to check Wizardry 8...
Here is MM6 screenshot:
I am not doubting that, just stating my opinion based on what I have seen thus far. I still have a long way to go to conclude the entire WoX storyline.I still think Clouds is best enjoyed as part of the combined World of Xeen experience.