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Game News The New World Update #27: State of the Game - First Animations


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Jan 28, 2011
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Tags: Colony Ship: A Post-Earth Role Playing Game; Iron Tower Studio; Vince D. Weller

Vault Dweller has published a new "State of the Game" update for The New World, summarizing the past three months of development. The previous update from January came with the game's first screenshots. This one gives us our first look at its animations, in the form of a bald dude shooting a gun. Snap shot, regular shot, aimed shot, and revolver fanning:


Our train seems to be speeding up. Here is what we managed to scratch off the list in the last 3 months:

- Loot screen
- Trade screen
- Character appearance customization (the system is in place, all we need are the art assets)
- Options menu
- Char creation screen
- Attack effects / Status effects (different effects can be assigned to attacks and applied on hit)
- Clothes and weapon items visual mechanics: showing/hiding, opacity masks
- Visual attack effects: muzzle flashes, sounds, particles
- Party inventory
- More animation states: more characters' body poses and better transitions between them
- Attacks of opportunity, interrupt attacks, reaction shots
- Combat AI (in progress)
- Grenades (in progress)

We have fifteen unique attacks (at the moment). Each attack has many different animations. Plus knockdowns, dodging (melee only), crouching, idle, a variety of death animations, etc. Overall, the combat system alone has over 200 animations, so hopefully you won't be bored.
Looking good! Hopefully the next one of these updates will be first gameplay footage.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Looking good! Hopefully the next one of these updates will be first gameplay footage.
That's the plan (not the next update, but the next 'state of the game' update).

The recoil is way overdone, but I guess it works to convey the sense of the action in a high-camera, isometric perspective.
Pretty much. Most pistols are .45 hand-cannons, especially the multi-barrel pistols. Plus slightly over the top animations read better in isometric.



The Real Fanboy
Apr 18, 2007
I like what I'm seeing, VD. Awesome progress, keep at it. The animations are abit stiff, but of course very early alpha, so far so good. And yeah, the recoil looks abit crazy, but thats ok, as long as it doesnt look too silly in isometric.

I do hope you make all kinds of death animations á la fallout if you the have time and ressources, but mostly just implement a good combat system with great mechanics.

So excited for the next few updates


backlog digger
Sep 10, 2010
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I like how this looks.

I have been preparing myself for the game by reading Heinlein's Orphans of the Sky, since VD mentioned it as an inspiration, and while I have not finished it yet, I recommend it for the cast of colorful characters alone. Joe-Jim, Bobo and Narby are great.

Heinlein has a knack for creating good characters overall, since Stranger in a Strange Land features Jubal Harshaw, and that guy is just awesome.
Jan 18, 2018
Grab the Codex by the pussy
Players are used to developers presenting pretty pictures and promises to generate hype. ITS does the opposite: they show how the sausage is made, which is interesting to give a real sense how game development works and the costs of each decision involved. It can be jarring to some graphic whores people but who cares about them?


Dec 28, 2015
Looking great, imo. I agree that the animations should be a bit exaggerated, so that they look good in-game.

I do hope you make all kinds of death animations á la fallout if you the have time and ressources, but mostly just implement a good combat system with great mechanics.

Second this.


Apr 4, 2015
I've never fired a pistol but I've used a rifle and know what to expect from recoil and how to support the weapon properly against the shoulder.

These animations made me think that when firing a pistol you should keep your elbows locked because otherwise the recoil will throw off your aim. If you have completely straight arms, the force will hit your upper body. If loose arms, it'll hit your elbow, with predictable consequences. I hope you'll look it up and fix the animations if I'm right. Maybe keep these animations for low skill characters instead?

Edit: They should also lean slightly forward. This is what happens when you don't
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Glory to Ukraine
Mar 26, 2013
Fortress of Solitude
I thought those environment screens looked like shit, but I have to admit these character models/animations look surprisingly good, especially for the genre (camera angle/combat style).



The Real Fanboy
May 4, 2008
I've never fired a pistol but I've used a rifle and know what to expect from recoil and how to support the weapon properly against the shoulder.

These animations made me think that when firing a pistol you should keep your elbows locked because otherwise the recoil will throw off your aim. If you have completely straight arms, the force will hit your upper body. If loose arms, it'll hit your elbow, with predictable consequences. I hope you'll look it up and fix the animations if I'm right. Maybe keep these animations for low skill characters instead?

Edit: They should also lean slightly forward. This is what happens when you don't
Vault Dweller
Will you go realistic route and give women penalties to handling bigger guns (unless they're obese)? Also, do you have animations of women in action? They can be also bald.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
These animations made me think that when firing a pistol you should keep your elbows locked because otherwise the recoil will throw off your aim. If you have completely straight arms, the force will hit your upper body. If loose arms, it'll hit your elbow, with predictable consequences. I hope you'll look it up and fix the animations if I'm right. Maybe keep these animations for low skill characters instead?

Edit: They should also lean slightly forward. This is what happens when you don't...
There is a huge difference between what's realistic and what looks good on screen in isometric mode. The first animations were more realistic, including leaning forward, but they didn't look good AT ALL.

Will you go realistic route and give women penalties to handling bigger guns (unless they're obese)?
First, I have absolutely no idea whether that's true or not. Second, it's an RPG meaning it's stat, not gender-driven. We can consider restricting low strength characters regardless of the gender, but it's not something I feel strongly about as I don't want to force the players to put points in STR just to be able to use certain guns without penalties. Plus at the moment we don't have any STR-based penalties for guns.

Also, do you have animations of women in action? They can be also bald.
Haven't seen combat animations yet but I will ask.


Dec 28, 2015
My memory is hazy, but I think it's because the force of the recoil is about the same as the force transferred by the bullet to its unfortunate target.

Not exactly. I 'll spare you the math, but:

1) Force of recoil = (mass of bullet) x (acceleration of bullet)
2) However, Kinetic Energy of bullet >> Kinetic Energy on the shooter due to recoil, due to the bullet having much smaller mass
3) On the victim side, you mostly have a transfer of energy (from the bullet to the victim). Due to (2) above, there is much more destruction on the victim side than recoil on the shooter.

EDIT: (3) does not mean that the victim will fly backwards. Outside of certain specific cases, they don't fly backwards. That would have to do with momentum, not energy transfer (which is dispersed).
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The Real Fanboy
May 4, 2008
First, I have absolutely no idea whether that's true or not.
Of course it is due to momentum and Newton's 3rd law. The lower the mass of the shooter the more recoil they will feel (assuming they would shoot in the same conditions, e.g. not use recoil pads).


Dec 28, 2015
First, I have absolutely no idea whether that's true or not.
Of course it is due to momentum and Newton's 3rd law. The lower the mass of the shooter the more recoil they will feel (assuming they would shoot in the same conditions, e.g. not use recoil pads).

That's true, although I question whether it's going to be a wise use of resources to show it in-game.


The Real Fanboy
May 4, 2008
That's true, although I question whether it's going to be a wise use of resources to show it in-game.
I'm talking about stat penalties so no resources would be needed for that. But that would mean that choosing women would mean increase in difficulty (playing as fighters at least) - which could be useful for those seeking challenge. Plus Polygon and other leftist sites would give TNW free advertisement :].

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
First, I have absolutely no idea whether that's true or not.
Of course it is due to momentum and Newton's 3rd law. The lower the mass of the shooter the more recoil they will feel (assuming they would shoot in the same conditions, e.g. not use recoil pads).
First link:


Two weeks ago, Dakota Jo Overland took the “High Lady” title at a major match in Missouri — widely seen as the kickoff event for the “three-gun” season. Those three guns being a semi-automatic rifle (an AR-15 platform, in Dakota’s case), a tactical 12-gauge shotgun and a tactical pistol. They are used as she maneuvers among trees, hits targets and tries to miss others while racing against a stopwatch timing the silence between her shots.

Being “High Lady” means the young teen beat all women of all ages — many military vets, many in law enforcement — and a lot of men, too. The competition was split between a series of events, each with roughly 175 competitors of all ages and genders. Dakota placed sixth in two of them. This, in an overwhelmingly male-dominated sport where roughly 1 in 10 competitors are women, and 1 in 20 are minors.


If a 14 year old kid can handle AR-15 and a shotgun and do well in a competition against more experienced men...

I'm talking about stat penalties so no resources would be needed for that.
Still needs to be coded and tested. It's a lot more work than giving a bonus damage with all melee weapons. The question is, what does it add to gameplay?


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