Don't SSDs wear out if the constantly have read/write applied?
You'd likely see the controller give up before the NAND cells give up. And if not.... JUST BUY A NEW PS5!!
Don't SSDs wear out if the constantly have read/write applied?
Don't SSDs wear out if the constantly have read/write applied?
This was nine years ago and we just reached the point where games look like that.
Digital foundry gotta digital foundry though
Let me throw in an anecdote that may amuse some: I was working for a now defunct large game company when Epic and Tim Sweeny came in to demo Unreal Engine 3 very early before the PS3 and XBox360 were launched. This was about 2004. Their demo blew away executives in particular. They showed multicolored lights casting multicolored shadows on a single high detail character. One of the lights was behind a stained glass window, projecting beautiful patterns. Soon after a deal was signed to use the engine throughout the entire studio. In retrospect that was a good decision and I have a lot of respect for Unreal Engine and Epic in general.
Edit: found the video of the demo levels that shipped with very early UE3
However UE3-generation games that finally shipped had none of the visual effects from the early demos. The multicolored shadows could only be rendered with multiple passes, at least one per light, which proved to be too expensive for larger dynamic game scenes. It took years of work from the demo to shipped games, and an army of unnamed engineers to wrestle the technology into a product.
UE4 had a great early demo of dynamic global illumination using something like voxel cone tracing if I remember correctly. To my knowledge that tech demo was never incorporated into the engine and never shipped.
Epic is famous for their demos, and I love them for it... at least now that I no longer work professionally in that field. If anything it charts a long term technical direction for interactive entertainment.
Microsoft is very clearly going to do the latter quickly since they've already done so for a large amount of Xbox 360 and a few original Xbox games. Since this tech demo was 1440p 30 fps, I wager Sony especially will not mandate or push for 60 fps. Microsoft wil llikely not have all titles at 60fps either but they will probably push it more with 4K for marketing purposes like they've done at the tail end of this gen.I wonder if the first party will aim for current level of fidelity possible on PS4 Pro but 4K and 60fps plus HDR. At least for the first few years. I'd be somewhat more interested if backward compatible games getting the 4K treatment.
they just don't want to get overshadowed in the media.Understandable. These are not fun times....
The "go ahead and loot, we're sorry" thing is probably the current apex of white guilt, but I'm sure there's a long way to go.
You know you dummy that this isn't about looting, but about the systematic tyrannizing of poor people by American tax-payer funded thugs?
#icantbreathe taken on a whole new level
Rioting and looting will magically save the life of drug addicts and criminals in the future.