Sounds you lost at the game of catching a boat.
The notion of paying hundreds of bucks for a game was kind of a non-starter.
I've honestly never heard of winning an MMO. Your life must be awful if your reasons for playing MMOs is to 'win'
Why would you do anything except to win? Losing doesn't require effort. If I'm not aiming to win, I don't have to do anything at all, I can lose without exerting any effort at all. It's all about return on investment: I can invest up to maximum 24/7 effort and win, or I can invest nothing and lose. Anything else is investing something and losing anyway. I suppose it's within the realm of possibility to somehow
because you're competing with no-lifers who likely spend 20 hours out of a 24 hour day playing the game, refining their strategy to maximize what they accomplish daily.
Exactly! They are weak! 4 hours wasted! I can do better than that, that's why I take them on: That extra 4 hours a day I can pull gives me an advantage over them. Ya snooze, ya lose.
The PROBLEM is when you're up against those who can pull the full 24. At that point, you get there before them, or you never catch up, because for some annoying reason there are only 24 hours I can pull in a day. Maybe if we had some kind of time-warping technolergy that would let me put in more than 24 hours a day...