Multi-headed Cow
The bots in Payday are roughly comparable to the bots in Left 4 Dead. They automatically follow you and revive you/the other bots and kill enemies, but won't complete objectives or carry objectives. It's slightly more annoying in Payday since there are a few objectives that benefit from having multiple people carrying things (For example, two cans of thermite burn a hole through the floor faster than one) than in L4D though. Enemy AI is pretty dumb, it slightly attempts to use cover/roll out of fire but you'll be mowing through them easily. The "Boss infected" don't have as fancy of AI as in L4D, but they're typically not as specialized either.
Still, at $5 assuming you got any enjoyment out of L4D singleplayer, Payday's probably worth it. Not to mention if you were so inclined you could probably scrape together bros from the Codex group to get together and do some crimes.
Still, at $5 assuming you got any enjoyment out of L4D singleplayer, Payday's probably worth it. Not to mention if you were so inclined you could probably scrape together bros from the Codex group to get together and do some crimes.