Any good survival horror games on steam? In the style of Silent Hill?
Not similar, but you should try Penumbra series if you like puzzles mixed with horror. Try Overture if it's your cup of tea.
Any good survival horror games on steam? In the style of Silent Hill?
Any good survival horror games on steam? In the style of Silent Hill?
Not similar, but you should try Penumbra series if you like puzzles mixed with horror. Try Overture if it's your cup of tea.
Dread Out is indie fatal frame with unusual theme (Indonesia). Graphic is bad, voice acting is super chessy, but it is somewhat enjoyable. Steam reviews are mostly positive too.
Any good survival horror games on steam? In the style of Silent Hill?
Any good survival horror games on steam? In the style of Silent Hill?
I enjoyed playing The Lost Crown ( It's a point & click adventure without survival elements, though. As you're not out for shooting undead things unundead, it might still be worth a look.
Voice acting is a little cheesy and puzzles could have been harder but as far as I remember - with maybe one exception - the puzzles are all logical and well designed, there's no pixel-hunting, using various devices to go ghost-hunting is fun and there's lots of content for a game like this. I found it to be actually creepy in some parts of the game but it's hard to generealize with horror, so YMMV. At least it's aiming more at psychological horror without relying much on jump scares, just like Silent Hill.
As far as I can tell the Steam version also removed the biggest gripes I had with the game playing it years ago, namely unskippable dialog and lack of fast-travel out of scenes combined with moving at slug's pace.
because mobile phone camera instead of camera camera or is it also good? I liked fatal frame a whole lot and dread out is drit cheap now.
Might as well reveal my purchases (so far):
Evil within?
It's a hybrid of Silent Hills mindfuckery and Resident Evil shoot-zombies-in-the-eye.
Endless Legends doesn't seem so bad. Any other good 4x games on sale that the Codex recommends?
Evil within?
It's a hybrid of Silent Hills mindfuckery and Resident Evil shoot-zombies-in-the-eye.
How's the PC port now? I remember at release it was awful with black bars and low FOV and the like.
Not in my experience, no. The 2 axis limitation felt really lame to me and, at the end of the day, the majority of playtime is doing rote basic econ stuff. The soundtrack is great and the game looks good, but it's really too simplistic mechanically and feels very constraining.Is Rebel Galaxy worth spending 10 eurobucks? Could it be enjoyable for someone who likes space combat games (not space trading/boredom sim etc.) type games?
Thanks for this, also got it. And decided to go for Stasis as well. That's all, see you next sale.# Reveal the Deep: Currenly the Winner of "Best Purchase From the 2016 Steam Sale" for me.
It was pretty unfinished on release but now several updates later and with the first DLC out it's pretty good.I've heard that War for the Overworld was pretty mediocre / slightly bad, but reading the Steam reviews as of now it seems to have a positive score from recent times. Have they fixed the game or what? Thinking of picking it up since it's on sale.