Are the Overlord games good?
The first one with Raising Hell expansion is a very charming little game. It's not hard, but it has a cartoony humour, and nice variety of places to visit. Even though you are playing evil guy, you can still go with the "path of light" and redeem yourself, or be a bloodthirsty warmonger who doesn't value life. You rebuild your castle, and last but not least raise your fellow imp minions. Divided by their use (troopers, fireballers, water, poisonous) you venture through the fantasy land. They are adorable little bastards, making funny faces, drinking beer and smashing everything they see like a living tornado. The sequel isn't so good, but the formula stays mostly the same, so if you are hooked up after finishing the first one I would at least try it, especially for that price. The third part is a mistake and it should never been released, not under Overlord name.