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ITZSeriously, wtf?
ITZSeriously, wtf?
Puberty at last?It could be happening...
What is "generic interaction mode"? Playing UW1 with the mouselook patch and am on floor 3 right now. It's a blast.Make sure to use the generic interaction mode instead of constantly switching between look, key, use, etc.Had to bust out the guide because some of this shit is fairly obtuse.
If you don't select one of the use modes, the game will generally handle it for you based on context when interacting with npcs, doors, items.What is "generic interaction mode"? Playing UW1 with the mouselook patch and am on floor 3 right now. It's a blast.Make sure to use the generic interaction mode instead of constantly switching between look, key, use, etc.Had to bust out the guide because some of this shit is fairly obtuse.
Not that I recall, but it's been a while.Is there a hotkey for drawing one's weapon?
The fishing pole can be 'Used' on a body of water to catch fish (or was it when close to a body of water?) Anyway, click the bottom left-hand icon on the fishing pole. No bait is required.Also do items like the fishing pole and pickaxe have special functions? If yes is there a reliable way to "use" them or to know which items are useful?
Try dragging a cob of corn onto a lit torch.Interactions in this game aren't really *explicit*
F5.Nice, thanks. Is there a hotkey for drawing one's weapon?
F1-F6 acts as shortcuts for the hotbar.Nice, thanks. Is there a hotkey for drawing one's weapon?
Yes, they did, from the readme file:Aside from these the conversion seems faithful, though i have the feeling that the English translation often used the PC version text as-is instead of doing a translation of the Japanese text.
Known bugs are that some character names exceed the graphics box and may write into the dialog strings.
Also, the linebreaks, while working nicely for readables and NPC dialog, do not work for shorter dynamic strings (put together at runtime), like item descriptions.
They may or may not wrap around ugly. This is also the case, when the player´s name is mentioned in a conversation.
This is expected behaviour and cannot be changed within the scope of this project.
Some skill names are too long and overlap with the skill value. This has been kept, to retain clarity regarding to the skill name.
For the most part, it was possible to transfer the text contents largely unchanged from the English version.
However, some strings had to be adapted for size reasons, either for ROMsize, or display size (Japanese strings are usually much shorter than English strings).
Most prominently, the Avatar´s replies in NPC conversiations have only 5 static lines with much fewer characters than in the PC version.
That is why the Avatar´s replies had to be edited down quite severely.
Dynamic strings were often altered, because the sentence construction/word order works differently in Japanese, and it had to be adapted for that.
This video is a demo of my project GZDoomUW Take Two, my attempt to bring Ultima Underworld into GZDoom.
This video introduces the interface and environment interactions.
There's a whole lot of other feautres not covered in this video, there is a preview of some of them at the end of the video.
Funny thing, I started this video wanting to demo what I'd been working the most on - doors, containers, and passages, and then never got around to showing them off. Oh well, another video...
This video was made with OBS Studio, OpenShot Video Editor, Gimp, and VLC media player
Features Shown or Mentioned in this video:
Default Actions
Actions are Z-Sensitive
Action: Look
Action: Use
Active Pickup
Action: Pickup
(mentioned) Encumbrance
Action: Talk
Timed Actions
Crouch to Alt-Use
Actions are Distance-Sensitive
Timed Action Distractions
Searching a Grate
Keyhole Peeking
(mentioned) Telekinesis
Action: Examine to Identify
Non-Default Actions
Interface in Inventory Bar
(mentioned) Sleeping
(mentioned) Dreams
Combat Mode
(mentioned) Ledge Grab
(mentioned) Swimming
(mentioned) NPC Opinions
Customize Interface
Detecting Mimics
Talking through a Grate
Action: Examine to Search
Hidden Doors
Poking a Grate
Poking a Button
Poking a Mimic
Using Actions on Ceilings and Floors
Features Teased for another video:
Light-Giving Objects
Equipment and the Paperdoll
Rock Hammer (AKA Pickaxe) and Mining
Basic Doors
Keys & Lockpicks
Secret Doors
Remote Controlled Doors
Guarded Doors
Sneak Attack, Back Stab
Stealth Doors
Elevators and Platforms, Ledge Grabbing
Fountains, Water, The Silver Sapling
Containers, Nested Inventory
Musical Instruments
00:00 - Intro
02:42 - Default Actions
04:35 - Timed Actions, Crouch Actions
08:20 - Non-Default Actions, Interface
13:44 - Using a Tool
15:17 - Outro
15:50 - More Features Preview
17:41 - Easter Eggs, Get Rocked
Interesting, thank you for posting this.Hello all. I've played UW1 and UW2 a dozen of times each. Here is how I deal with the "Problem in Object" list in UW1:
There is a finite maximum number of items in memory, be it on your character, on NPCs, in containers, or on the ground.
So, Destroying items permanently frees up slots for new items to be created (such as created food, fish, enemy projectiles).
This bug has been fixed in UW2, and the way they fixed it is very interesting, as you can actually see the results of their patch in a region like the Pit of Carnage, where items get created by the dozens every fight.
When the item limit is reached, the game decides which items to destroy , and picks and chooses which ones are the most safe to delete: almost always bones.
You can see stacks of bones getting smaller as you fight in the arena, most notably the one near the black rock entrance to the world.