Did you mean the first version of the patch as 'the first patch for SMAX'?
First version is the coming version of the SMAX AI patch. Sorry for confusing expressions.
Right now the
general factors for units vs builduings are:
4x Morgan, Angels, Drones
5x Yang, Deirdre, Lal, Univ, Cyborg, Usurpers
8x Believers, Spartans, Pirates, Cult, Caretakers
As you see, the last group has a double tendency to produce the units as the first one. From the last group, only the Believers can cope (there are ton of other factors in play, of course.) - Now, there is no other way then to try and test changing these factors of the third group a bit and see what happens. Also, let's bear in mind that the AI aggressivity (focus from alpha.txt) has in the coming patch a stronger effect on building more army and less non-military buildings as well ( to make this into BUILDER / MIXED / FIGHT). So, from that last group, Pirates and Spartans will build slightly more buildings, others will remain focuses on army (hopefully) which seems fine.
I'll try the factors
4,5x Morgan, Angels, Drones
5,4x Hive, Deirdre, Lal, Univ, Cyborg, Usurpers
7x Believers, Spartans, Pirates, Cult, Caretakers
..and we'll see.