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The value of CDPR's shares has reportedly dropped by 75% since the release of Cyberpunk 2077


Apr 11, 2007
The Local Group

I'm not running a thorough analysis on this, but just from a quick glance, these numbers look pretty healthy. Solid profits >10% of equity, equity ratio 88%, liabilities down from 2020 to 2021. And cash-at-hand would be sufficient to pay off all liabilities. I'm not seeing any red flags there that would affect operational capability.

I honestly wasn't expecting to see major launches (W3, CP77) having such a huge impact on an annual basis. Of course, one concern might be whether they can maintain profit margins as sales from CP77 drop off.


Jul 25, 2011
South Africa, Cape Town

I'm not running a thorough analysis on this, but just from a quick glance, these numbers look pretty healthy. Solid profits >10% of equity, equity ratio 88%, liabilities down from 2020 to 2021. And cash-at-hand would be sufficient to pay off all liabilities. I'm not seeing any red flags there that would affect operational capability.

I honestly wasn't expecting to see major launches (W3, CP77) having such a huge impact on an annual basis. Of course, one concern might be whether they can maintain profit margins as sales from CP77 drop off.
Thanks for sharing, good to know :cool:


Nov 29, 2010
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
So what happens when you have mass selling of shares is companies have to pay out to investors and this hurts overall cash in the bank but the revenue stream from sales of games can still be strong and sustainable

Dude what? :lol:

That's not how it works. People selling their shares does not mean the company has to give them money.

Thats why you find thousands of companies dont list and are privately owned meaning they dont have shareholders

A private company means the shares aren't listed for public trade. It doesn't mean they don't have shareholders, it means the shareholders trade their shares privately as opposed to with the general public.

But what really matters is there end of year results and are they going to reach there target because that's what investors expect

Yeah no shit, and they didn't. Partially because of this game but also partially because the entire world economy is FUBAR and especially tech stonks are getting hammered big time.
You joking right? You think every company has shareholders ?

Depends on the definition and the countries etc. but a "private company" most definitely has shareholders.


Sep 10, 2021
Time to backup your GOG libraries if you haven't done so already?


"Each project we undertake is unique with regard project requirements. Project direction is agreed and adjusted accordingly as per real time requirements with our clients," Quantic Lab boss Stefan Seicarescu said in response. "Quantic Lab always strives to work with transparency and integrity with our industry partners."
It’s telling how Quantic Lab didn’t deny the accusations.
It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it
Exactly. Obsidian and other RPG-makers can attest.


Jul 25, 2011
South Africa, Cape Town
So what happens when you have mass selling of shares is companies have to pay out to investors and this hurts overall cash in the bank but the revenue stream from sales of games can still be strong and sustainable

Dude what? :lol:

That's not how it works. People selling their shares does not mean the company has to give them money.

Thats why you find thousands of companies dont list and are privately owned meaning they dont have shareholders

A private company means the shares aren't listed for public trade. It doesn't mean they don't have shareholders, it means the shareholders trade their shares privately as opposed to with the general public.

But what really matters is there end of year results and are they going to reach there target because that's what investors expect

Yeah no shit, and they didn't. Partially because of this game but also partially because the entire world economy is FUBAR and especially tech stonks are getting hammered big time.
You joking right? You think every company has shareholders ?

Depends on the definition and the countries etc. but a "private company" most definitely has shareholders.
Yes I agree. I should have been more specific and I used company\business interchangeably

In SA we have companies\businesses that are sole proprietorship, partnerships etc

These dont have shareholders but yes your definition is correct for private company


May 3, 2018
They lured in investors with the promise of Cyberpunk GTA complete with MTX-filled multiplayer which should have made them billions every month. But now the multiplayer is MIA and CDPbeing unable to even release DLC or even remasters to monetize their games. Their current business plan of releasing one single-player game every six years isn't really enticing for any investors.
Last edited:


Jun 15, 2009

I'm not running a thorough analysis on this, but just from a quick glance, these numbers look pretty healthy. Solid profits >10% of equity, equity ratio 88%, liabilities down from 2020 to 2021. And cash-at-hand would be sufficient to pay off all liabilities. I'm not seeing any red flags there that would affect operational capability.

I honestly wasn't expecting to see major launches (W3, CP77) having such a huge impact on an annual basis. Of course, one concern might be whether they can maintain profit margins as sales from CP77 drop off.
If codexers talking about it, dont invest into it, that's the red flag. Golden rule ! Last time a codexer talked to me about investment it was about luna , -99% since then, it takes some codexer skills to get that kind of returns.
Profits of CDPR werent so great already, and there's nothing of worth in the horizon, why even go there when there's so many undervalued companies , actually making money.


Jul 25, 2011
South Africa, Cape Town

I'm not running a thorough analysis on this, but just from a quick glance, these numbers look pretty healthy. Solid profits >10% of equity, equity ratio 88%, liabilities down from 2020 to 2021. And cash-at-hand would be sufficient to pay off all liabilities. I'm not seeing any red flags there that would affect operational capability.

I honestly wasn't expecting to see major launches (W3, CP77) having such a huge impact on an annual basis. Of course, one concern might be whether they can maintain profit margins as sales from CP77 drop off.
If codexers talking about it, dont invest into it, that's the red flag. Golden rule ! Last time a codexer talked to me about investment it was about luna , -99% since then, it takes some codexer skills to get that kind of returns.
Profits of CDPR werent so great already, and there's nothing of worth in the horizon, why even go there when there's so many undervalued companies , actually making money.
You took investment advice from Codex members :D

I am not laughing at your loss its just your faith, I hope you didnt lose too much


Jun 15, 2009

I'm not running a thorough analysis on this, but just from a quick glance, these numbers look pretty healthy. Solid profits >10% of equity, equity ratio 88%, liabilities down from 2020 to 2021. And cash-at-hand would be sufficient to pay off all liabilities. I'm not seeing any red flags there that would affect operational capability.

I honestly wasn't expecting to see major launches (W3, CP77) having such a huge impact on an annual basis. Of course, one concern might be whether they can maintain profit margins as sales from CP77 drop off.
If codexers talking about it, dont invest into it, that's the red flag. Golden rule ! Last time a codexer talked to me about investment it was about luna , -99% since then, it takes some codexer skills to get that kind of returns.
Profits of CDPR werent so great already, and there's nothing of worth in the horizon, why even go there when there's so many undervalued companies , actually making money.
You took investment advice from Codex members :D

I am not laughing at your loss its just your faith, I hope you didnt lose too much
No did not took it,i have strict discipline and keep to my golden rule. But i guarantee you the guy , it start with a T and ends with a ra , lost 99% on it.
Oct 9, 2015
DFW, Texas
It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it
No there reputation is only ruined for people who are not prepared to accept a gaming company can make a mistake. If W4 is released in a terrible state then I would agree there reputation is ruined. But surely we can all allow a company that has brought us GOG and the beloved Witcher franchise one serious mistake ?
Cyberpunk 2077 was announced in 2012 and went through multiple complete gameplay overhauls in that time. CDPR had to make repeated mistakes over the course of eight years for Cyberpunk 2077 to release in the state that it did. This is the most blatant whitewashing job I've seen from a fanboy on the Codex in years.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
"Minor Bugs"

Fukk off. Talking like it doesn't matter. All bugs should be swuas ASAP as soon as they are found. The idea that 'minor bugs' should just be ignored is retartet.

Also: HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!@!!!!!!!
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
The only good game CDPR made was the first Witcher. So whatever, good riddance.
hearts of stone + B&W is some of the best cRPG content available
no idea how they managed to hit such a high note after mediocre(witcher 3) then faceplant, B team on the DLC maybe? Wouldn't be the first time a B team makes a much better game than otherwise would have been made by simply trying to live up to people's expectations of the brand name.


People here like to poo on Witcher 3 but it's probably the only decent thing they've given us. I played some of Witcher 2 on my brothers xbox, it was meh. Witcher 1 looks terrible and I'll never play it. Cyberpunk is just Call of Doody. Yeah Witcher 3 was their only game I could get into. Enough to play through it a couple of times. Beautiful world that game had, and tasty Yennefer butt. I never finished Blood and Wine though. It wasn't nearly as good as Hearts of Stone or the main game imo.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
The only thing cdpr has given us that us remotely worthwhile us gog. Lol Oh and Twitcher 1 t1ts!

I remember when Twitcher was announced and that it was ysuing Aurora, I was excited. Then they spent tome bashing BIO and the engine they paid to use (lmao), and releasing their shit game. And they've gotten worse.

Bio may suck now, but at least they made some good games in the past. :)
May 25, 2021
The western road to Erromon.
Once the perception of creative frailty sets in, the weight of expectation will keep piling on until they're crushed by it. It is pointless to resist, they will never regain the talent they've thrown off through the years. They are Polish Bioware now. All that remains for them is to make something awesome happen every time a button is pressed. They needn't worry though, EA is always acquiring.


Glory to Ukraine
Nov 24, 2017
Free City of Warsaw
People here like to poo on Witcher 3 but it's probably the only decent thing they've given us. I played some of Witcher 2 on my brothers xbox, it was meh. Witcher 1 looks terrible and I'll never play it. Cyberpunk is just Call of Doody. Yeah Witcher 3 was their only game I could get into. Enough to play through it a couple of times. Beautiful world that game had, and tasty Yennefer butt. I never finished Blood and Wine though. It wasn't nearly as good as Hearts of Stone or the main game imo.
Witcher 1 is an excellent game, minus the combat. Witcher 2 while somewhat clunky had great story and some of the deepest C&C in RPGs (completely different Act 2 based on your choices, you basically had to play it twice to understand both sides of the story). Witcher 3 made the combat more smooth and Heart of Stone is up there among best plots in RPGs (together with Planescape: Torment).

Did not play CP2077 yet, so can't comment on that. I heard they managed to fix most problems, but still refuse to play it until I get a better desktop.


Nov 27, 2018
Good thing the complete collection is "available" all over the Internet and I know a guy that has basically all of the good stuff backed up on LTO-8 archival storage tapes.


Dec 12, 2020
CDP with 1000 employees was more valued than Ubisoft with 20000. Obviously they were insanely overvalued and even now, at 90PLN, are still overvalued.
And with just one major worldwide hit (that was an achievement in itself - it took them one major hit and a lot of promises to surpass an established corporation like Ubisoft; but it was a fragile position and it took one misstep to loose it).


Mar 16, 2015
People here like to poo on Witcher 3 but it's probably the only decent thing they've given us. I played some of Witcher 2 on my brothers xbox, it was meh. Witcher 1 looks terrible and I'll never play it. Cyberpunk is just Call of Doody. Yeah Witcher 3 was their only game I could get into. Enough to play through it a couple of times. Beautiful world that game had, and tasty Yennefer butt. I never finished Blood and Wine though. It wasn't nearly as good as Hearts of Stone or the main game imo.
Witcher 1 is an excellent game, minus the combat. Witcher 2 while somewhat clunky had great story and some of the deepest C&C in RPGs (completely different Act 2 based on your choices, you basically had to play it twice to understand both sides of the story). Witcher 3 made the combat more smooth and Heart of Stone is up there among best plots in RPGs (together with Planescape: Torment).

Did not play CP2077 yet, so can't comment on that. I heard they managed to fix most problems, but still refuse to play it until I get a better desktop.
I disagree, Witcher 1 was only one with good combat, before rolling simulator that was TW2 and rest. I wish Dark Soul cancer was never made so it didn't inspire all these other games to implement that rolling simulator gameplay everywhere.


Jan 26, 2014
Bitching about something and Witcher combat, name a more iconic duo


Dec 16, 2014
Zarniwoop, are you high? CDPR actually got sued by its investors over CP2077 several times over before the lawsuits consolidated because they were pissed about CP2077 fucking their investment. (The combined lawsuit was ultimately settled for a joke amount of $1.85 mil though.) You really think an absolutely abysmal launch of a flagship product had no impact on CDPR's valuation? Even though pretty much all the investors are blaming CP2077? Yes, stock market is down, but a 75% drop is definitely beating the market.
Hi I bet this is really dumb but I don't know how companies work,
what does it even mean for investors to sue the company they own? They are damaging the reputation of the company they own with the lawsuit, and in return they get the company's money which proportionately lowers the values of the stock they also own?

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