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The Witcher 3 Enhanced Edition mod fixes mostly combat.


Mar 28, 2014
Here is full introduction to it ( i skipped installation part ):

mod itself:


video explaining in detail just how many changes are made and how it all works:

In short:

- adrenaline, vigor, stamina are completely redone.
Stamina is no longer used for spells and instead it is resource for dodging, parrying etc and it is very dependant on what type of armor you are using. With heavy armor each action does take a lot of stamina.
Adrenaline on other hand works like combo meter. When you parry and attack without getting hit you get % boost to your speed and damage. It has huuuge effect on battle as you can get something like 50% attack speed with it or more.
Vigor on other hand is stat used for casting spells and it uses old adrenaline ui. Though it works completely different. You start a fight with 3 pieces and this means your attacks, sign intensity etc is @ 100% but when you cast spells it reduces sign intensity up to 30%
Health itself is also redone. With each % lost health you are getting slower and slower also sign intensity decreses, stamina regen drops like a rock and your attacks won't do much damage.

- new stat poise and momentum. Like in Dark Souls wearing armor gives you poise which means that heavy armor now gives you abillity just to go through pack of enemies with whirl unlike vanilla. Also toxity overdose increases it a lot. Momentum on other hand works in way that gives you % boost to your poise depending on what action you do. So attacking with heavy attack will give you a lot of momentum while standing still will give you only base poise. Poise is represented in % so 20/100 means you have 20% poise

- dodging is super nerfed. No longer you have inv frames and you can get still hit while you dodge. To dodge you need to actually dodge attack. Depending on angle of attack you will get reduced damage and there is skill that manages that.

- targeting has been redone and if you are mouse key user you can outright use camera to target enemies without any autolock to movement like in vanilla (i think it is default option). Even old movement type targeting is a lot improved.

- unlike vanilla light attacks are mostly used on unarmored enemies like ghouls while heavy attacks are used for armored foes where light attacks mostly won't do much.

- all skills work now instead of chosen 5.

- monsters do a shitload of damage now. So even with good armor you will get hurt but on other hand your attacks do a lot more damage thus ending fights faster. Kind of like Dark Souls where making mistakes punishes you a lot, while not making mistakes gives you ability to end fight fast.

- Alchemy is mostly redone first of all there are 3 ways to use potions and oils now. Full. Meaning you can do it while meditating by fire which gives you best efficiency with potions lasting 7-15 min in real time to half, meditating without fire which gives you only like half of normal time and like vanilla game where you can chug them in combat but effects and how much it last is greatly reduced.

- Alchemy also works now like in TW1. You no longer restore everything with one alcohol but you need actual resources to do that. By default each potion/oil requires now full amount of resources needed to make first one. So in case of grapeshot you will need dog tallow and 2 saltpeper pieces for each of grapeshots. This is something which can be configured though in options. Mutagens by default require all original pieces aside from mutagen itself

- Many potions and oils work differently now and are much more interesting and due to above resource management they are usually stronger too.

- Most of the skills also are redone especially malee tree which now due to how combat now works and it is based on stats is much more engaging to plan your build

- All armor and weapons are redone. Unlike vanilla different between best and worst armors isn't that big anymore. Armor works also completely different. % damage reduction is prime stat now while armor value gives you additional % reduction. 100 armor gives you about additional 10% damage reduction. Naturally all armors now are rebalanced so for example starting armor of geralt is something like 300 armor meaning it provides base 30% damage reduction while adding good monster % damage reduction instead of flat values.

- Due to above there is no level requirement anymore on gear. Scaling on weapons also is redone and like i said best and worst gear aren't anymore heaven and earth apart in therms of stats.

- Enemy AI is reworked and enemies are a lot more agressive and some of their AI routines are reworked like wraights who use vanishing to dodge attacks now.

There are A LOT more changes that that. This is just couple of important game changing ones. Thanks to this mod combat is way more interesting now and a lot more strategical and way more lied on how you build your character and prepare than just pew pew pew fast attacks with best sword like in vanilla.


Information Superhighwayman
Aug 5, 2016
Best Republic
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Looks interesting. I always wanted to like Twitcher 3 because the writing seems to be pretty good, but could never get over the horrible combat and itemization. Will probable give it another go with this mod at some point.
- Alchemy also works now like in TW1. You no longer restore everything with one alcohol but you need actual resources to do that. By default each potion/oil requires now full amount of resources needed to make first one. So in case of grapeshot you will need dog tallow and 2 saltpeper pieces for each of grapeshots. This is something which can be configured though in options.
Does 'can be configured' mean you can turn this off? Crafting is the one thing in RPGs I can't stand and this is basically that. Speaking of which, with the changed itemization (massive incline by the way, level requirements are retarded) is crafting at all important if you want to have decent equipment?


Jan 14, 2016
Institute of Tchort
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
I was planning on replaying Witcher 3 soon so I may as well give this mod a whirl while I'm at it.

Any other mods you'd recommend, Perkel? You seem to know your way around the Witcher 3 modding scene.


One Bit Studio
Dec 28, 2010
Project: Eternity Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
Here is full introduction to it ( i skipped installation part ):

mod itself:


video explaining in detail just how many changes are made and how it all works:

In short:

- adrenaline, vigor, stamina are completely redone.
Stamina is no longer used for spells and instead it is resource for dodging, parrying etc and it is very dependant on what type of armor you are using. With heavy armor each action does take a lot of stamina.
Adrenaline on other hand works like combo meter. When you parry and attack without getting hit you get % boost to your speed and damage. It has huuuge effect on battle as you can get something like 50% attack speed with it or more.
Vigor on other hand is stat used for casting spells and it uses old adrenaline ui. Though it works completely different. You start a fight with 3 pieces and this means your attacks, sign intensity etc is @ 100% but when you cast spells it reduces sign intensity up to 30%
Health itself is also redone. With each % lost health you are getting slower and slower also sign intensity decreses, stamina regen drops like a rock and your attacks won't do much damage.

- new stat poise and momentum. Like in Dark Souls wearing armor gives you poise which means that heavy armor now gives you abillity just to go through pack of enemies with whirl unlike vanilla. Also toxity overdose increases it a lot. Momentum on other hand works in way that gives you % boost to your poise depending on what action you do. So attacking with heavy attack will give you a lot of momentum while standing still will give you only base poise. Poise is represented in % so 20/100 means you have 20% poise

- dodging is super nerfed. No longer you have inv frames and you can get still hit while you dodge. To dodge you need to actually dodge attack. Depending on angle of attack you will get reduced damage and there is skill that manages that.

- targeting has been redone and if you are mouse key user you can outright use camera to target enemies without any autolock to movement like in vanilla (i think it is default option). Even old movement type targeting is a lot improved.

- unlike vanilla light attacks are mostly used on unarmored enemies like ghouls while heavy attacks are used for armored foes where light attacks mostly won't do much.

- all skills work now instead of chosen 5.

- monsters do a shitload of damage now. So even with good armor you will get hurt but on other hand your attacks do a lot more damage thus ending fights faster. Kind of like Dark Souls where making mistakes punishes you a lot, while not making mistakes gives you ability to end fight fast.

- Alchemy is mostly redone first of all there are 3 ways to use potions and oils now. Full. Meaning you can do it while meditating by fire which gives you best efficiency with potions lasting 7-15 min in real time to half, meditating without fire which gives you only like half of normal time and like vanilla game where you can chug them in combat but effects and how much it last is greatly reduced.

- Alchemy also works now like in TW1. You no longer restore everything with one alcohol but you need actual resources to do that. By default each potion/oil requires now full amount of resources needed to make first one. So in case of grapeshot you will need dog tallow and 2 saltpeper pieces for each of grapeshots. This is something which can be configured though in options. Mutagens by default require all original pieces aside from mutagen itself

- Many potions and oils work differently now and are much more interesting and due to above resource management they are usually stronger too.

- Most of the skills also are redone especially malee tree which now due to how combat now works and it is based on stats is much more engaging to plan your build

- All armor and weapons are redone. Unlike vanilla different between best and worst armors isn't that big anymore. Armor works also completely different. % damage reduction is prime stat now while armor value gives you additional % reduction. 100 armor gives you about additional 10% damage reduction. Naturally all armors now are rebalanced so for example starting armor of geralt is something like 300 armor meaning it provides base 30% damage reduction while adding good monster % damage reduction instead of flat values.

- Due to above there is no level requirement anymore on gear. Scaling on weapons also is redone and like i said best and worst gear aren't anymore heaven and earth apart in therms of stats.

- Enemy AI is reworked and enemies are a lot more agressive and some of their AI routines are reworked like wraights who use vanishing to dodge attacks now.

There are A LOT more changes that that. This is just couple of important game changing ones. Thanks to this mod combat is way more interesting now and a lot more strategical and way more lied on how you build your character and prepare than just pew pew pew fast attacks with best sword like in vanilla.

This sounds pretty good, but overwhelming at the same time. My fear is always that the mod is not thorougly tested and balanced, and might break the game in a way.


Jun 30, 2011
Lost in Necropolis
- Alchemy also works now like in TW1. You no longer restore everything with one alcohol but you need actual resources to do that. By default each potion/oil requires now full amount of resources needed to make first one. So in case of grapeshot you will need dog tallow and 2 saltpeper pieces for each of grapeshots. This is something which can be configured though in options. Mutagens by default require all original pieces aside from mutagen itself
That's not really how it worked in TW1, though. If a potion required a dose of rubedo, there were dozens of different ways to acquire it: beggartick, fool's parsley, balisse fruit, alp fangs, powdered pearl, hellebore petals, lunar shards, kikimore claws, bruxa blood... The system in the mod does sound like an improvement over vanilla TW3, but it also sounds like it might result in quite a lot of busywork and obsessive herb gathering.


Nov 14, 2015
The Alchemy being like TW1 sounds interesting to me. Never had a problem with the combat though in TW3 - it just worked for me. Actually the different combat in each game just worked for me, I liked them all.


Apr 5, 2015
Eh, I never touch combat mods made by community, it's always some basement dwellers who think they are competent designers, make large systemic changes that aren't tested properly and balance goes out of whack. Fuck that.


Mar 28, 2014
- Alchemy also works now like in TW1. You no longer restore everything with one alcohol but you need actual resources to do that. By default each potion/oil requires now full amount of resources needed to make first one. So in case of grapeshot you will need dog tallow and 2 saltpeper pieces for each of grapeshots. This is something which can be configured though in options. Mutagens by default require all original pieces aside from mutagen itself
That's not really how it worked in TW1, though. If a potion required a dose of rubedo, there were dozens of different ways to acquire it: beggartick, fool's parsley, balisse fruit, alp fangs, powdered pearl, hellebore petals, lunar shards, kikimore claws, bruxa blood... The system in the mod does sound like an improvement over vanilla TW3, but it also sounds like it might result in quite a lot of busywork and obsessive herb gathering.

You are right.

As for gathering now you get 2-5 times more stuff from gathering. So to get 20 something you need to gather it like 3-4 times. This also depends a bit on luck as sometimes you can get normal 1 or 2 but in most cases it is 3-4-5.


Feb 16, 2013
Here is full introduction to it ( i skipped installation part ):

Thanks to this mod combat is way more interesting now and a lot more strategical and way more lied on how you build your character and prepare than just pew pew pew fast attacks with best sword like in vanilla.

Is that the part where you realize that combat in W3 was never an important part of the game? Who in his right mind finds it fun to slaughter through endless waves of level 1-99 drowners, a gazillion waterhags and assorted trash (which shouldnt even be there in the first place because muh immersion)?

If a modder wants to make this game interesting instead of pseudo dark soulyfying the combat (I swear that fucking game did as much to draw out retards as did skyrim) he should make a mod that deletes 90% of all combat encounters and instead make the ones that are in it meaningfull. Give me a largely empty land to ride through and make the werewolf I will encounter a fucking dangerous mob like it should be.


Mar 28, 2014
This sounds pretty good, but overwhelming at the same time. My fear is always that the mod is not thorougly tested and balanced, and might break the game in a way.

I am playing it right now and it works. Game is a lot harder but at the same time more interesting.

Like Devil by The well contract which was easy now it is really hard. To win that encounter you need to focus more on counters rather than dodges.

That is actually pretty fucking good idea for a mod. Remove most of monsters, bandits and shit and focus mostly on sidequests main quests and contracts.
Nov 29, 2016
I haven't tried it out but just from reading the changes and description and considering how these would all work in game, it seems like the author has a case of terminal autism. The idiotic "immersion" chart is a pretty good indication that he isn't really considering game balance when making his changes, for example the way he fucked with the steel/silver sword dynamic.

Another major downfall of this mod is that it does not address the economy and the author made it clear that it never will. One of big problems with vanilla W3 is the economy IMO, resource/potion management and choosing which gear to upgrade first is cheapened by the fact that you have a lot of money all the time.

Here are the two main mods I played through the game with and would recommend to the point of considering essential:

-Better Combat Evolved

Pretty much a comprehensive rebalancing project like this, only with way subtler changes. Combat is much improved by the fact that all actions use up stamina so you actually have to time your dodges instead of rolling around like a retard waiting for your spells to recharge. Heavy armour+melee build actually feels tactical. Sign builds are still mostly OP but less brainless than in the original game. The economy is much better, strong attacks are no longer useless, Trophies are actually interesting, combat is deadlier, and the skill system has been revamped. The only issue I can think of is that the manticore set now gives you negligible bonus to max toxicity because the mod author did not adjust its values, but I believe this can be done manually. Also certain trophies have different effects but don't have updated descriptions, which is easily remedied by referencing the stats of the new trophies on the mod page.

This is THE mod to have Witcher 1-style alchemy in W3. Accept no substitute. Mods like Preparations have their own system, but Primer actually recreates the system from the first game as faithfully as possible.

Basically, have you ever thought "man, I just wish the gameplay in this Polish dating simulator was actually tolerable"? Well the above two mods make it not tolerable, but actually kind of decent.

Smaller but nonessential mods include Crossbow Damage Boost and Balance (makes crossbow a viable weapon instead of a piece of hot garbage), No Instant Kill on Knockdown (so that you can't cheese everything with the Aard spell or blunt crossbow bolts), and Witcher Book Collection (restores a bunch of cut books from 3 and also some from 1&2, good for storyfags).

If you have the latest versions of the game, you will probably need to follow this link to update the mods.

Bear in mind that I've only merged these mods with the 1.22 version but if you pay attention and merge the latest versions there shouldn't be any problems. Also the Crossbow Damage Boost and Balance mod might be a bit overpowered without the No Infinite Ammo Mod, but the latter makes a certain quest in Toussaint impossible to succeed, requiring the mod to be disabled for the duration of the quest. Skip it if you don't want to got through the process twice.

Old Hans

Oct 10, 2011
E3 dodge system is great too. Replaces the roll with bigger dodge. Still though, the game just feels so stripped down, like they removed systems late in development. I'm pretty sure the reason there are campfires all over the place is from when they had the meditation system still in game. The vanilla trophy items are embarrassing


Nov 5, 2007
My fear is always that the mod is not thorougly tested and balanced
Considering that it has options where you can adjust the magnitudes of everything you're most likely right.

One of big problems with vanilla W3 is the economy IMO, resource/potion management and choosing which gear to upgrade first is cheapened by the fact that you have a lot of money all the time.
There clearly was some miscommunication in the team during development, how else would you have ended up with those alchemy recipes for high-grade alcohols when you find them by the dozen in crates and barrels everywhere for free?
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Nov 29, 2016
There clearly was some miscommunication in the team during development, how else would you have ended up with those alchemy recipes for high-grade alcohols when you find them by the dozen in crates and barrels everywhere for free?

That's right, and just to suck the cock of BCE some more, it dramatically reduces the spawn rates for dwarven spirits and alcohests.


Mar 28, 2014
There clearly was some miscommunication in the team during development, how else would you have ended up with those alchemy recipes for high-grade alcohols when you find them by the dozen in crates and barrels everywhere for free?

That's right, and just to suck the cock of BCE some more, it dramatically reduces the spawn rates for dwarven spirits and alcohests.

In case of this mod you use single dwarven spirit for single refil. So you have real gold sink in that. Also another huuuuuuge sink is weapons durability. Silver swords in this mod are uber fragile sometimes going from 100% to 20% in one longer boss fight and they cost small fortune to fix. First one from 15% dur. costs like 700 crowns.

Though you get much more money from selling equipment now (swords go for 100-300 now). But you can't take much of them because now geralt has only 60 equip load and another 200 on horse accessed separately. Creating viper witcher swords cost 1000+crowns.

Also i noticed blood is way better in this mod. Whirl really looks fucking great with that change.
Nov 29, 2016
now geralt has only 60 equip load and another 200 on horse accessed separately.

Lowering the max equip load seems p. sensible but the game really was not designed for it. Water caches are an incredible pain in the ass in the vanilla game, let alone with 60 equip load. To be fair if you can access the saddlebags from the boat I guess that is pretty reasonable, but last time I checked the modders weren't able to pull that off yet.

Also, what did this guy do with the silver swords again? Last I've read of this mod (which was a while ago to be fair) they did slightly more damage to monsters and lost durability much more quickly than steel swords because that's more realistic or something.


Mar 28, 2014
now geralt has only 60 equip load and another 200 on horse accessed separately.

Lowering the max equip load seems p. sensible but the game really was not designed for it. Water caches are an incredible pain in the ass in the vanilla game, let alone with 60 equip load. To be fair if you can access the saddlebags from the boat I guess that is pretty reasonable, but last time I checked the modders weren't able to pull that off yet.

Also, what did this guy do with the silver swords again? Last I've read of this mod (which was a while ago to be fair) they did slightly more damage to monsters and lost durability much more quickly than steel swords because that's more realistic or something.

In TW lore silver swords were used on special monsters not just any monster. So wraights, vampires etc. While nekkers, drowners, mother fucking bears etc were for steel sword. CDPR basically fucked it up in all 3 games. In books Geralt dosn't even have second sword most of the time or he has it by horse not on him.

In EE mod. Silver sword does overall more damage than steel one and WAAY more damage for special enemies like wraights and vampires. But durability decreases like a lot when you use it and cost a shitload of repair it.

Thus in EE you use steel most of the time while silver one is like part of preparation for special enemies.


Speaking of playing mod. After trying it for more or less 5-7 hours i am impressed. Combat changed a lot and it is now way more fan that it used to.


Mar 28, 2014

have you also played with the mods that Lithium Flower suggested?

yes. BCE is good Primer also is good. BCE is worse than EE combat mechanics while primer is a little better than EE alchemy though it is created for vanilla balance and combat thus it doesn't have things like increased poise which doesn't exist in vanilla. Or cat potion increasing speed of your swings because cat potion according to lore is dumb as Witcher don't need to drink cat potion to see well in night.

Imo EE is best overhaul i have seen currently. It fiddles with everything and improves it and what is more important it fixes many issues with CDPR lore.

What is most important it fixes combat being 1 dimentional slasher and equipment. Now difference between best and worst sword is mostly something like 30% damage more while special stats are more important. Same with armor. Halabardier armor used to be really good armor mid game but now any heavy armor will be just as good thus armor and weapons now are class based items instead of progression items.

Starting witcher gear you have could be used well into late game without issues and you focus more on special abilities of your gear than armor values.

Thanks to this enemies also are flattened. Which means that you can go anywhere and take on anyone with starting gear. IT will be hard but it won't be impossible.

there are no level restrictions anymore, no bullshit hp boosts to overleveled enemies and so on.

Game is basically flat now in therms of progression and you progress with skills instead of gear alone which was way more important in vanilla than any skill.

If you want to fight wraights then invest few points into Yrden. Queen works now like additional damage reduction instead of invicibility shield.

Generally speaking game feels a lot better now. Geralt also feels a lot like veteran from start with ability to get better rather than some random bloke who could get fucked by random drowner anytime.

Example. Harpy sword which used to be OP sword now isn't any different than Velen Longsword in therms of damage. What makes it special is that 10% bleeding effect. So if you now will find some interesting sword early in game you can use it as well late in the game. It is more of a fashion that upgrade.

Still thanks to it you can create some interesting builds which you couldn't earlier because armor and weapons had to be changed every 10 levels otherwise they would be shit.

For example that S something armor you get blueprint in White Orchard. It has 20% to igni intensity. Normally you would use it for like 5 hours at best provided you couldn't find better armor at time when you can wear it.

Now only thing that stops you from wearing it is getting draconic leather while armor itself isn't OP from start as defense it provides isn't any different than some Kedwen Armor from same white Orchard.
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Nov 15, 2013
In case of this mod you use single dwarven spirit for single refil. So you have real gold sink in that. Also another huuuuuuge sink is weapons durability. Silver swords in this mod are uber fragile sometimes going from 100% to 20% in one longer boss fight and they cost small fortune to fix. First one from 15% dur. costs like 700 crowns.
I dont know much about immersion but witchers would go extinct much faster if they were earning net -650 gold on a contract because they need to fix their butter swords every fight. Overall it seems to be autistic compilation of ideas kind of mod like Misery for Stalker.


Jun 30, 2011
Lost in Necropolis
Thanks to this enemies also are flattened. Which means that you can go anywhere and take on anyone with starting gear. IT will be hard but it won't be impossible.

there are no level restrictions anymore, no bullshit hp boosts to overleveled enemies and so on.

Game is basically flat now in therms of progression and you progress with skills instead of gear alone which was way more important in vanilla than any skill.
Okay, this does sound pretty good. It's just that based on the mod description it introduces some pretty aggressive level scaling. Do you play with scaling on or off?


Feb 16, 2013
In case of this mod you use single dwarven spirit for single refil. So you have real gold sink in that. Also another huuuuuuge sink is weapons durability. Silver swords in this mod are uber fragile sometimes going from 100% to 20% in one longer boss fight and they cost small fortune to fix. First one from 15% dur. costs like 700 crowns.
I dont know much about immersion but witchers would go extinct much faster if they were earning net -650 gold on a contract because they need to fix their butter swords every fight. Overall it seems to be autistic compilation of ideas kind of mod like Misery for Stalker.

Fo immersion purposes you should be "poor" and not that well paid. Even if you would ignore the books, in the first game the hunter npc states that the monster population is dwindling (hence my comment about immersion and the gazillions of trash) and Witchers are paid less and generally not needed that much anymore.

On that point I dont think players generally give a fuck about immersion or the established logic of the game, they may hurr durr around about how well the game is written etc but they either dont have a clue or dont give a fuck, or both. For example, for a drowner to appear there would have to be a criminal first, which drowned and then came back. Going by the numbers that are in the game there had to be a flood of biblical proportions to produce that many drowners.


Apr 5, 2015
I haven't tried it out but just from reading the changes and description and considering how these would all work in game, it seems like the author has a case of terminal autism. The idiotic "immersion" chart is a pretty good indication that he isn't really considering game balance when making his changes, for example the way he fucked with the steel/silver sword dynamic.

Yup, pretty much always the case with these autist modders. It's always either "muh immersiun" or "muh realism", when combat needs to be designed for gameplay first of all. And by the looks of it it's the same here, yeah I'm totally going to backtrack to blacksmith after every fight because some wannabe modder thought it'd be more immersive this way.
Nov 29, 2016
Fo immersion purposes you should be "poor" and not that well paid. Even if you would ignore the books, in the first game the hunter npc states that the monster population is dwindling (hence my comment about immersion and the gazillions of trash) and Witchers are paid less and generally not needed that much anymore.

On that point I dont think players generally give a fuck about immersion or the established logic of the game, they may hurr durr around about how well the game is written etc but they either dont have a clue or dont give a fuck, or both. For example, for a drowner to appear there would have to be a criminal first, which drowned and then came back. Going by the numbers that are in the game there had to be a flood of biblical proportions to produce that many drowners.

Being poor =/= taking a net loss on a contract. With primer, depending on how many potions you brew, sometimes you will barely break even with a contract because you are investing back into buying potion/bomb/oil bases. Whereas in EE it seems like you will be taking a huge net loss. For example, one of the first boss contracts is a noonwraith, one of the few enemy types weak to silver in EE. The contract pays ~50gold whereas going by what Perkel said, the cost to repair the sword is going to be much greater than that. The end result is that taking a contract is equivalent to spending money to buy XP which is the opposite of "immersion" or "realism".

In TW lore silver swords were used on special monsters not just any monster. So wraights, vampires etc. While nekkers, drowners, mother fucking bears etc were for steel sword. CDPR basically fucked it up in all 3 games. In books Geralt dosn't even have second sword most of the time or he has it by horse not on him.

In EE mod. Silver sword does overall more damage than steel one and WAAY more damage for special enemies like wraights and vampires. But durability decreases like a lot when you use it and cost a shitload of repair it.

I don't actually have a problem against immersion/realism as long as they serve the gameplay, however transplanting book rules into the game rules seems not to make any sense. By that logic Geralt shouldn't have a horse, right? The end result is we have an entire set of weapons viable for a few enemy types only and I am not certain that is quite thought through.

Don't get me wrong Perkel, I am aware that I am mostly talking out of my ass having never tried the mod. I can only comment on the theory behind its changes. However, I just realized that I never got around to deleting W3, so I might try EE in part because you sold me on the leveless world, and in part because I want to shit on it in an informed fashion. Unfortunately I visited the bug section of the mod page and it seems like there are a slew of major bugs from DLC bosses either dying in one hit to not taking damage at all, allies getting OHK by weaker enemies, broken brawling etc. It also seems that the author has abandoned this mod so that there are no fixes available. Does the GOTY patch fix any of these? Can you comment on the bugs and/or stability issues you've experienced so far in general?

EDIT: To anyone planning to mod the post-GOTY game - apparently the Unification Patch is pretty much required to fix some discrepancies between the latest non-GOTY and the latest GOTY versions of the game.
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Geralt had a horse throughout most of the novels.

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