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The Witcher 3 Enhanced Edition mod fixes mostly combat.



Feb 12, 2017
Well I built the feline crossbow,made about 50 explosive bolts,put some skill points in crossbow talents and voila all bosses dead,the bolts set them on fire and they stay frozen in place.
Though now I have most oil/potion manuscripts and have increased my toxicity and some good gear I can tank some hits and kill them with swords.
I haven't played dark souls but I don't really like games where their combat system relies on player reflexes,I wish I was younger lol
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Mar 28, 2014
Well I built the feline crossbow,made about 50 explosive bolts,put some skill points in crossbow talents and voila all bosses dead,the bolts set them on fire and they stay frozen in place.
Though now I have most oil/potion manuscripts and have increased my toxicity and some good gear I can tank some hits and kill them with swords.
I haven't played dark souls but I don't really like games where their combat system relies on player reflexes,I wish I was younger lol

Not plating DS is a crime. Dude. You are missing out amazing game well loved here on codex. Not just for combat alone but also for lore, worldbuilding and so on.

Grab DS1 from Steam after TW3, give it a good go. It is not Ninja Gaiden type of reflexes but more of preparation, tactics and understanding of combat flow. After TW3 either way you shouldn't have much problems with getting right into DS games.
Dec 5, 2010
The "dynamic" was retarded in the games, and in 3 the most, with you using the silver sword for the wild hunt elves who are not only not weak to silver, because why the fuck would they be, but are in FUCKING PLATE ARMOR.
You simply don't understand witcher lore where bandits have adamantium skin.
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Proud owner of BG 3: Day of Swen's Tentacle
Nov 23, 2014
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Game is basically flat now in therms of progression and you progress with skills instead of gear alone which was way more important in vanilla than any skill.
By progressing with skills, you mean the improve-by-use system for attacks and parrying?

I kind of liked upgrading Geralt to better gear, don't know if I wouldn't miss that part of progression.

So, I tried the EE mod for about an hour. My overall feeling is that with so many immersion-directed changes, a game that took me over 500 hours for a completionist playthrough would take me 1500 with this mod.

After 3 attempts I managed to clear out a small group of houses in White Orhcard from ghouls, which allowed people to resettle there. I then tried to trade with the newly appeared merchant in that village. In my confusion, I had transferred my money from my inventory to the horse's inventory, thinking that the money in the inventory can't be the same currency I use in shops. Hence when I tried to trade with that merchant, it turned out I need Roach next to me in order to have access to my money while shopping. Roach, however, had decided to have a snack from a nearby haystack, so I had to fetch him. All the while my wife was making fun of my performance and how the horse has my money, so that I can have a free inventory. She is a casual/popamole kind of player who would be pretty much unable to handle the increased combat complexity.

I'm not sure if I won't just get fed up with all the small immersion-intended details this mod adds, but if I do, the bad news is that my savegames wouldn't be compatible with the vanilla game. I tried uninstalling the mod, but when I loaded my savegame, all my weapon and armor stats still had the modded values.


Feb 16, 2016
So has anyone tried better combat enhanced? How is it compared to ee? Im playing ghost mod, its pretty good, doing b&w. Wondering which to choose next, ee or bce.


Village Idiot
Oct 12, 2016
This sounds shit. I think Vanguard and Rift beta should be taught to people in schools so they will no longer support shitty combat in games. Once you have played a game with classes designed by a team that is not only talented, but knows what has gone before it, you just can't play any of these shitty single player games with click click dodge crap.


Feb 16, 2016
So has anyone managed to install any autoloot mod for w3ee? I couldn't get any to work for the life of me, tried every possible way with all of them.


Feb 16, 2016
They arent. Ive had nothing but problems, anger and frustrations with this mod so far. Great concepts but piss poor execution of combat, impossible to install mods, strange glitches... Newest one is if i use spce to roll in combat game just freezes. Its so frustrating!

Cant get any autoloot to work so ive become a fucking herbalist, running after flowers in the field!

Thinking of giving up on this mod and trying school of the roach... Or smtn else less fucked up..

Or trying wraith addon for ghost as someone recommended to me.

Edit: Immersive cam was culprit...
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Proud owner of BG 3: Day of Swen's Tentacle
Nov 23, 2014
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PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
W3EE debalances the game too much IMO. I guess the mod expects you to continuously tinker with the health and damage multipliers, but this kills the fun of playing the game when you have to do it too often. The Bloody Baron/Botchling section was impossible to pass with the W3EE defaults for combat and healing.

What put me off the most however was that they've removed levels from items, enemies and the player. Levels and xp were giving me a sense of progression and reward. I haven't seen any documentation on how the mod's new system of improve-by-use works, or any evidence that it works at all.

Doktor Best

Feb 2, 2015
Well I built the feline crossbow,made about 50 explosive bolts,put some skill points in crossbow talents and voila all bosses dead,the bolts set them on fire and they stay frozen in place.
Though now I have most oil/potion manuscripts and have increased my toxicity and some good gear I can tank some hits and kill them with swords.
I haven't played dark souls but I don't really like games where their combat system relies on player reflexes,I wish I was younger lol

Dark Souls does NOT have twitch combat. It is actually a pretty slow, tactical and methodical style of combat system where knowledge, patience and carefullness is king and dexterity, while ofcourse still needed, comes second to this.

Dark Souls is also probably the best dungeon crawler game made to date, so you should definitely play it.


Proud owner of BG 3: Day of Swen's Tentacle
Nov 23, 2014
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PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
If it starts to feel too easy at some point, you would be inclined to adjust the stats again, wouldn't you?


Feb 16, 2016
Lol yeah, seeing as i already adjusted for easier on EASIEST difficulty cant imagine how it would be esier.
Now let me ask you as you played it already.
If i leave auto targeting on sometimes it hits enemies accurately, sometimes it spams long distance swings even when enemies are close.
But if i have it off and the targeting is either movement or camera centered it becomes torture fest of me trying to hit enemy at all. Im not using enemy locking ever, since he can dodge enmy and get into another right away, or at least thats what i think in my head?

If it IS, then i dunno ehat kinda controlling freak you gotta be to e able to hit enemies and dodge efficiently in combat.


Proud owner of BG 3: Day of Swen's Tentacle
Nov 23, 2014
At large
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
I can't be much help here, unfortunately. I never tried W3EE's targeting options, because I don't understand the difference between them anyway. When I was playing vanilla Witcher 3, I eventually got used to the default targeting system, which was pretty horrible at first. The tactic I use is to dodge back as much as needed so I'm not surrounded and then wait for the first enemy who comes close enough, hit and dodge immediately before I'm drawn in. That is if the enemies are strong enough and I have to fear being surrounded in the first place. In many cases I'm overleveled enough not to care about taking some damage. What I had to get used to was that I don't really need to move the mouse much if at all during combat, and not moving the camera actually makes it easier to predict which enemy I'll lock on to.

I only recently learned of the ability to manually lock on enemies, but that hasn't been working out well, because the enemy I may have locked on may at a moment's notice become a much lower level threat - if he retreats far back and I have someone else closer. Then I would have to manually un-lock from him in order to hit the new biggest threat, so it's one more thing I have to keep track of and have a finger ready to press Z...


Feb 16, 2016
Well thats exactly what I was thinking about and saying. Ok, will try it some more and see if I can make anything out of it.

Ok im giving up on w3ee. Real shame as the mod has some crazy good stuff like combining several runewords into one and upgrading that one by levels, i love primer alchemy style, which fankly i never got to use. Rotation was made to burn which should have been default in vanilla game. But all goes hogwash since combat is a messed up bundle of a targeting system. Didnt get any chance to check out skill system in practice, but from what I've read now its also redone in best (useful) way.

Im reading about promods now and will see what alternatives there are except comming back to ghost and trying wraith mod. School of the roach i read and didnt like several options from description. If anyone knows other mention worthy combat mods please tell me. Will read better combat enhanced now to see whats it about.
Oh also same for skills rebalance outside of combat overhaul recommendations are welcome.
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Dec 5, 2010
If anyone knows other mention worthy combat mods please tell me. Will read better combat enhanced now to see whats it about.
Far attack http://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/2258/?

Might help those struggling with the targetting system since at least the blows will be landing on someone. Could easily see attack distance depend on one of 3 armor weight classes.

EE's attack speed varying according to remaining health and stamina sounds like a big nono for an actiony combat system.


Nov 16, 2016
Looks retarded and you can just button mash while Geralt almost teleports from target to target ( way faster he could run ), what is wrong with running closer to the target before you attack ?
Dec 5, 2010
^"what is wrong with running closer to the target before you attack ?"
Well for starters when you enter combat you can't run around and your movement is set to a slow "battlestance" walk unless you choose to press and hold the sprint button+direction in the middle of combat which will also disengage you from your opponent, you'd do that in the middle of a fight just to cover the distance of a short hop?

Most people simply roll or dodge to close that distance as you can see at 1:28 in the vid, and that looks significantly worse than simply taking the default attack animations that already have geralt running, rolling, pirouetting or dodging to (irregularly) close the distance towards a foe before he strikes and modifying those same animations to regularly cover an extra meter or two to account for the game's typical spacing between enemies.
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Feb 16, 2016
Nice suggestion crunchy, but w3ee also has those short long swings. Problem is first forced targeting by player, which is badly implemented. I dont think either movement direction or camera facing is natural solution for keyboard. It might be easier for gamepad, since ut has left thumbstick to control movement. But i having enough challenge as it is in b&bb dodging and hitting enemies, without having to think about which distance attack to activate. Therefore i think that mechanic is a failure for combat. Either in w3ee or in that mod.


Proud owner of BG 3: Day of Swen's Tentacle
Nov 23, 2014
At large
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
You have to think of it like this - once you are in combat, you are basically in first person shooter mode. Your crosshair is invisible, but whatever you point with it will be what you will hit, regardless of the direction your character's figurine is facing. As long as we are talking about sword hits, that is. Igni and Aard signs will always be cast in front of Geralt.

That mod seems to make combat too easy.
Dec 5, 2010
Nice suggestion crunchy, but w3ee also has those short long swings. Problem is first forced targeting by player, which is badly implemented. I dont think either movement direction or camera facing is natural solution for keyboard. It might be easier for gamepad, since ut has left thumbstick to control movement. But i having enough challenge as it is in b&bb dodging and hitting enemies, without having to think about which distance attack to activate. Therefore i think that mechanic is a failure for combat. Either in w3ee or in that mod.
All the far attack mod does is make all your attacks reach a couple of meters further(say roll distance instead of vanilla's (irregular) dodge distance), there's no thinking about activating different attack distances involved,.
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Feb 16, 2016
Ok ill try w3ee one more run. Does it need combat speed mod and xp scaling, like better experience curve mod(wolf) or are they already integrated into w3ee in some form?


Feb 16, 2016
So am i doing it wrong? I havent gotten a single point for talents so far and im half way done with white orchard. I only get points from sign stones and the starting points from sword and alchemy trees. Is that supposed to be like that or i messed up something with install? I installed w3ee, lfe, lfe patch, then w3ee bleed nerf, xp patch, fixed loot(no anims) patch. Was that the correct order?

Also is it normal that i cant sell herbs to w orchard main quest herbalist, that tamara smtn woman in cottage? only if i max alchemy prices on LFE i can sell few most expensive herbs, but others are still unsellable.

i have goty 1.31 w uni patch and shitload of mods, imm cam, lfe w patch, sort everything etc.
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