Hi, new player who just purchased 6-8 on Steam. Any tips for a first timer? Also, feel free to leave a negative button.
EDIT: I plan on only playing 7 and 8, unless there's a really compelling reason to play 6.
I could just never get into 6, but I find myself playing 7 and 8 from time to time. I'm playing 7 right now, and finally used this:
Cosmic Forge. Not so much for the monster edits or anything, but the patches for Wiz7 Dos. Never really knew about monsters doing 2x damage to fighters, and once I learned that... it kind of soured me on the game. So I used these here patches. Also allows for healing when resting. Not sure if that was a bug or not, but it works.
Also, this run of Wiz 7 is gone to crap pretty quickly. I don't know why, but I immediately went from New City to Munkharama. Didn't free Beauregard, didn't find that damn waffer. Also, I remembered how to get into old city, but must have been killed through poison by about 18x by toxic sludges or whatever. Also keep forgetting to save. That's the real punisher. Right now I'm about level 8-9, and trying to do a little bit of grinding here and there. Just playing the built in party and right now have Warrior, Valkyrie, Ninja, Rogue, Priest, Wiz. Will move Rogue to Monk, and Priest to Lord as soon as they have the skills, but I am liking the Warrior. While they are boring, for some reason he has a 20 ST at level 8, which never happened to me before.
Strange thing is that when going to Munharama, I left before the bean puzzle because I realized I was in the wrong place, but ended up never running into anything more than demented munks or various moths. Didn't think there was level scaling, but I could also have been lucky.