So I made a unified Dwarven Priest party. My starting equipment were Maces which could 5% K.O. I thought I could make „All-in-one“ characters, which are both Melee Attackers and Spell Casters. I gave them attribute points to Vitality, Piety, Strength (Starting with 76 points both in Vit, Pie and 70 in Str).
At Level 9 I reached "Iron Skin" and "Iron Will". I then played until Level 10, and made 10-12 points in Iron Will, and 17-21 points in Iron Skin.
I think Iron Skin is the same as "Natural Damage Resistance" of Dwarfs and the "Damage Resistance Bonus" of Monks. At the current level I have also 20% Damage absorption. I guess a Monk who reaches Iron skin would have yet another Damage Resistance stack ontop of it (so it could be 3x Damage Resistance for an Iron-Skin-Dwarven-Monk. With having priests I did not have that Monk bonus though). Besides all the magic resistances have increased from 25% (default starting value) to 32%. Fire resistance is even higher because Dwarf had a bonus. But still impressive for having reached Level 10 only.
However the party still didn‘t feel very robust against enemies, despite the Damage Resistance and using Shields. I had the Mace & Flail attribute at 80 (for everyone), the Shield skill at minimum 70 (for everyone) and Close Combat at minimum 55 (for everyone). I still got hit way too often and too hard. The lack of health points (77 HP everyone) might also be responsible for that. A pure fighter would have much more already. Also I really missed having Stealth. It seems to me that Stealth is slightly better than shields.
What annoyed me a lot (beginning of a rant):
- So I wanted to buy better maces (i.e. war hammers, scepters). I couldn't, because the Priest class didn't allow me to wield much other types of maces.
- So I wanted to buy better shields (i.e. heater shields). I couldn't, because the Priest class didn't allow me to hold anything else than weak Buckler shields.
- So I wanted to buy better armor (i.e. bronze gloves, metal greaves). I couldn't, because the Priest class didn't allow me to wear them.
COME ON!! There are gloves and greaves (icon looks metallic) I found in the monastery and can wear without problem, so what? Even if these things are restricted because of heavyweight, why can't I use some lightweight cloaks and cowls either? Nope, only usable for Ninjas. COME ON!! I can almost wear and equip nothing at all. This is ridiculous. This is exactly the thing which annoyed me in Drakensang, when a Sword-wielding Knight couldn't equip a Pirate-Sabre. Totally annoyed me back then. I don't know why I didn't realize these restrictions before. Maybe because my party was so diverse, that I always found someone who could equip or wear a specific item, and was „satisfied“. But now with this unified „All-in-One“ party I really noticed these restrictions. I think this system is stupid.
Especially because: with these restrictions you can‘t even plan you characters in advance. For example, if you have this memory of awesome hammers, scepters, maces (all category Mace & Flail) in your mind (from the last playthrough) – and then you'll suddenly find out, that you can‘t equip most of these weapons with your character "just because it is so" - although he starts with Maces, can skill Maces, has high Mace skill. COME ON!! I mean how am I gonna plan my party, if I can't even rely on "has mace skill - can use ALL maces"?
F.U.C.K. T.H.I.S. S.H.I.T.
Because of these heavy restrictions I realized it doesn't make much sense to try "All-in-One" characters anymore. There is only one reasonable way to go:
- Make your characters „Archetypes“ or „Pure“ classes
- Make your party a combination of the usual Tanks & Glass Cannons
That priest party seemed good on paper (think about all members hitting in unified manner K.O. on the enemies, casting in unified manner "Paralyze" or "Make Wounds", and at the same time "immune" to everything because of Iron Skin/Will), but wasn't that great in reality.
I think if someone wants to go with a „unified“ setup („unified“ by means of reducing micromanagement), it‘s probably better to go for 3 unified tanks in front and 3 unified casters in the back. Then you also know that the fighters can equip all good things, the priests only equip bad things. My unified priest-fighter-casters was neither, because they couldn‘t even wear and equip half of the interesting things, because of shitty restrictions.
Stopping playthrough and uninstalling...
(PS: I didn't know that the starting level (Lower Monastery) allows you to grind at least until Level 10, because there is a never ending respawn of Slimes, Rats, Spiders. Funny to know though...).