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Wizardry The Wizardry Series Thread

Hobo Elf

Feb 17, 2009
Platypus Planet
Help me suck less at Wizardry 8!

So this is my first time playing a Wizardry game and it's raping me. I did well and fine during the monastery, but as soon as I got out there have been numerous creatures that mop the floors with my party. My magic users do a good job at softening the monsters (if my spells don't backfire), but my melee characters are dire. If they don't miss they do shit damage. I don't know if it's my party setup or the way I've distributed my skills.
My party consists of a Mook Fighter, Human Samurai, Dwarf Valkyrie, Human Ninja, Elf Bishop and Faerie Mage.
Can't say much about my stats except that I've put lots of dex, spd and sen for my melee charas (with some str and int here and there) while pumping int and pie for my two casters.
Have I screwed up with my characters and stats, or have years of playing newer crappy games just softened me up?
P.S: Turning down the difficulty isn't an option. Not even for one battle.


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
Hobo Elf said:
So this is my first time playing a Wizardry game and it's raping me. I did well and fine during the monastery, but as soon as I got out there have been numerous creatures that mop the floors with my party. My magic users do a good job at softening the monsters (if my spells don't backfire), but my melee characters are dire. If they don't miss they do shit damage. I don't know if it's my party setup or the way I've distributed my skills.
My party consists of a Mook Fighter, Human Samurai, Dwarf Valkyrie, Human Ninja, Elf Bishop and Faerie Mage.
Can't say much about my stats except that I've put lots of dex, spd and sen for my melee charas (with some str and int here and there) while pumping int and pie for my two casters.
I assume you're on Road to Arnika?
If so, be creative - exploit crevices along the road to recuperate or defend against overwhelming odds. Don't shy from running like a little girl from clearly overwhelming odds either.
Do put some points into str for melee characters - dex and speed are very good as they make you hit well and often, but it's str that translates into raw damage. Maybe put less emphasis on sen for characters that don't crit. People here will probably advise you to buff up the vit, but I never had any problems in Wiz8 despite my almost pathological aversion to putting points into vit rather than stats that actually do something.
With four potential melee fighters including 2-3 dedicated tanks you should have an easy time. Also, if you've been putting all the points into spd and dex, your fighter might be slightly on the weak side, but surely has an exceptional coordination - the berserk attack is there for a reason and you won't miss too often with such stats.
Also, give your ninja some bombs and whatnot, give your artifact specialist (I presume it's the bishop's job) some other usable gizmos and let the guys have some fun when things go bad.
Your party isn't well balanced on the magic side, as the bishop is overloaded, having to handle three magic schools (if you want to use all four) and will lag far behind the mage, but it shouldn't pose much problems - Wizardry is wondrously flexible and even heavily sub-optimal parties can shine given enough time.
Have I screwed up with my characters and stats, or have years of playing newer crappy games just softened me up?
I opt for the latter.
P.S: Turning down the difficulty isn't an option. Not even for one battle.
What's your diff? If it's hard, things can get rough every now and then, but should still be manageable.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Yep. You've gone soft, bro. It's actually enjoyable.


http://www.rampantgames.com/blog/2008/0 ... lains.html

"People have screamed bloody murder about the Arnika road since Wizardry 8 was originally released. This is what the Arnika road was *supposed* to teach you:

* To avoid monsters by either using spells like Chameleon or by staying out of their line of sight. You could often sneak around the monsters if you were careful.

* To be smart about where you rested. If you rested in the middle of the road, monsters are much more likely to wander by see you, and ambush you while you sleep. If you rested in a hard-to-see place like behind a rock or behind the house at the T-intersection it was much easier to get a full rest in.

* To use the disposable items--potions, bombs, wands, etc.--we constantly gave you as loot.

Last but far from least, Wizardry 8 was one of the last North American RPGs to be unapologetically hard--we wanted surviving each level to feel like an achievement. In fact one of our concerns about Wizardry 8 was that it might be too *easy, *as crazy as that sounds today. We made Wiz 8 much easier than any of the earlier installments in the series (if you don't believe me then try, say, Wizardry 4) and we were worried the long-time fans might object."


Nov 1, 2007
Dans Ton Cul
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin
This serie gets harder to resist every day... But I can't now, else I'll sure get fired from my job... And won't be able to finish my humble Sailor Moon LP.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
I've replayed it recently (for, uh, inspiration). Teh awesome. The last hardcore "player? fuck that whiny bitch!" RPG. :salute:
Dec 19, 2007
I just ran to Arnika in panic the first time I played. That was kind of fun, actually, I don't really remember having to flee in any CRPG unless scripted.

Vault Dweller said:
* To be smart about where you rested. If you rested in the middle of the road, monsters are much more likely to wander by see you, and ambush you while you sleep. If you rested in a hard-to-see place like behind a rock or behind the house at the T-intersection it was much easier to get a full rest in.

Good to know, I never noticed this.

Vault Dweller said:
Last but far from least, Wizardry 8 was one of the last North American RPGs to be unapologetically hard--we wanted surviving each level to feel like an achievement. In fact one of our concerns about Wizardry 8 was that it might be too *easy, *as crazy as that sounds today. We made Wiz 8 much easier than any of the earlier installments in the series (if you don't believe me then try, say, Wizardry 4) and we were worried the long-time fans might object."

To me, Wizardry 8 represents the apex of the golden age of CRPG's (Arcanum was also released in the same year. I wish I could have that year back, especially so since I didn't play these games then.). Incredible level of gameplay was achieved, and from there the whole genre took a rapid turn for worse, so much worse that it's not hard to understand why some people consider combat in RPG's unnecessary and generally the worst part of them.

EDIT : Oh, right. When you get to arnika you get to fight a lot easier enemies, and maybe can afford better gear. You'll also find a pretty good additional party member. So I recommend just going straight there.


Dec 31, 2007
There are some fights in early game in Arnika road involving a bunch of enemy cultist spellcasters that are extremely hard to win with a low level party. What can you do? just avoid the encounter and head over to Arnika Town. Get Vi and the thief(Marcus?) to follow you and also raid the bank vaults for a kick-ass sword.


Oct 23, 2002
The single most important thing in Wizardry 8 is picking the right place to fight. It's worth having your party do nothing but run for many turns in a row just to maneuvre them into spot where nothing can flank you or sneak up behind. Secondary to that is knowing what fights are trouble and summarily avoiding them until you're stronger. Last of all, don't be shy about using your consumables - you'll wind up with plenty of money without needing to horde them.


Jan 17, 2008
Section8 said:
The single most important thing in Wizardry 8 is picking the right place to fight. It's worth having your party do nothing but run for many turns in a row just to maneuvre them into spot where nothing can flank you or sneak up behind. Secondary to that is knowing what fights are trouble and summarily avoiding them until you're stronger.


Plus ALWAYS have your magic buffs up.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Vault Dweller said:
Yep. You've gone soft, bro. It's actually enjoyable.


http://www.rampantgames.com/blog/2008/0 ... lains.html

"People have screamed bloody murder about the Arnika road since Wizardry 8 was originally released. This is what the Arnika road was *supposed* to teach you:

* To avoid monsters by either using spells like Chameleon or by staying out of their line of sight. You could often sneak around the monsters if you were careful.

* To be smart about where you rested. If you rested in the middle of the road, monsters are much more likely to wander by see you, and ambush you while you sleep. If you rested in a hard-to-see place like behind a rock or behind the house at the T-intersection it was much easier to get a full rest in.

* To use the disposable items--potions, bombs, wands, etc.--we constantly gave you as loot.

Last but far from least, Wizardry 8 was one of the last North American RPGs to be unapologetically hard--we wanted surviving each level to feel like an achievement. In fact one of our concerns about Wizardry 8 was that it might be too *easy, *as crazy as that sounds today. We made Wiz 8 much easier than any of the earlier installments in the series (if you don't believe me then try, say, Wizardry 4) and we were worried the long-time fans might object."

Wow. Seems like this game is as much as a must have as i've been told. I need to get torreting right away.

Hobo Elf

Feb 17, 2009
Platypus Planet
After several cups of coffee and lots of willpower I finally, FINALLY managed to get to Arnika. This game is everything RPG should be like. Forcing you to adapt and change tactics during each encounter while backing you to a corner as you desperately fend off the enemies while chugging down your last potions and trying to squeeze one more healing spell with the last of your mana. This game is the shit.
If I ever have kids I'll force them to play Wizardry or else I'll write them off my will.

Hobo Elf

Feb 17, 2009
Platypus Planet
DraQ said:
Just FYI:
Staple gun works wonders when it comes to keeping individual's eyes open against their will - in case your kids grow into graphics whores.

A staple gun could work I guess, but I had something else in mind..



Nov 1, 2007
Dans Ton Cul
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin
Lyric Suite said:
Wow. Seems like this game is as much as a must have as i've been told. I need to get torreting right away.

It looks like the only reliable mean to get this game lately. Hope it'll show up on GOG one day.


Aug 30, 2005
is cold
The game gets mutch easyer around the level 12 and further up, though still has tough challanges, when confronted with mental magic users or humongous swarms of opposition.

Starting levels are a bitch, though. Some suggest roaming the monastery till you get to level 10 and only then going to Arnika.
There is also somewhat cheesy way to avoid the owerpovered mobs at the start by not leveling your party, only getting along with ''rised by doing'' experience. Thus you avoid monsters from level scaling. That is, if you really need this. Bear in mind that low level monsters give mutch less xp.
Also, for first time player it's a smart move to have lizardman warrior in your party. They exemplify the term ''tank''. The huge strenght bonus and resistance to melee damage makes them rembos of Wiz8. Make sure to give them sword and shield as a main weapon skill. Axes are worthless and halberds are slow.


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
Gnidrologist said:
The game gets mutch easyer around the level 12 and further up, though still has tough challanges, when confronted with mental magic users or humongous swarms of opposition.
Bosses can be pretty tough. I also remember staring blankly into the monitor after my powerful and buffed up party encountered seven Sage Spirits in one of the retro dungeons - everyone, but the fighter died before they even got chance to act - mind flay/psi blast, mind flay/psi blast, ...

Also, for first time player it's a smart move to have lizardman warrior in your party. They exemplify the term ''tank''. The huge strenght bonus and resistance to melee damage makes them rembos of Wiz8.
Better alternative might be getting a Dracon. They are almost as resilient and strong, more agile, less susceptible to dreaded mental magic (lizardman warrior + enemy/botched mental spells = horrible accident waiting to happen), way smarter and breathe acid across wide area when party's spellcasters know only single target spells and mostly succeed in mindstabing your lizardman warrior into utter unpredictability anyway.

Also, dual wielding is the shit in Wizardry 8, especially with Diamond Eyes mace offhand.
A handful of points in axe won't be bad either as there are some axes that are very good to use in early to midgame, but as a long term choice swords and maces are better.

Still, a Mook will be able to use Giant's Sword, so having a Mook Warrior/Samurai/Ranger isn't a bad choice either.

Hobo Elf

Feb 17, 2009
Platypus Planet
Bosses, huh. I'm guessing that Gregory and that one beast that you run into when you go right instead of left when there's the path that branches out to Arnika and that other place are bosses, yes? So far my Samurai has insta killed both of them as soon as I ran out of mana. Yeah. Let's hope the good luck continues later on aswell.


Jan 17, 2008
heh heh, you have much to learn... there is a certain underwater denizen...


Jun 19, 2007

Cause no matter what party I had( though it always consisted of 6 members) I always managed to get through to Arnika... Why does people think they should always win? There is wisdom in picking the right fight your suitable for.


Aug 30, 2005
is cold
DraQ said:
Gnidrologist said:
The game gets mutch easyer around the level 12 and further up, though still has tough challanges, when confronted with mental magic users or humongous swarms of opposition.
Bosses can be pretty tough. I also remember staring blankly into the monitor after my powerful and buffed up party encountered seven Sage Spirits in one of the retro dungeons - everyone, but the fighter died before they even got chance to act - mind flay/psi blast, mind flay/psi blast, ...
Yep, magic users are always pain in the ass, even at high levels. Somehow silencing spell rarely works, even with high level priests and these fuckers always manage to cast first and even if they are way out of range.
Haven't tried the dracons yet. Being more resistent to koo-koo magic would be nice. Sometimes those lizard musclemen would chop my own party to pieces if they got insane or enticed. Not a nice sight to see. :?
Will have to try building a dacon tank.

Anyhow, at high levels you either have shitloads of resurrection power or even a priest, who can cast it at will, so again. This makes the game far more comfortable in the second half.

Thrasher said:
heh heh, you have much to learn... there is a certain underwater denizen...
Wos dat, mong?


Jan 17, 2008
ye shall see...

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