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skacky: on this stream: people who have never played any thief game before and don't know the series is known for its supernatural horror themes
skacky: doesn't change the fact that this level looks like a cheap ripoff of the cradle
skacky: this is supposed to be a mission full of tension such as the cradle or return to the cathedral, but they even managed to botch that as well
Any reviews yet? I'm expecting a rush of "10/10 GOTY, a worthy modernization of a classic". I need something to rage about, life has been entirely too calm lately.
Just fuck you Eidos.
Holy motherfucking shitgod of Eidos cock.The music on the main screen. Sounds like Star Wars or some shit.
-Compass icons on guards telling you their alertness, which stay on your UI even if they're not on your line of sight anymore.
-Tiny levels, constant loading screens.
-Guard AI non-existent.
-Horribly blurry screen. I guess this is for indicating your visibility but it's just like someone smeared vaseline all over.
-Terribly designed NuGarett.
-Godawful voice acting.
-Horrible Jason Bourne wubwub music playing on top of each other/doesn't know when to cue properly.
-Garett stands in closet with guard next to it --> opens closet, pushing guard out of the way. Guard oblivious.
-Constant close-ups of whatever he's doing. Lockpicking, opening windows,...
-Third person cutscenes in the midst of a level.
-No need for stealth, you can just pummel multiple guards in their face, and finish them with execution moves.
-Max Payne dream sequences.
You can peep on naked people ... and whoever is playing this checks EVERY single one. And keeps looking and looking and looking.