About the criticism, well, if I actually finish my DarkMod mission I have in the works one day, I'd want people to tell me if they hate it, and why.
Yes, I enjoy getting positive feedback and people telling me what they enjoyed about my work. I write fiction, and I am usually told my stories are pretty good. But I'm always glad when there's a "I liked it, BUT" in a review I get. Criticism of my style, of my plotting, telling me of grammatical or spelling errors if there are any. I want to know that shit. I want to know what the fuck I did wrong so I can do it not wrong the next time. If nobody tells me what's wrong, I'll just keep doing it wrong.
It's even more relevant in game design, I think. You can just ignore a few badly written lines or some awkward dialogue in a story, as long as the rest of it is good. But in a game, a section that just utterly sucks or is frustrating as fuck can break the whole experience and discourage replays. "I enjoyed that mission overall, but UGH, that one puzzle was SO SHIT, I don't wanna go through that ever again!" If I'm a mission author, and create a puzzle that is so frustrating nobody likes it, I would want to be told about that so I can think about how to improve that part of my game design.
It's simple as that. You can't improve if nobody tells you that you should improve. Yeah, you can improve if you notice some faults in your work by yourself, but that's not going to happen if everyone tells you you're the best guy ever and shouldn't be criticized. It's just reinforcement of bad habits.
Negative reviews, if they actually contain valid criticism rather than simple "lol u suk", are ten times as valuable as positive reviews are, because they tell you what's wrong with your work.