Personally I find the BJ has so few penalties - with its quick attack and extended range when combined with the forward lean
Hey skacky, what's the name of this painting, and who's the artist? I've seen it before but forgot what it's called. I'd like it as desktop background :D
"Makes scenarios for old as fuck stealth game, best in genre. Actually use your time for searching classic, nude paintings." Haha, live is amazing, isn't it, my dear taffers.Yeah that's Mary Magdalene in the Cave by Jules Joseph Lefebvre. There's two more of his in the brothel, one in the lobby and The Grasshopper in Demetra's quarters. We spent hours and hours looking for classic nude paintings that didn't look off, and we even ended up gettings lots of regular classic paintings for our projects with DrKubiac. The ones by Otto Theodore Lingner and William Bouguereau are my favorites.
Didn't know you were a pervert.Heh, but it's your tastes so suit yourself.
Not fun, and I don't see what's supposed to be challenging about it. Challenge is to rope-arrow up to a high place, sneak around without alerting guards, or solving a puzzle with a handful of clues. Randomly looking through 5 rooms for a switch that is somewhere isn't challenging. If it were, looking for my car keys when I forgot where I put them would be awesome Thief gameplay.
Guys, I know I'm lazy fucker, but can someone send me missions titles that recently appeared? I formated my disc and my thief kind of disappeared... fuck.
Also, i remember a brothel seven sisters wich had hidden rooms to spy "the action" in the bedrooms, a BDSM scene, even though the brothel was smaller, it had more content.
It's the status of the invasion. Green is safe, yellow under battle/control, red is completely invaded.What do the colours represent in the last one? Altitude?
Are you talking about the map project on TTLG ? The megathread called Mapping out the City ?Another amazing well done map, that just shows how that map project is a poor job that people payed to be done...
Funny you say this as we'll probably share a non-canon universe. I'll use his version of the City as references, and he'll mention Rocksbourg here and there as he already did on multiple occasions.Now we have some definitive maps of The City (skacky's one) and Rocksbourg.
Are you talking about the map project on TTLG ? The megathread called Mapping out the City ?
Wait, did people pay for it !?
What do the colours represent in the last one? Altitude?
Although the level architecture is top notch, the mission is poorly designed and is seems like it was made on a rush.
Invasion? I should really finally play your maps.It's the status of the invasion. Green is safe, yellow under battle/control, red is completely invaded.
From the TTLG post I'm guessing they are the security zones mentioned in Rocksbourg 2. Don't know which colour is for which though.
Poorly designed is a bit of an overstatement I think. I like how the brothel had guards which were more sensitive and so required some strategy to take out. I understand people not liking the difficulty of it, and tiring out some players, but it felt like the natural culmination of the difficulty which had been built up in the past mission. The brothel is so secret that you have to go through some tunnels to get there, and it caters to the upper class of the city, so it's just natural for it to be heavily guarded by the finest guards, so to speak.
Agreed about the Keeper compound though, and Skacky admitted that it was rushed to meet the contest deadline.
Yeah, Rocksbourg is under a strange invasion from undead, a bit like what happened in the Old Quarter. Except I try to do something a bit more interesting than zombie infested streets, in fact you rarely see any kind of undead so far.Invasion? I should really finally play your maps.
They payed a speacialist in map drawing to draw the final map.
Another amazing well done map, that just shows how that map project is a poor job that people payed to be done...
Now we have some definitive maps of The City (skacky's one) and Rocksbourg.
Anyway, I finished chalice of souls in some days ago, and what i feel is that mission 1 is the best thing on that map. I found myself returning to it to find new places i had missed before (I was in the beggining of mission 2 but returned after people mention that hammerite in a hat that I had missed). And the I found most of the apartments, buildings, hidden rooms, though I missed a little loot, I'm aways ok with missing about 10-20%. The readables were interesting, and the level is bigger than it appears to be at first.
Then comes the 2 mission: Although the level architecture is top notch, the mission is poorly designed and is seems like it was made on a rush. The brothel is cool, but I felt it was just populated with AI to be blackjacked, and no "in-level" side-stories at all. Also, i remember a brothel seven sisters wich had hidden rooms to spy "the action" in the bedrooms, a BDSM scene, even though the brothel was smaller, it had more content. Maybe that's what a level inspired by Thi4f can acomplish.... Even so the level is ok, but the second part of the level, the keeper halls, well that's the most empty part of the level, and the main objective is just there with no story behind how it was there, or any puzzle involved or anything... it was just there, and you just stumble upon it. Also, the halls are amazing, but it's so big that makes the emptiness feels more aparent. Anyway, it would be awesome to have som keeper ghosts here and there, a link between previous levels like character that went missing on the brothel to be found dead down there, some notes mentioning those orbs in the water.
In the end I had fun, but mostly because of 1st mission, that alone makes this FM one of the best. But mission 2 should be released later with a more fleshed out.