As long as he keeps delivering mod tools to add gameplay to those graphics, i´m fine with it.
With women, as with games, there are also rare gems that possess both depth and beauty.
Oh, who am I kidding.
Why do Bethesda games look like shit then?o_O
Technically it is a limitation, artistically it is not. For instance, trees in Skyrim are incredibly ugly thou they have n-times more faces and more detailed textures than, lets say, Gothic 2. Same for Morrowind's bodies and practically any other game of the time (gothic 1 again).Why do Bethesda games look like shit then?o_O
They build games within the limitations of 512 RAM and a single DVD (no installation) worth of data. With those limitations, they do a decent job to be honest.
Technically it is a limitation, artistically it is not. For instance, trees in Skyrim are incredibly ugly thou they have n-times more faces and more detailed textures than, lets say, Gothic 2. Same for Morrowind's bodies and practically any other game of the time (gothic 1 again).Why do Bethesda games look like shit then?o_O
They build games within the limitations of 512 RAM and a single DVD (no installation) worth of data. With those limitations, they do a decent job to be honest.
Technical limits only force you to some level of approximation (to ideal state). But they do ugly things despite having relatively rich resources.