Major Malfunction
How do you know the tube wasn't being trapped by the jellyfish? Check your living entity privilege shitlord.
she's a modern gamer girl and what other way to show but to hang her favorite retro PS3 discs in her hairBy the way what's with InXile and hanging CDs on women's hair?
Why do you guys always have to turn everything into an issue of SJW?
It's not. It's a fucking game, with fucking characters. They look different from eachother and fits the story.
Has nothing to do with SJW.
Last of Mohicans dude was badass. Native americans are just lame when Hollywood make them wise magic indians or whining butthurt manginas.
Nice to see our Native American brothers finally represented in an RPG.
Gazzillion billion years into the perpetually post-apocalyptic hyperfuture people (and transdimensional non-entities) have probably replaced intercourse with some bizzare mix of aura-photography and superdeep drilling involving outlandish gizmos that penetrate your essence at every point in time and space and leave your body in shambles as your mind wanders off on its unhinged Malkavian journey. Sticking something into any orifice would be seen as such an outlandish and primitive concept you'd probably get stoned to death for suggesting it.
'Kay.They said no sex during the Kickstarter. Doesn't fit the game's theme. There might be other romance, though.
Party members are not incloosive enough, if anything. Where are all the wyrmkin-kin transdimensional cyborg jellyfish, I ask?
Not a bad description of the creature:Didn't you seehimherit trapped in the tube in Circus Minor?
Love is pain and sex is la petite mort, just how much more torment could you possibly need?I said the game's theme, not the setting's. It is called Torment.
Didn't you seeWhere are all the wyrmkin-kin transdimensional cyborg jellyfish, I ask?himherit trapped in the tube in Circus Minor?
Nice to see our Native American brothers finally represented in an RPG.
Nice to see our Native American brothers finally represented in an RPG.
You mean the latest Shadowrun games?
A Free Gift for Beta Backers
You may remember that acclaimed author Pat Rothfuss offered to write a Torment comic book. We are happy to announce that not only is it finished, but we are also making it available free to all of our previous Torment beta backers at no additional charge. You can check out yourRewards page on the Torment backer web site to download it right now (click the "Downloads" button on your reward that includes your beta key).
Note: If you are a backer who pledged separately to get the Pat Rothfuss comic as an add-on, you can use the "Remove Reward" button on the add-on to get your pledge value back and use it towards other add-ons of your choice.
but we are also making it available free to all of our previous Torment beta backers at no additional charge.
beta backers
And before anyone ask, no I can't remove the comic compilation reward, the system wouldn't allow me to do so.