It relies on luck, so yes it's unfair.
According to Merriam-Webster online the two definitions of 'fair' that do suit or discussion are 'marked by impartiality and honesty' and 'conforming with the established rules.' Thus as long as there are rules both impartial and clear that do apply to everyone alike it is 'fair.'
Your personal definition of 'fair' is inconsequential.
Having to exchange sex for goods to get what you want? Definitely not fair. Reminds me of
Let me get this straight: Are you comparing mass rape to a girl who does decide sex is an asset that can be capitalized upon? I do know you do live in a world of fantasy and demagoguery but this is too much even for you. I am sorry to break this to you but 'sex' is not some sacred thing we should all wonder at. It is a comodity. And it is a tool. Even the imagined promise of sex is a powerful tool. There are many girls out there who do understand this and capitalize upon it.
I am sure they do feel very demeaned all the way to the bank. Ka-ching.
Power is power is power.
Men do have to do stuff as demeaning in order to survive. They do have to do stuff as demeaning in order to obtain power. It is the same for everyone. Power is not free.
Butch fanatical feminists idealize the lives of guys. Yet guys do have it as hard as we do. Some times more. Some times less. No one does have it easy. The more power one does want the less easy it is. Everyone who does want to get somewhere does have to humiliate oneself, capitalize on what he or she has, and use her or his cards smartly.
I said I liked it, I didn't say "All dialogue in every RPG must be gender neutral" (though I would like to see more of it). And just because I want player sex to be a cosmetic option like skin/hair color or height doesn't mean I'm opposed to seeing different reactions to your character build which may include optional backgrounds.
Being treated different because of 'this' is fine. Being treated different because of 'that' is heresy. How utterly 'fair.' I.E: Impartial.
Allow me to LOL.
If you try to make a game with realism in mind you're not going to get a balanced set of advantages and disadvantages. I suppose you can just make stuff up, but that will just upset both misogynerds and women so why bother? A guard is not going to treat all women the same just like they wouldn't treat all men the same, so I don't see why that should be part of the criteria of how they react to you.
Isn't to have men and women be treated equally to 'just make stuff up?' Boys and girls are, gaspity gasp, different. All human societies and most of the animal world does understand that. Which does mean spiders are smarter than the 'we are all the same' strain of feminists. Ah, but I am sure you do not mind spiders as the females are the ones eating guys alive. Who cares about them, right? Horrible creatures, these guys. I am sure you do avoid them whenever you can. Most girls don't.
And why should both need to be more balanced than any other element in a game outside of your personal obsession with gender politics? The idea of creating diverse characters in a role playing game is to be presented with a different range of challenges, situations, and potential solutions. Just as a noble and a commoner or a wizard and a warrior should have different tools at their disposal a guy and girl should too. Because, newsflash, they are nothing alike.
Not to mention you do seem so obsessed with real world gender politics that you do seem unable to understand the way characters should interact with their enviroment and social context in a role playing game should be based on what does make sense in the internally consistent setting. And there are many examples in both history (many, many examples) of girls that did play a male dominated society to their advantage by being astute, hot, intelligent, and devious, and there are many in fiction as well. That's an option a girl in a game SHOULD have.
And to be honest I do find the idea of being able to play a game as Madame de Pompadour, Da-Ji, DiaoChan, Brita Tott, Stephanie Julianna Von Hohenlohe, etc would much more interesting and fun than to play yet another female warrior or female sorceress that does go toe to toe with giant monsters and elite warriors and does come on top every single time. Because, you know, I do fucking well understand that's not how it works. Better than you do, probably.
And I am sure they did feel very demeaned by having the fate of nations in their shoulders. Totally.
Much like how your physical appearance (aside from generic beauty/charisma stats or a made-up fantasy race) will never, ever be taken into account in a professionally-made RPG.
Things as such are why P&P will always be superior to CRPGs. So the CEO of that corporation fantasizes about blond haired, green eyed, big breasted jail bait? My Lammasu does go look for a good looking piece of jailbait to possess and then does use Lore of Tranfiguration/2 and Lore of Transfiguration/3 to carefully make her new host body into such a shape as Mister CEO secretly desires. Now gimme those bloody boni to all social interactions with him so I can fool him into signing a pact with me.
I am sure she will feel very demeaned all the way to the bank. Ka-ching. Let us see what does that foolish Earthbound does when I go all hostile takeover on his ass.