Since the level of wapanese in this thread dropped down recently, I'll post:
dat rack i can't even
Since the level of wapanese in this thread dropped down recently, I'll post:
Holy fuck am I getting my ass handed to me in Bunny Black 2.
Also cleared 10 floors of a dungeon, mapping every tile... crashes, didn't save.
Wizardry Gaiden IV, the text has to be reinserted on the proper points.. It crashes otherwise in some spots there.burial level for what?
Well, there were a fewhintspeppered in the analysis above, but we can give you a few more morsels to chew on: continuations and sequels certainly are in vogue these days, so you might want to keep yourears tuned for somespiritedadditions and somedoubletrouble.
Combat lines (at least as text) exist for every defensive skill, but they'll never be seen because the "current HP after taking damage" line is always used instead.
Through the end of chapter 10, characters spontaneously know things that they have no actual way of knowing because they happened off screen. Somehow, nobody on the writing team noticed this.
If you're on Ruputna or Naya's route, remember to read the descriptions for the unique skills they get, because apparently when Xuse ran out of development time, that's where they decided to put those two characters' entire plots.
I wanted a cap on HP-percentage-based damage skills (especially black) because stat multipliers are applied to them, so on Super Hard when you have big multipliers, they're ridiculously broken and make bosses that have very high HP laughably trivial because you're doing something like 25% HP * 4.5 as base damage, ie 113% of the boss's max HP (minus defense mitigation), but I'm pretty sure that was rolled back.
There are a ton of scripted auto-battles that are dummied out. I actually went through and implemented a bunch of the early ones, but some had comments like "voices not recorded, so removed" or "battle too difficult" for them, which is kind of inexplicable to me.
Skill definitions are a MASSIVE mess because they're all defined uniquely so there's no consistency enforced. Each level of each skill has a unique definition for each character. There's too many issues to list. My rule was to fix problems as they were found, but I believe that was overturned and some (all?) of my fixes even rolled back. I'm not sure though. I'll only list some of the most egregious errors that I found.