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Preview Truckload of new Oblivion screens at AG.ru

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Tags: Bethesda Softworks; Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

<a href=http://www.ag.ru>Absolute Games</a>, a Russian gaming site, has posted a <a href=http://www.ag.ru/articles/previews/3295>preview</a> of <a href=http://www.elderscrolls.com/>Oblivion</a>. Whether they hated or loved it is unknown, because those crazy Russians tend to write previews in Russian (must be some local custom), but - and that's a huge but - there are tons of never-seen-before screens of excellent quality, so check them out.
Thanks, <b>Balor</b>


Jun 30, 2005
SebastianCain1 said:
A direct translation using Babelfish...

The, roman numeral "IV black, with the veins of red lava" flickers against the white background and it is instantly changed by main menu... Us await the invasion of demonic creatures from another plan of reality, the searches for the disappeared heir of throne in the country, envelopped by chaos, the bitter battles, intrigues, tens of Quests, books, locations and, it goes without saying, modest role in the rescuing of peace. The time "X" will come at the end of November. But editorial staff AG fell out chance to be introduced with The Elder Scrolls 4 after one-and-a-half month to this date.

Travellers meets the portrait of avatara. Parameters a little: name, floor, race. At the disposal of the players of the same 10 national character as in Morrowind - elves, people, orki, kadzhity, argoniantsy... Here - the editor of appearance, with his aid changes the form of nose, the color of eyes, hair-do, build and age. To him far to the powerful "feЯ"- generators EVE Online, Star Wars Galaxies and The Sims 2; however, for "singla", where there are no thousands of other users, ready to estimate your stunning image, this collection will be sufficient. We press "Done", and the spaces Of tamrielya are opened... Stop. Our history has entirely different string. The first, which appears on the screen, damp camera of prison Imperial City. There and is bored hero with the class "Prisoner", pushing the chains, hung for the advertisement of the physical cursor Havok 2. This "rattle" - one of 9000 objects, which can be thrown, transposed, swung and moved.

Brief imprisonment is interrupted by the appearance of emperor uriel himself Septima OF THE VII in tracking of accurate guard- blades. But the ruler Of tamrielya interests completely prisoner, but his close "lone person". Kingly person attempts to run away from the hired killers, who were already straightened with its sons. The entrance into the secret tunnel, as a result of the surprising confluence of circumstances, is located exactly in our camera. Guardsmen bellow on us, requiring not interfere and under the threat of death not approach important persona. Prisoner is favored several words Of urielya. It is strange, face of obscure prisoner appeared to it in the sleep. It means, this encounter is nonaccidental. Bodyguard concerns by the palm of stone in the wall, and moldy beach chair falls through downward...

Thus, secret motion. It would be foolish to miss this possibility! Following the "liberators", we soon will see, that the monarch and his satellites pleased into the ambush. After waiting, until bloody secha ceases, we gather belongings from those fallen even we reveal that some remained. That zh, we try to find road independently, good, path to the long-awaited freedom is linear. Here begins "training" cave. Brief course lasts 20-30 minutes. Novices nenavyazchivo they train to fence, to shoot, to fling the sheaves of fire and will show that where it lies at the interface. Jails in Oblivion actually gloomy, although eye prick out. The torch obtained hereabout very by the way occurs. Warm orange light lights up accomodation, specks of light play on the moist walls. Almost immediately to us falls the panel, decorated with complex patterns, bow and scattering of arrows. In the battle with the thick rat, that jumps, aki facehugger in the film of "stranger", becomes clear - it is necessary to get accustomed anew to the combat system. Earlier everything was reduced to "galochke" opposite the option "Always use the best attack" and to tedious zaklikivaniyu of enemies, and now without the tactics - anywhere. (although, of course, rodents, gobliny and zombi, which populate "training complex", troubles they do not reach.)

Main difference: Bethesda completely turned from the element of chance to close battle. Presently principle WYSIWYG - that you see, then you obtain. If your axe touched hostile small carcass, which means, it will cause the loss, value of which influence the success, energy, force, habits of the possession of weapons, its destructive power and state. The armor and the basic parameters of opponent also are considered. In each NPC is inherent its style of conducting battle, which dictates, for example, reaction rate. In proportion to advance in the military skills under wardship will learn new supers-method and forms of attack. Fortunately, the matter managed without the unscrewing it was finger - it suffices to stop up the left button of mouse, also, with the necessity to indicate the direction of header by the "switch" key. Correct became repulsion of attacks. From now on we repulse fallings out not automatically as in Morrowind, but by hand, starting panel, weapon and... naked hands. Benefit from the block - not only in the absorption of the part of the loss, but also in the fact that attacking experiences return and to the pair of seconds "is revealed" for the counterattack. Computer satisfactorily mastered this tactics, so that en garde, gentlemen. In Oblivion not any fight concludes with loss of one of the participants. You can ask the mercy, when you feel that the matter is pipe. Will be accepted apologies? It depends on that, to what extent hostility is deep. The rival also has a selection - to run away, to be returned to the favor of conqueror or to be beaten to the end. Next to the place, where was dragged along bow, stands the neglected well with the bucket on the rope. It is time to verify accuracy! Wooden tub is inclined under the weight of iron arrow, again demonstrating the quality of physical model. To vslast' after being trained, we approach the target similar to the porcupine and we again fill the become deserted quiver. In two steps hence - trunk and... the first lesson of thievish craft. Mode to the mini- arcades with the locks, without which today do not bypass stealth-3kweny, reached also TES. Conditions are simple: it is necessary on the turn to raise upward and, deftly clicking by mouse, to fix all freely being moved pins. In different bolts - different degrees of complexity. If it was possible to manage rapidly the simple copies, then with the slier it was necessary to bustle and to destroy dozens of master keys. One additional adoption in associates of the adjacent shop - "reserved" regime, realized approximately as in Thief: The Dark Project. We sit down ourselves on haunches, and sight mutates into the mark of eye. The brighter the eye, the higher the probability that they will reveal us. Developers assert that the game of light and shadow will become help for the robber; however, we succeeded herself in steal up to goblinu, holding the blazing torch (!). who he knows, suddenly bedolaga too was absorbed in by the preparation of caught zveryushki...

It's a kind of magic
magic changed due to the impressive visual effects and the violent fantasy of art- command Bethesda, after becoming finally by dangerous and in the beginning magician - indeed the reserve of polygon constantly is renewed! Even "fireball" can prove to be the reason for many misfortunes. But is considerably more important the fact that to kastovat' the incantations solve when conveniently. Furthermore, it is not necessary to remove weapon and to throw up hands - pressure of one key will be sufficient. Harmful grasses, previously flown away into the debris basket, now sgodyatsya in the economy. Grease by the local analog of curare the blade of sword, and let the enemy be disturbed about the antidote. At the same time for amateurs to drink hundreds of useful beverages at once it is necessary to die - it is possible to accept as many as volley potions, your qualification of alchemist as allows. The collectors of herbaria will find how to study - flora Of sirodila counts more than 120 it is specific plants, from the customary aloe to that being illuminating in darkness nirnroot (with it, by the way, it is connected special Quest).

For the change to the nightmarish inventory of epoch TES 3 arrived accurate table. In its columns are reflected small ikonki of objects, their name, the par value, weight, worn out nature, inflicted loss (weapons) and strength (armor). Five filters are provided for the taming of information flow. Similarly arranged the enumeration of accessible invocations. The prompts float up during the guidance of cursor to the object lying at the knapsack. You learn from them, that the rat meat decreases staminu and it possesses three additional unknowns to you by the properties (they will be opened by the fact, who will select for the "quarry" of travnika). In the left lower angle of window the current and maximum permissible weight are shown. Alas, when you select unowned things, the numbers are not visible. Frequently it occurred so that, pozarivshis' to the heap of good, we then could not move from the place. Then game scrupulously keeps account of all our acts, filling the long roll of statistics. Which there only is not: much whether described jokes and did destroy monsters, good they were developed, what price the police for your criminal head (with pair of lines below - the counter of murders), appointed, that are above - your glory (fame) or bad reputation (infamy)... Someone in Bethesda conducted as the minimum one evening after Fable.

After frying with tens of rats, after notching (but once - after covering with logs) the tribe of khamovatykh goblinov and after opening numerous trunks, we we fall from the catacombs into the palace basements, where we again meet Urielya and its formation. The minutes, diverted to the instruction, and the period of life of monarch inexorably approach toward the end. Its majesty is turned to us, simultaneously giving to select zodiacal sign (with its pluses and minuses). It transfers to hero the amulet of kings, capable of shutting gates in the measurement of the ominous of didra (daedra) - Oblivion, and to avert the unavoidable loss of entire real. It will be possible to use artifact only for that, in whose veins the blood of dragon flows, that is to say, to the last remaining himself among the living son of emperor, whose track has long ago been lost. And here Septima overtakes the treacherous impact of killer. What to make?! Strazhnik, which survived in the unequal struggle with the crowd of scoundrels, prompts, where to go further. Came the final stage of the modelling of electronic double - selection of finished class or the creation of its own (custom). This part of the role system underwent separately thorough modification. The basic parameters moved from the previous "series": force (Strength), intellect (Intelligence), the force of will (Willpower), adroitness (Agility), speed (Speed), endurance (Endurance), charm (Personality) and success (Luck). A quantity of combat, magic and thievish talents is reduced to 21 - 7 main things and 14 secondary. Skills conditionally are divided into the troikas, in each - their key attribute. It is similar, unbalance A -l4 morrowind at this time not will be. In order "to pump through" habit, use it at the first opportunity. Let us say, player, who prefers to pierce bodies by sword or dagger, to the perfection it ovladeyet by blades (Blade). Steps of development - five: novice (Novice), student (Apprentice), specialist (Journeyman), expert (Expert) and master (Master). New rank gives the perceptible advantages. For example, experimental mechnik will be able to stun or it to temporarily be sultry victim. To the note to the traders: that moved "Mercantile" will make it possible to pack money into the commercial points, which bring profit. * * * we did not begin to suffer from the selection of class. To us immediately caught the fancy Spellsword - magician- soldier. Was located small filament in the searches of the disappeared cesarevitch, and we hurried to be selected from the stuffy tunnels, towards the spaces and the adventures. Before the output at liberty the authors proposed as should be thought over and replaced everything, up to the race, but us this did not entice...

Ok, I know it's rough but it's something....

I think they liked it....


Jul 15, 2004
FINALLY some decent screenshots of what the game looks like and what different components will be like. Very nice. :)


Feb 26, 2005
The screens are nice. Models look good for the most part. Outdoor environments are nice. Indoors need some work. Of course, I'd be nice to know what it said about the actual gameplay. Those crazy Russians.

Crappy Bablefish Translation Wrote said:
tens of Quests


Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
The visuals look nice, but that big-ass font is killing me. That alone tells you that the dialogues are crap. Oh well....


Aug 20, 2005
Holy shit, that's a PC interface at 1024x768? Does box include a new mouse with spare scrollwheels?


Feb 26, 2005
Vault Dweller said:
The visuals look nice, but that big-ass font is killing me. That alone tells you that the dialogues are crap. Oh well....

One can only hope there is an option to shrink the font for those of us who are over the age of 10.


Jul 15, 2004
Chefe said:
Vault Dweller said:
The visuals look nice, but that big-ass font is killing me. That alone tells you that the dialogues are crap. Oh well....

One can only hope there is an option to shrink the font for those of us who are over the age of 10.

What does big font have to do with age? Last time I checked 10 year olds weren't blind.


Mar 11, 2004
Project: Eternity
Font has more to do with attention span. Big font, less words, less annoying "reading."


Feb 26, 2005
Well, okay not 10, but more around 6-8 years old. Last I remember, that's when I started reading books that weren't made up of big-ass text. It's easier for children to read big fonts (they usually follow the words with their fingers) before they move on up to higher level books which feature smaller fonts (usually around the 4th grade). These fonts are still big, and until a child hits junior high (middle school) they won't reach the normal size of fonts that we see in novels.

And jiujitsu is right, larger fonts means its catering to those with less attention spans. Usually these kids are young (hence my age comment). But really, I think those font sizes are too rediculous for even them. Not to mention that big words = less text.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
They sure are. I love the subtle hints: "I should bring [insert item] to [insert name]". Brilliant.


Feb 26, 2005
Vault Dweller said:
They sure are. I love the subtle hints: "I should bring [insert item] to [insert name]". Brilliant.

That's just fucking stupid, if you ask me.

"I should bring the root to an alchemist. I think there's one in every town!"

What, is your character a damn idiot? Or does this further go to prove the fact that Bethesda is targeting pre-teens?

Shagnak said:
I hope you can resize them.
They're gonna look ridiculous on my 19 inch monitor :(

Mom: "Son, I brought you cookies!"
Kid: "Hi mom! I'm playing Oblivion!"
Mom: "Oblivion? It looks like Reader Rabbit."
Kid: "No... it's a highly sophisti..."
Mom: "Do you think little Susie down the street could use that to help her reading skills? She needs nice big letters like that."


Sep 11, 2005
I hope all NPC to NPC dialog isn't shit like, "Did you hear about the screams coming from such and such manor? Someone should go clear it out so old man so and so can sell it," and, "Daedra are attacking the miscellaneous village! I hope someone will help!" etc etc. I want some bullshit chit chat that's interesting or funny or just for color, not someone insinuating I go do something all the time.

And it's incredibly clear what audience Bethesda is targeting. Oblivion will sell because of how it's being marketed. Oh well. I give up. I won't buy it. I'll install a "friends" copy and play for a few days or something then forget about it, then play 6 months later when the community has improved all the stupid shit via mods.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
tanjo said:
I hope all NPC to NPC dialog isn't shit like, "Did you hear about the screams coming from such and such manor? Someone should go clear it out so old man so and so can sell it," and, "Daedra are attacking the miscellaneous village! I hope someone will help!" etc etc. I want some bullshit chit chat that's interesting or funny or just for color, not someone insinuating I go do something all the time.
You do realize now that it aint gonna happen, and that's one of the reasons no dialogue screens have been shown before?


May 19, 2005
You presume the modders will "fix" the game.

Problem is modders work for games they like and try to inprove some areas, Morrowind was a good RPG that could be improved with mods, if modders are simply turn off by Oblivion they will simply not going to use the Construction Set to "correct" the issues the game have, we dont pay 50$ for the chance to complete a game.


May 18, 2003
59°19'03"N 018°02'15"E
What worries me the most is inventory - if what we're getting on pc isthis, it'll tear my hair out.

Graphics looks good, albeit not as flashy as in official screenies - ruskies graphic card not up to par, or just showcased on a ridiculous superior machine earlier. I like the art design very much, which is a big effin plus, considering I hated a lot of how things looked in Morrowind. I don't mind weird - I mind freaky.


May 19, 2005
Tear your hair out because in ports you never get anything but the console version.

Oblivion is a port.

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