Behold: the announcement trailer for Goldwell's upcoming three-mission campaign!
TBH the best way to confirm is to watch a Let's Play (there are tons) or just download it and play the starting missions (Training, A New Job, The Tears of St. Lucia).Is this actually any good? How does it compare to Thief 1 - 3?
There is an official campaign now, and that's the three-mission series consisting of A New Job, St. Lucia and a yet unreleased mission scheduled for the next update. There are two more complete campaigns: No Honor Among Thieves (three missions) and the Thomas Porter Series (eight missions). The rest are in various stages of completion, though they are playable on a mission-by-mission basis.There is no official campaign though, only fan missions. Melan might be able to say how far the Crucible of Omens campaign has progressed so far.
No idea what that is, but unlikely unless someone comes in and implements it. TDM is a shoestring operation. People sometimes get the idea there is a large hidden team working silently behind the facade, but it's more like two or three really dedicated guys working their asses off. The current priority would be to get soft shadows working properly; there is an advanced prototype, but some key problems haven't been resolved yet, and SteveL, who did most of it has gotten a terrible case of burnout. Major features do get picked up sometimes, but they'd have to be backwards-compatible (i.e. they shouldn't break any existing maps).Is there any chance the TDM folks could implement the recently released Steam Audio engine? Realistic sound propagation is really really important to a Thief game, and the one in TDM sucks.
It is good. I still like Thief 2 more but TDM does some things differently to the old games that you might consider improvements:
- it has better AI
- AI is harder to knock out and there are less exploits
- more dynamic lighting (although the last time I played it, it sometimes looked a little silly, like fire behind an oven grate that would cause wildly dancing shadows)
- sneaking is a little harder, running over stone and wood makes AI turn their head around and they can spot you that way
- yes, AIs here will often turn their heads into a direction they heard something from; vision cone follows their eyes. There are also some one-eyed AIs that are easier to sneak past from the blind side
- the sound propagation isn't as good as in the old Thief games
- I find the visuals of the old Thiefs to be more atmospheric but that comes down entirely to taste; I just like late 90s/early 00s graphics better than the more modern-looking Doom 3 engine
As far as gameplay goes, it has all the things that Thief 1 and 2 had. It has flashbombs, it has rope arrows, it has climbing and mantling and all of that stuff. It's as faithful to the original gameplay principles as a spiritual sequel can be.
I haven't played TDM for a while (maybe 2 years) but I plan to get back into it and play some of the recent FMs. The quality of early TDM missions is a fair bit below the contemporary Thief FMs, but by now they're starting to reach the level of quality of the better T2 FMs.
So yes: TDM is definitely worth checking out if you like Thief. There are some top-tier fan missions available to play and since it's all entirely 100% free there is no reason not to try it out.
There is no official campaign though, only fan missions. Melan might be able to say how far the Crucible of Omens campaign has progressed so far.
We have also created a GreenLight presence on Steam. Please feel free to stop by and vote if you want The Dark Mod to be a permanent resident on the Steam platform.
We're in the #1 position. That's not a guarantee, but let's hope it helps.Damnit, this game has to get on Steam before the greenlight system is closed. I hope you are getting good votes.
Valve walkes mysterious ways when it comes to greenlight, but I hope the #1 position will get you there either way.We're in the #1 position. That's not a guarantee, but let's hope it helps.Damnit, this game has to get on Steam before the greenlight system is closed. I hope you are getting good votes.
I've been toying with the idea of learning it. I'll set some time aside once my schedule clears up a go learn how to make a mission.![]()
Nice.Soft shadows are in the testing phase, and coming along nicely. I think some of that other stuff is also in the works, along with a good deal of performance optimising work.
It is going on fairly slowly because people are doing it in their free time, but there is constant progress on the dev forums.
If there is any way I can donate, let me know.