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Underrail DEEP STALKERS are total shit!!!


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
Anyone have an idea of how to spot them outside of using cheatengine to have endless ap and going around until you bump in to them?


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
Avoid them altogether
Nope,they see me even if i have max stealth for my level(15) and no debuffs from equipment. They just teleport to me and sting me.
Also ignoring is for the cucks,everything falls before my spray!

Throw grenades all over the place like you're the US military and hope for the best.
My throwing skill is at 0,my guy couldn't throw a flayer let alone a grenade. Oh also you loose turn that way and they just rush to you,sting you and disappear again.


Dumbfuck Zionist Agent
Sep 29, 2010
Al Scandiya
Traps and chokepoints. Every schmuck can use the basic bear trap, they immobilize the prey and those are good enough.

Molotovs are also good, not so much for damaging them, but as in the case of traps, they reveal them so you can pew pew.

Also, can't stress this enough: YELL! It reveals hidden enemies within line of sight, extremely useful against prestige crawlers.


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
Traps and chokepoints. Every schmuck can use the basic bear trap, they immobilize the prey and those are good enough.

Molotovs are also good, not so much for damaging them, but as in the case of traps, they reveal them so you can pew pew.

Also, can't stress this enough: YELL! It reveals hidden enemies within line of sight, extremely useful against prestige crawlers.
Traps are extremely useless from what i have seen,they attack you before you can arm them,also i haven't met a stalker in place where you can use a chockhole with a trap.


Dumbfuck Zionist Agent
Sep 29, 2010
Al Scandiya
Chems don't work against prestige crawlers because you get HIT HARD for using any kind of medication due to their speshul debuff (at least on dominating, and what kind of fagget plays anything else). As for chokepoints, the Biocorp bunker is a prime example, one of the rooms has a bunch of buff stalkers, but you can trap the door tile and kill them as the frontcrawlerman is stuck in the trap. In the upper caves east of the Hanging Rat there is also a place where you can run into a more narrow passage (assuming you enter from the north) and slap down some traps before combat starts. There are many such cases, just use your brain.

If you still can't get them, there is always gas grenades. In the bunker, you can simply attract them, throw a bunch of toxic grenades and close the door. They'll choke to death as you exit combat, and you can simply waltz in and claim the loot. Toxic gas is the most OP tactic in the game in my opinion.


Jan 8, 2009
It's quite fun to be in an area where you suspect the crawlers are. I tend to lay traps in various places - or even stick around in a single-tile corner with a trap in front of me.

You can, AFAIK, see their outlines when they pass just by you, so you have to use your eyes too. Kalin's listed some other options.

Sometimes, if your character's simply not built for high PER, traps, etc., then you might simply walk in knowing that a crawler is on you - carrying plenty of antidotes and some way to stun the crawler once he attacks, so that his initial attack is the last thing that it does.

Definitely nowhere near difficult or ridiculous that you need to cheat it.


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
It's quite fun to be in an area where you suspect the crawlers are. I tend to lay traps in various places - or even stick around in a single-tile corner with a trap in front of me.

You can, AFAIK, see their outlines when they pass just by you, so you have to use your eyes too. Kalin's listed some other options.

Sometimes, if your character's simply not built for high PER, traps, etc., then you might simply walk in knowing that a crawler is on you - carrying plenty of antidotes and some way to stun the crawler once he attacks, so that his initial attack is the last thing that it does.

Definitely nowhere near difficult or ridiculous that you need to cheat it.
Yeah i know that i can see stealth units but it is only a tile or two away,i use the speedhack and it is nearly impossible to spot the stalkers. Their sting ability looks like range thing or are they super fast. Most of the times i get hit while in stealth from 10ish tiles away. I wouldn't have minded to take the hit if they didn't disappeared after that,it is really annoying ability. I have noticed that running away and waiting the stun out gives you just enough distance for them to run next to you but not having enough AP for attack,thus giving you the opportunity to fuck them up. Also the gas grenade is informative,still doesn't change the fact that i have 0 in throwing.


Jan 8, 2009
...why the fuck would you still be on speedhack if you know you are in hostile territory trying to spot near-invisible fuckers?

With my 'dumbest' characters it was just a matter of taking the hit, using the time they disappear to antidote and get ready.

You can still try and throw shit with 0 throwing, just like Fallout. Might have unintended consequences.


Resident Zoomer
Jul 1, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I fucked hated the stalkers when I first encountered them and thought they were the most broken thing ever. Of course, after I played a little more and understood how they worked, I realized that I just needed to "git guud". Mind posting your build? At level 15, you really shouldn't be having to much of a problem with just ONE stalker, especially after once you realize they're there. Plus, they really are an example of a stealth enemy done right. Dropping a flare and having the stalker appear like three spaces in front of you is really fucking thematic and makes for some oh shit moments.


Dec 30, 2011
I don't remember stalkers causing me much trouble, I'd usually mow them down with rifle auto fire in a turn or two.
Jul 26, 2015
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Bubbles In Memoria A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. My team has the sexiest and deadliest waifus you can recruit.
I don't remember stalkers causing me much trouble, I'd usually mow them down with rifle auto fire in a turn or two.
When I played I was doing heavy armour hammer build, so I just tanked the hit and threw whatever to get them to show up.


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
I have already killed a dozen of them,still annoying as hell.

Another thing that just annoyed me is how the factions in the core city that you can't do other faction's quests if you join. It felt like the PoE dozens. Had to replay shit because of it.


Sep 24, 2013
If you know (or suspect) where the stalkers are, don't rush in, stand in place for 10 seconds and your character should spot them before they spot you. This also avoids accidentally running into a stealthed stalker.


Jan 8, 2009
I have already killed a dozen of them,still annoying as hell.

Another thing that just annoyed me is how the factions in the core city that you can't do other faction's quests if you join. It felt like the PoE dozens. Had to replay shit because of it.

Or you could just... live with your choice.

So you're speedhacking into deep stalker territory and getting annoyed, then you're using up the time you saved reloading and replaying just because you missed out on a couple of quests. Sounds pretty shitty way to spend your time, but it's your life.
Jan 1, 2011
If there's a chokepoint you can use caltrops to spot them. Just throw them and then wait, and when you see them start taking damage in the combat log throw a grenade to reveal them. Should work even with 0 throwing, since even hitting them with the very edge of the blast is still good enough. Also has the advantage that combat starts with them in a field of caltrops, which makes it a lot harder for them to rush you. It's really cheap, but hey.
If you want to be less cheap you can also just manually start combat and then move so they can see you (you can tell when they have, since it won't let you end combat), and then run away and end turn. They can't move that fast in stealth so if you have high MP they won't be able to catch you, but you'll know they're moving towards you so it helps narrow things down.


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
I have already killed a dozen of them,still annoying as hell.

Another thing that just annoyed me is how the factions in the core city that you can't do other faction's quests if you join. It felt like the PoE dozens. Had to replay shit because of it.

Or you could just... live with your choice.

So you're speedhacking into deep stalker territory and getting annoyed, then you're using up the time you saved reloading and replaying just because you missed out on a couple of quests. Sounds pretty shitty way to spend your time, but it's your life.
Uhhh fucking fanboys :roll:. I don't go around on max speed and wondering why i get fucked by stalkers,i just point it out for the possibility that it could bug the game and making stalkers very fast outside of combat.

Stop whining while white knighting the game. The game have some bad design decisions,that is pretty obvious.

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